Friday, May 31, 2019
Teaching Philosophy :: Educational Teachers Classroom Essays
Teaching Philosophy What is a teacher? According to, a teacher is defined as a soul whose occupation is teaching. In my opinion, there is more to being a teacher than just teaching. A teacher should look at there job as a chance to make a difference in a nippers life. A teacher must be a friend, mentor, and sometimes be a parent figure. Teachers should challenge students to their fullest potential. A teacher should expect more out of a student than just memorizing brains then forget close to them in the future. It is a teachers responsibility to educate students so they willing be prosperous in the future. The idea of helping a child succeed in life gives me the motivation to want to become a teacher. The first question a teacher must ask him or herself is, how do I help these students learn? There are a couple ways to go about educating students, but in my opinion, students must be challenged. The idea of a student using their pro blem resolving skills and going through critical thinking processes is based on the idea of progressivism. Progressivism has some very Copernican concepts. One is the idea of a teacher being meditative. A reflective teacher has the characteristics of being thoughtful and inventive. A teacher who has the quality of being reflective looks back at the past and tries to figure out what helps their students to be successful. Another important part of progressivism deals with the teaching method. In my opinion, cooperative tuition, critical thinking, and problem solving are the most important teaching methods of progressivism. Let us look at the idea of cooperative learning first. When a teacher uses cooperative learning activities in their teaching methods, they are allowing students to participate in root work. Group work is very important for students. Group activities allow students to learn how to deal with problems that will face them down the road for ins tance how to work with others. Some students may be shy or not be a people-person. The idea of group based activities gives these students the chance to work with their classmates.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Comparison of The Lamb and The Tyger by William Blake Essay -- The Lam
When do we change? When do we change from being the innocent children beau ideal send into the world, to the corrupted ones that bequeath the earth? William Blakes Songs of Innocence and Experience examine these different states. Blake wanted to show the two contrary states in the human being mind. The dear and the Tyger are just vehicles for Blake to express what he feels happens to people as they grow, develop and eventually become perverted by the world around them.Blakes orbit and occupation greatly influenced the style and content of his poems. He lived during the 18th Century when the church was beginning to lose its grip on British golf-club experience was rising up against the church. Blake was part of a group known as the Romantics. He began to challenge the church believing that an individual could discover paragon without passing game to church. His poems The Lamb and The Tyger reflect this, as he is telling how God created these two animals and on another level ho w he created humanity.We are called by his find out (The Lamb)The communicate that Blake is trying to convey in this line is that it is God who calls us to discover him. He is saying that no one else has the power to tell you what to imagine not even the church. God and the individual are the only ones privy to this ultimate powerHis role as an engraver and artist is reflected in the details he gives intimately the two animals. In The Tyger he describes it as, burning bright. He is describing it from a painters perspective in the way he is talking of the tigers colouring.At the time Blake was writing The Lamb the French Revolution was taking place. Blake was very supportive of the revolution, as he was deeply concerned about(predicate) the abject social, economic and political ... and see them asnormal. It is then that people change from being the untaintedchildren God sent to earth to the corrupted adults that leave it. deeds CitedBlake, William. The Tyger. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. David Damrosch and et al. 2nd ed, Volume 2A. New York Longman, 2003.Blake, William. The Lamb. The Harbrace Anthology of Poetry. 3rd ed. Ed. Jon C. Stott, Raymond E. Jones, and Rick Bowers. Toronto Nelson, 2002. 97Internet Sources ConsultedBlake, William. The Tyger. Songs of Innocence and of Experience. DjVu Editions E-Books, 2001. meshwork 7 may 2015.Blake, William. The Lamb. Songs of Innocence and of Experience. DjVu Editions E-Books, 2001. Web 7 may 2015. Comparison of The Lamb and The Tyger by William Blake Essay -- The LamWhen do we change? When do we change from being the innocent children God sent into the world, to the corrupted ones that leave the earth? William Blakes Songs of Innocence and Experience examine these different states. Blake wanted to show the two contrary states in the human mind. The Lamb and the Tyger are just vehicles for Blake to express what he feels happens to people as they grow, develop and eventually become perverted by the world around them.Blakes background and occupation greatly influenced the style and content of his poems. He lived during the 18th Century when the church was beginning to lose its grip on British society science was rising up against the church. Blake was part of a group known as the Romantics. He began to challenge the church believing that an individual could discover God without going to church. His poems The Lamb and The Tyger reflect this, as he is telling how God created these two animals and on another level how he created humanity.We are called by his name (The Lamb)The message that Blake is trying to convey in this line is that it is God who calls us to discover him. He is saying that no one else has the power to tell you what to believe not even the church. God and the individual are the only ones privy to this ultimate powerHis role as an engraver and artist is reflected in the details he gives about the two animals. In The Tyger he des cribes it as, burning bright. He is describing it from a painters perspective in the way he is talking of the tigers colouring.At the time Blake was writing The Lamb the French Revolution was taking place. Blake was very supportive of the revolution, as he was deeply concerned about the poor social, economic and political ... and see them asnormal. It is then that people change from being the untaintedchildren God sent to earth to the corrupted adults that leave it.Works CitedBlake, William. The Tyger. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. David Damrosch and et al. 2nd ed, Volume 2A. New York Longman, 2003.Blake, William. The Lamb. The Harbrace Anthology of Poetry. 3rd ed. Ed. Jon C. Stott, Raymond E. Jones, and Rick Bowers. Toronto Nelson, 2002. 97Internet Sources ConsultedBlake, William. The Tyger. Songs of Innocence and of Experience. DjVu Editions E-Books, 2001. Web 7 may 2015.Blake, William. The Lamb. Songs of Innocence and of Experience. DjVu Editions E-B ooks, 2001. Web 7 may 2015.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The History of Linux Essays -- essays research papers
It all began in 1991, during the time of monumental computing development. DOS had been bought from a Seattle hacker by Bill Gates, for a sum of $50,000 a small price for an operating system that had managed sneak its way across the globe due to a clever marketing strategy. orchard apple trees OS and UNIX were both available, though the cost of running either was far greater than that of running DOS. Enter MINIX, an operating system developed from the stain up by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a college professor. MINIX was part of a lesson plan used to teach students the inner-workings of an operating system. Tanenbaum had written a book on MINIX called Operating transcription and anyone who had picked up a copy would find the 12,000 lines of code that comprised MINIX itself. This was a big issue due to the fact that all know ( closely published) operating systems to that point had been well guarded by software developers, thus making it difficult for people to truly expand on operating s ystem mechanics.Then came Linus Benedict Torvalds. At the time he was a sophomore majoring in Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, his hobby also included computer programming. At 21 he found himself spending most of his time toying with computer systems, trying to see what he could do in order to push their limits and increase their functionality. The profound missing in his tests was an operating system that had the flexibility craved for by professionals. MINIX was available, though it was still just a stu...
A Walk Through Reality With Stephen Crane Essay -- Biography Biographi
A Walk Through Reality With Stephen unfold Seeking and expressing the bare truth is often more difficult than typography stories of fiction. This truth can be harsher to the reader than works of fiction it can make an authors desire to reveal the essence of society through characters the reader relates to violent and unpopular. Stephen Crane wrote of ordinary people who face difficult circumstances that his readers could relate to (Seaman 148). Crane sought to debunk the ideas that were inherent in nineteenth-century literature, which depicted life in a more favorable, but often unrealistic, light. In Cranes works, Dorothy Nyren Curley says, There are no false steps, no excesses, (255). Cranes impoverished background helped him understand the cruelty of life. Cranes puerility was marred by tragedy. He was the youngest of fourteen children, but the four children born before Crane died within a year of their birth. When Crane was seven, his father died when he was twelve, his si ster ,who had nurtured his budding literary interest, died as well, and two years later an older brother was crushed to death by two freight cars. These misfortunes wrought Cranes insight into human nature his works emphasized ordinary people facing the evils of war and poverty and other obstacles Crane saw and endured himself. Despite his sisters death, Crane clung onto his literary interest, and at the age of twenty one, he wrote Maggie A Girl of the Streets. It is a story of a young woman, Maggie Johnson, who blossom(s) in a mud piddle (Maggie 16). Maggie grows up in the tenements of Manhattan, enduring abusive and alcoholic parents and the filth of poverty. With no education or money, Maggie takes a job in a cuff ... ...5/3/99). Crane, Stephen. Maggie Girl of the Streets. New York Bantam, 1984. _____. Red Badge of fortitude. New York Bantam, 1983. _____. The Open Boat. New York Bantam, 1984. Curley, Dorothy Nyren. American Writers A Collection Of Literary Biographies, Ne w York Ungar, 1960. McClurg, Alexander. Red Badge of Courage Critical Reception Early Reviews . (5/7/99). Seaman, David. Stephen Crane. (5/7/99). Ungar, Leonard. Modern American Literature, New York Scribners, 1974. Vanouse, Donald. Stephen Crane (1871-1900). (5/7/99). Wyatt, Edith. Stephen Crane. The New Republic, v.4 no.45, 1915. Rpt. On electronic interlingual rendition Stephen Crane. (5/7/99).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Personal Narrative- Shoulder Injury :: Personal Narrative Essays
Personal Narrative- Shoulder InjuryI felt it pop, and pain engulfed my shoulder like ants cover an formicary that has been stirred with a stick. It made me angry, but it didnt help things to get mad. There was nothing I could do but try to recover in eon to start over. Giving up wasnt an option.My junior year in high school, I went out for basketball game. I liked it for a while, but when games started I was on JV. It was okay, but I was only getting to play two minutes per game. This didnt make me very happy. With all the time that I was putting in to play, it proficient wasnt worth it. My dad told me to just stick it out. Some of my friends told me that I should just switch to wrestling. I didnt know if this was possible, so I talked to the coach. The coach said he would be glad to have me on the team, but I would have to talk to the counselor. I talked to him and explained why I wanted to switch sports and he gave me the go a organise. There was only one thing standing in my w ay how was I going to persuade my parents to let me wrestle. I talked to my dad about it and he said that if that was really what I wanted to do then that would be fine. I decided that I would play one more game of basketball and if things didnt get better, I would switch. Things didnt get better. I went in once for two minutes.I got my weight certified and started wrestling over Christmas break. My first practice was horrible. The head gear straps made my head raw and I got my butt kicked. I didnt know anything compared to the other guys in the 135 weight group. I learned a lot from them, though, and as time progressed, I got better and could actually wrestle with them. I found that there were round moves that wouldnt work on me, because my shoulders were very flexible. It was great, because some kids were afraid that they were tearing up my shoulders, so, they wouldnt use some of the techniques that they regularly would have. Finally, I had enough practices to wrestle in a meet. I was nervous, because it was my very first meet, and it was a varsity meet that our JV was going to.
Personal Narrative- Shoulder Injury :: Personal Narrative Essays
Personal Narrative- Shoulder InjuryI felt it pop, and pain engulfed my shoulder like ants cover an anthill that has been stirred with a lodge. It made me angry, solely it didnt help intimacys to get mad. There was nothing I could do but try to recover in time to start over. Giving up wasnt an option.My junior year in high school, I went out for basketball. I liked it for a while, but when games started I was on JV. It was okay, but I was only acquire to play two minutes per game. This didnt make me very happy. With all the time that I was putting in to play, it just wasnt worth it. My dad told me to just stick it out. Some of my friends told me that I should just switch to wrestling. I didnt know if this was possible, so I talked to the coach. The coach said he would be glad to have me on the team, but I would have to talk to the counselor. I talked to him and explained why I cute to switch sports and he gave me the go ahead. There was only one thing standing in my way how was I termination to persuade my parents to let me wrestle. I talked to my dad about it and he said that if that was really what I wanted to do then that would be fine. I decided that I would play one more game of basketball and if things didnt get better, I would switch. Things didnt get better. I went in once for two minutes.I got my weight certified and started wrestling over Christmas break. My first practice was horrible. The head gear straps made my head bleak and I got my butt kicked. I didnt know anything compared to the other guys in the 135 weight group. I learned a lot from them, though, and as time progressed, I got better and could actually wrestle with them. I found that there were some moves that wouldnt work on me, beca drop my shoulders were very flexible. It was great, because some kids were afraid that they were tearing up my shoulders, so, they wouldnt use some of the techniques that they regularly would have. Finally, I had enough practices to wrestle in a meet. I was nervous, because it was my very first meet, and it was a varsity meet that our JV was going to.
Monday, May 27, 2019
How to Write a 20 Page Research Paper in Under a Day
How to frame a 20 Page Research Paper in Under a Day So youve procrastinated again. You told yourself you wouldnt do this 2 months ago when your professor assigned you this. But you procrastinated anyway. Shame on you. Its due in a some hours. What are you going to do? Pick a Topic The important thing about this is to think of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, no matter how silly or far-fetched. Itll bring your professor go hmm, didnt think about that one. You can even get your friends to help you with this one. The more the merrier. Its best to do this on a computer, because grade everything Put your most obvious argument first. Then put weird off the wall stuff, regardless of importance. Put the strongest argument for your case next. Now name the incidents that will help argue for your point. Dont know of any incidents in the news to help argue your point? Thats ok. Make up some, except keep it rightfully really generic. When it have intercourses time to quote the source, remember this There are over 6 billion people in the world. There are countless newspapers and other sources that document people doing stuff.If you list incidents that are generic replete and your government issue isnt extremely weird, at least one person out there has do something notable/stupid/crazy enough to make it to the news. likewise, people have sued from each one other over everything imaginable. Find a court case database. Your topic has SOMEHOW manifested itself in court at some point in history. I can almost guarantee it. Just make sure that the situations you come up with are physically possible. Now, list everything that could be construed to be the answer to the question if elected, what would you do about this issue? Its best to keep all this in the form of an outline.Spaces Now add several lines of space under each bullet. Keep adding spaces until your text document has reached the goal size of your paper. Now print it out. consume the hell away from your computer The reason why you should do this is because everyone magically becomes ADD when they are near a computer. You can check your AIM messages later. Write Write a fiery rant in each of the spaces you alloted. Get pumped. Just dont begin every paragraph with I swear upon my fathers grave Also try not to repeat yourself too much. Be very specific. Talk to your reader as though theyve never heard of your subject before.Write at about the same size that your typed version will be. Dont worry too much if you dont fill in all the spaces. But if you feel strongly enough about your topic, then this really shouldnt be a problem. If youre like me and cant think linearly you can skip around as much as you want. Go Back Inside Type everything. Youll also notice more things occur to you as you type. Go ahead and throw them in in the corresponding categories. Dont dance around too much at this point though. Maintain focus and bash out that essay as fast as possible. Although you should do this as fast as possible, be a typo nazi.Those little things really make it evident you did this at the last minute. Time for that whole research give away Believe it or not, nothing you said was original. Remember what I said earlier about 6 billion people? Apply now. Pick each topic/case/scenario/subpoint. Anything you had to say about those has already been said by some scholar or professor or newspaper. Google it up. It wont take long. Take a few key words from your main argument of each section and see what you get. Paraphrase their main argument or quote a few lines. Add the proper citations. Do NOT plagiarize. Formatting Print. Turn in. Good job. Have a cookie.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Junot Diaz Treflection
JuJunot Diaz Reflection From what I had previously read and heard from about Junot Diaz, I expected the typical vocaliser that usually stops by our campus tall male, dressed in a suite, with a charming personality. Knowing he was a Hispanic author I felt like I would be exposed to nothing new during his renditions or presence for that matter ( seeing as how being from Colombia and have had a lot of exposure to Hispanic authors).This immediately changed as a couple classmates and I got together to walk over to Sorenson Hall, and, as I we were walking to the auditorium, entrap multiple students heading to the same even but not because their curriculum required it but rather because they were so intrigued to hear him speak. Obviously, this triggered my own interest in what this author, that I originally found so predictable, had to say. From the moment he set foot on the stage to when he said goodbye, I was intrigued.Diaz evoked a casual atmosphere through cursing and joking he made the crowd feel comfortable. What I found most interesting was how he explained the divergent views between him and his family and how looked negatively it seemed for him to become an artist. He also explained multiple aspects about the cultural differences, and talked about the concepts of trading your culture he explained how crazy it is to realize at our age that everyones dreams arent your dreams.I agreed with everything he had to say and I found the way he evoked his opinions, through casual conversation and a comical tone, to be very effective. What I found most interesting though, is how he compared writing to an art form which says the stuff people dont want to hear. As he was talking about this topic, I couldnt help but compare his style of writing to that of graffiti art. He holds a rebellious attitude towards society that makes his writing appealing.Attending this reading taught me much about the topic of learning by making mistakes. My whole life, Ive been raised view t hat mistakes shouldnt occur, and the fact that he mentioned that one should take time out to learn through failure and making mistakes caught my attention immediately. Attending Diazs reading has been one of the most interesting things Ive experience while at Babson and I know that when I type the last sentence of this reflection I am buying logging on to amazon and buying his book.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Life and Accomplishment of Madam Curie: Her Contribution to Science
Marie Madame Sklodowska, also known as Madam curie, was a French chemist, born November 7, 1987 in Poland. Her early years were know to be sorrowful, losing her mother and a sister, Marie was an early pioneer in the field of radiology, as well as winning cardinal Nobel prizes and founding the Curie Institutes in capital of France and Warsaw, she was noned for her diligent work ethic, she turned down food and sleep in order to study. (www. spaceandmotion. com/ physical science-marie-curie-biography. htm) As a child Marie learned to read at four years old, people were amazed with her memory at such a vernal suppurate.Her father, was a scientist who kept his instruments in a glass case, these instruments intrigued young Marie. Marie, at an early age wanted to become a scientist, but her dream would be difficult to accomplish due to her family being poor. At the age of eighteen, in order for her surviving sister study in Paris, Marie became a governess to help with the financials. I n return for helping her elder sister, Bronya financially, Bronya agreed to repay Marie by contributing to the cost of her studies after obtaining her own degree. (inventors. about. om/library/inventors/blMarieCurie. htm) At the age of twenty-four, and with the urging of her sister, Marie moved to Paris to study chemistry and physics at the Sorbonne. With her awesome work in physics Marie managed to win a scholarship, also because of her work she was paid by the Society of Encouragement of National Industry to investigate the magnetised properties of different steels. It was this that led Marie Sklodowska to capital of South Dakota Curie, for her work with metallic elements she needed a lab and capital of South Dakota agreed to let Marie use his lab for her work.Pierre had made of import discoveries on magnetism and crystals, and with the encouragement of Marie he wrote up his findings and got a Running Head Life and Accomplishments of Madam Curie doctorate degree which promoted him to a professor. (http//www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. htm) In July of 1895 Marie and Pierre married, Marie completed her research on the magnetic properties of steels two years ulterior. In September of 1897 shortly before giving birth to her daughter Marie submitted her final results on her study.It was after the birth of her daughter Irene Marie began looking for research that would earn her a doctorate degree, something no other women in the world had completed. It was consequently that Pierre and Marie together studied radioactive materials, mostly uranium ore uraninite. This ore strangely was more radioactive than uranium that was extracted from it by 1898 the two had deduced a logical explanation. This explanation was that the pitchblende contained traces of some unknown component that was radioactive.It was on December 26th 1898 that Marie announced the existence of the new substance she stated I then made the guesswork that the ores uranium and thorium contain in small quantity a substance much more strongly radioactive than either uranium or thorium. This substance could not be one of the known elements because these had already been examined it must therefore, be a new element. (Marie Curie, from Pierre Curie pp. 96-98) (www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. tm) Several years passed and Marie and Pierre never stopped their labor, they refined several tons of pitchblende, concentrating the radioactive components, initially isolating the chloride salts and two new elements. They named one of the new elements after Poland, Maries primordial land and the other was named uranium after its radioactivity. With their breakthrough discovery, other scientists did not believe them due to the amount of polonium and right ascension was so little that it could not see seen or weighed, only their radioactivity made them known. It was then the Running Head Life and Accomplishments of Madam CurieCuries knew they h ad t dissolve their elements from their substances they were mixed with, For this they had to continue there work in an abandoned shed near the school. (www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. htm) Soon after their move to the shed Industrial Industries helped the Curies by providing surplus lab space, raw materials and support staff, thus grew a thriving industry. Radium was used by other scientists for experiments on atoms. This confirmed what Marie had suspected, that the powerful energy showed in radioactivity was a fundamental property of every atom.In 1903 Marie, Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel were all awarded the Nobel Prize in physics, in recognition of the extraordinary function they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation syndrome phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel (www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. htm) After working in the lab one morning in 1906 Pierre Curie was walking to a library when he slip ped and fell into the path of an oncoming heavy horse-drawn wagon. The wagon ran over his head, instantly cleansing him. After his death Marie was offered his position as professor, no woman before had help such position, and she accepted.In Pierres memory Marie decided to work a scientific institution worthy of such honor, it was with the help of her staff that they persuaded the French government to and privet Pasture Foundation to fund Radium Institute. (www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. htm) In 1911 Marie was awarded her flash Nobel prize in chemistry. in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium m and polonium by the isolation of radiation and the study of the nature and compounds of the Running Head Life and Accomplishments of Madam Curie emarkable element Not only was Marie the frontmost female professor of Sorbonne she was also the first woman to receive two Nobel prizes.Some scientists disa greed with Marie winning the prize again, stating that the discovery of the elements were part of the first prize in 1903. Thus saying she had won two prizes for the same discovery, and it was more out of sympathy than anything. This was ignored most chemists considered that the discovery and isolation of radium was the greatest event in chemistry since the discovery of oxygen. (nobelprize. rg/nobel_prizes/physics/articles/curie/) During the first a World War, most of Maries staff had enlisted, so scientific research was forced to halt, so Marie looked for ways she could help with science. She then publishes new uses for mobile radiography units they would be used for the treatment of wounded soldiers. These mobile units were powered using tubes of radium emanation. This colorless radioactive gas would later be identified as radon. Marie personally milked the radium and filled the tubes. (www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. htm)Marie trained women in simple x-ray technology, and was a driver for one of the vans that located metal splinters. And sometimes found herself giving lessons to doctors in geometry. After the war most of her time was spent raising money for the Radium Institute. (nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/physics/articles/curie/) Marie Curie died July 4th 1934 from aplastic pernicious anemia, which is a disorder in which the bone marrow greatly decreases or stops production of blood cells. Its believed it is almost for certain due to her massive exposure to radiation throughout her work.Her daughter. Running Head Life and Accomplishments of Madam Curie Irene won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935, a year after her mothers death. Maries younger daughter, Eve wrote her biography after her death. (www. spaceandmotion. com/physics-marie-curie-biography. htm) Marie Madame Curie was essential to the discovery of radium and polonium. If it was not for her and her husband Pierre Curie, radiology would not be what it is today. Without her studies who knows how long it would have taken for another scientist to discover the two elements. It is thanks to Marie Curie that we be as far advanced in radiology that we
Friday, May 24, 2019
Meaning of life †Mind Essay
The meat of liveliness is a question that is thrown around from person to person asking them what they think. Some people have an view of what the meaning of carriage is and other has no clue. Some believe that you just live vitality and others believe while living life you discover the meaning. During this evidence I will be talking about what other people think about this question. When I had a conversation with my father about what the meaning of life is all about he had the same response to the question that basically everyone else had came up with. The one difference that he said while we were chatting was that life is full of choices and decisions.I thought long and gruelling for a while about what he said thinking that there was more behind it accordingly just what he had stated. What I came up with was that maybe he was implying that what we do during our term of living is what sets up the next thing that happens in life. So all(prenominal) choice that we make is sig nificant in that its not the meaning of life thats so important but the concept of what we do during life is the meaning. Some might disagree and imp still thinking about what my father has said to, but its just another point of view and I have no problem dateing at it from a different angle.Another big discipline when it comes to the question of the meaning of life is music. Music is a great delegacy to hear what other people and especially artist think about the meaning of life thought their songs. Sometimes its hard to hear but if you learn closely there is al slipway a message somewhere that says something about the meaning of life. For example in the song I dont wanna be By the artist Gavin Degraw he speaks out about what he thinks about the meaning of life threw what other people atomic number 18 and what he doesnt want to become. Im surrounded by liars everywhere I turnImposters everywhere I turn surround me Im surrounded by identity crisis everywhere I turn Am I the onl y one whos noticed? I potfult be the only one whos learned I dont want to be anything other than what Ive been trying to be lately All I have to do is think of me and Ive peace of mind Im tired of looking round entourage wondering what I got to do Or who Im seed to be I dont want to be anything other than me (www. sing365. com) What these lyrics argon basically saying is that he can see that everyone around him is human actioning like something that there not.Then he says that he doesnt want to act like everyone else and not know who he is but he just wants to be he and live life the way he wants to. The next topic that is a good place to find out the meaning of life is the creative minds of artist and there art work. Art work is always a good place to find out the meaning of life because again the artist have a message in there work enigmatical and you have to find what there saying. The only difference from music is instead of saying the message they paint the message in a for m of reach weather its a paining or its a sculpture. There is many ways that you can discover meaning of life.In some ways its not what you find the meaning of life in its more about what you perceive of the meaning of life. When you look at something like a painting or a song what do you think it is trying to say? Does it paint a picture in your head and what does that picture look like? I find that the best way to see the meaning of life is threw movie. Movies are an image of the life that we live but it shows us the true meaning of life in a way that we can all understand. People are blind when it comes to what makes them in this world. In a movie the character is set up to live there life and threw events shows us what makes them unique.In one movie the Shaw shank redemption the main character Andy is convicted for a murder that he doesnt commit and is forced to go to hail for life. In the movie you think that he has nothing to live for anymore but in a way they present what hi s meaning of life is and how it comes clear to the characters eyes. The character sees that he needs certine things in life to live. Friends was one of the things that he discovered was important to live a happy and full life. Hope is another one if you dont have hope then you have nothing to look forward to so then what is the point of living.The main thought in the movie was get busy living or get busy dieing. What this is suppose to mean is if your not going to start living and doing all the things you want to complete in life you might as well start on dieing. The meaning of life is very complex and you cant always pick up everything that its going to throw at you. Thats why movies, art and music in around so that other people who think about the topic more can show you there incite. If you listen and look at thoughts things you can learn things that will show you what the meaning of life is or at least what you can do to get started on living your life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Importance of Fresh Water Essay
All living things on Earth need fresh water in order to survive tho human beings become ill and may even die if they cannot get pure or clean and are forced to drink polluted water. benignant beings can only last 3 day without fresh water. People died of thirst after the cyclone in 1999 because their supply of fresh water from irrigation channels was washed-up form tidal waves. tho water is needed for many another(prenominal) to a greater extent purposes e.g. in agriculture and industries, but this water does not need to be fresh. patronage this there are still serious shortages in many countries for the purposes other than crapulence.CAUSES FOR SHORTAGE OF WATER1 The increases in populations, industries and irrigationThe growth of population in many countries means that more water is required. The growth of population leads to the need for more uprights and food. This leads to the increase in industries and in irrigated farmland. This means more water is required.2 The conta minant of fresh water suppliesEven if there is sufficient fresh water in a country it may not all be good for drinking. Many villages in Pakistan depend on wells and rivers for their fresh drinking water. However chemicals used in the fields by farmers pollute some of these drinking water supplies.3 the problems of the supply of fresh waterProblems of the supply of fresh water in both rural and urban areas exist in the countries and in some countries.a) Fresh Water Supplies In Rural AreasIn many rural areas in Pakistan and other countries there are no pipes o swing water to peoples homes or to their villages. Women and children may walk a long way each day to get their water.b) Fresh Water Supplies In Urban AreasMany villages have no piped water supply. But there are often serious problems of the supply of water even in urban areas where there are water pipes. This because of lack of distribution and transmission networks,leakages and power failures at pumping stations and because of rampant corruption in KWSB. It is also because hydrant owners keep up to defy government regulations.Possible solutions for shortage of water in PakistanTreatment of sewageIt has been suggested that water suitable for industry and agriculture could be provided by treating sewage. However this would require a new and separate network of pipes which would be expensive to construct.Desalination of sea waterThis suggestion was rejected up to 2004 because of the high greet of building the desalination plants. However, in 2004 plans were announced to build Pakistans first desalination plants at Korangi Creek in Karachi and near Port Qasim.Disadvantage of desalination processEven though the desalination process benefits us, it can also harm the environment on the other hand. It cost too much gold to pay for the plants. It reduces oxygen levels in the air and results in an increase of the density of any discharged waste water. Its unlimited source of water make more green house gasses so there for more pollution in the atmosphere .It doubles the amount of salt in the oceans and impacts on the environment for animals and humans.
Felons: Democracy and Equal Protection Clause
Coleman Wahlborg Richard English IV, 1A 9 September 2011 Felons and Voting This year 5. 3 million people will be un adequate to choose non because they be mentally unable, non because they argon underage, but because they atomic number 18 felons and ex-felons (Holding, 2006). Ex-felons are people who committed a felony and have served their penalization, dictated by the judiciary system, and are living in the community. When previous convicts are released from prison they are considered citizens again. Being a citizen, one is promised certain rights and responsibilities.As an ex felon one is a free citizen who can exercises the rights and responsibilities granted by the Constitution of the get together States of America. Since former felons have earned their rights back shouldnt this include voting? Whether ex-felons should be able to ballot or not is a very popular issue among people. The two sides in the issue can be fairly biased. Some people might know felons that they t hink should be able to vote and others are on the other side of the argument. However, research says that there are several reasons wherefore ex-felons should and shouldnt be able to vote.The Fourteenth Amendment states, no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or the immunities of citizens in the United States. This law sets forth that citizens have privileges and no one has the right to deprive citizens of these privileges. Current felons are not members of society, but previous felons civic rights are restored when they achieve their sentence. Denying ex-felons the right to vote abolishes their rights (Krajick, 2004). Only two states release current felons to vote, and ten states permanently prohibit former felons from voting (Zotti, 2000).This means that people who used deplorable judgment in the past, paid their debt to society, and were released from jail, are still being punished and shunned from being normal everyday citizens. Prohibitin g ex-felon voting is not only a punishment to them, but also to society (Should felons be allowed to vote, 2008). The people of United States will be fortunate if 40% of eligible voters cast a ballot for the next presidential election (Holding, 2006). Instead of prohibiting felon voting, we should require it (Holding, 2006).We should be finding ways to get people to the polls, not keeping them away. Ex-felons who are going to light to their ways are not going to be interested in having a voice in the government. Individuals who are not already deterred from crime by the threat of confinement are not likely to be swayed by the prospect of losing their right to vote (Mauer, 2004). Individuals who have changed are the ones that want to vote, and the ones who have not changed will most likely wind up in the criminal justice system again Voting is not a privilege it is the radical right that defines a citizen.Those denied it are, in effect, stateless people with turn out a country (K rajick, 2004). Voting is a right that defines a citizen in the since of when a person votes they are considered responsible and knowledgeable for not just complaining about the government but casting a vote to try to change things. When one does not vote, and is disconnected from the government in which they live, and they are stateless because they have no control over decisions that are made.The efforts to block ex-felons from voting makes those singulars feel more thoughtless from society, which increases the chance that they will continue to break the law (Williams, 2010). Past felons feel they cannot get involved in their government because they are turned away, which essentially leads so many ex-felons to resort to their old ways. In 2000, the Alexander v. Mineta Supreme court case that dealt with the Equal Protection article came to the conclusion The Equal Protection Clause does not protect the right of all citizens to vote, but rather the right of all qualified citizens t o vote. However, the Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive sanctions, and demands that punishment for crimes should be graduated and proportioned to the offence (Karlan, 2004). Therefore, felons who are released from jail have been punished for their crime more punishment on their part is inhumane of society. The states that continue to exclude all felons permanently are outliers, within the United States and the world (Karlan, 2004). passel who argue that ex felons should not have the right to vote believe that they have presented poor judgment and it is mirthful to let them help in he choosing of our representatives (Carlson, 2006). This is agreeable to a certain extent, but when one takes a deeper look, the harsh answer is former convicts are stereotype by most people. While these previous felons have presented poor judgment in the past, who is to say they will never change (Chapman, 2006)? The government lets ex-convicts marry, have children, accept and have the freedom of r eligion. In many places, the assumption is that ex-felons cannot be trusted to help choose our leader.If we thought criminals could never be reformed, we would never let them out in the first place (Chapman, 2006). There are many reasons why felons should be able to take place in the voting system all the same there are reasons why they shouldnt be able to. Felons become felons by presenting an act of poor judgment in most cases. Felons cannot vote for resembling reasons that children cant vote. We dont let children vote, for instance, or noncitizens, or the mentally incompetent. Why? Because we dont trust them and their judgment.We have different reasons for not trusting them, but it seems to me that that is their common denominator (Clegg, 2004). People who have committed crimes in their life have already shown us that they are not trustworthy people (Clegg, 2004). And, as to equity, if youre not willing to copy the rules yourself, you shouldnt be able to make the rules for eve ryone else (Clegg, 2004). Because voting determines in the long run who will make the rules for our country, there is no reason why the country should allow people who cant follow the rules, vote on the rules. Now, I will freely concede that there are felons who ought to have their right to vote restored, but that should be done on a case-by-case basis, weighing (a) how serious the crime was, (b) how recently it was committed, (c) whether there has been a series/pattern of crimes, and (d) whether the individual has otherwise shown that he or she has turned his or her life nigh (Clegg, 2004). Clegg states that not all felons are in the same category. It is understandable that murderers should not be allowed to vote. On the other hand, some people really have gone through a long process to change their life around for the better. The right to vote is not granted to those under the age of eighteen. That age limitation demonstrates that voting rights may be restricted when there is rea son to interrogation the potential voters good judgment (Latham, 2006). Latham shares similar ideas to Clegg on how the age limitation on voting and whether felons should be able to vote are connected due to prior judgment or lack there of. The interests of convicted felons might also differ from the primary interest of the American citizen dead body who want to be protected from criminals (Latham, 2006).A primary issue for the convicted felons as a whole is that 2/3 of felons released commit crimes within the next ternion years not counting the ones that were not caught. Holding, Reynolds. Why Cant Felons Vote? TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews TIME. com. 1 Nov. 2006. Web. 19 Oct. 2011. Krajick, Kevin. Why Cant Ex-Felons Vote? (washingtonpost. com). Wahlborg 2 The uppercase Post National, World & D. C. Area News and Headlines The Washington Post. 18 Aug. 2004. Web. 19 Oct. 2011. http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/articles/A9 785- 2004Aug17. html
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Amazon’s Marketing Strategy Essay
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the commercialiseing move of online retailer, Inc. provides a number of retail services as swell up as web and memory board services. The collective strategy framework, as discussed in Cravens & Piercys Strategic Marketing text, forget be use to examine the background of the order and define its current position. The corporal framework includes the fol infinitesimaling (1) incorporate mountain (2) corporate objectives toward vision (3) resources (4) business composition and (5) business design. The change strategy of the company depart be reviewed using Cravens & Piercys suggested grocery store strategy process. To assess the current marketing problems and opportunities, this paper takes a at hand(predicate) look at the companys current SWOT analysis, provided by GlobalData. In addition, strategic recommendations will be make for the companys prolonged growth.Amazon Inc.A companys market driven s trategy mandates more effective integration of activities and processes that impact node respect (Cravens & Piercy, 2009). As well as a consistent market driven strategy, an composition must be creative and ripe in order to compete in the global marketplace. Amazon, Inc. has developed an inventive marketing strategy by the use of the Internet. By becoming pi aceers in the e-commerce marketplace, the company has transformed retail. Amazon Inc. should evaluate their corporate and marketing strategies to make use of all available resources. The company has experienced some marketing failures but send word compose take advantage of existing marketing opportunities. In the 9th Edition of the text Strategic Marketing, Cravens & Piercy write, corporate strategies are concerned with how the company can achieve its growth objectives in current or newly business areas (Cravens & Piercy, 2009). When building the framework for a competitive corporate strategy, an organization must comm encement conclude the corporate vision. During the summer of 1994, Internet usage showed promising growth.A reported statistic of 2,300% yearly growth further Jeff Bezos, then Senior Vice President for D.E. Shaw & Co., to quit his job and concentrate on a room to gainfully use this information. His long term vision for his company was to revolutionize retail by creating the grounds biggest online retail store, where everyone could buy anything and everything (Kargar, 2003). To achieve this goal, Bezos conducted market research that led him to Seattle and directed him to choose selling books online as his main focus. The company was launched in 1995 and by the first quarter of 1996 reported sales revenues of $one hundred ten million. The company soon changed from a virtual bookstore into a virtual marketplace by entry new markets that included music, movies, electronics, toys, apparel, grocery and others. Years later in 2006 had become what some called a modelling of the next-generation Internet-based business (Isckia, 2009).That same year the company introduced their new endeavor, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), that offered cheap computation power over the Internet. Many believed Bezos unconventional wisdom took the company further away from its core vision. However, a closer examination of Bezos creative mindset reveals more of the organizations well developed corporate philosophy and structure. Moving beyond book selling, the launch of EC2 and Simple Storage Service (S3) are examples of achievements towards the corporate vision. Amazon has been able to implement objectives in the areas of product quality improvement and new-product targets. Cravens and Piercy note that a hear strategy issue is matching capabilities to market opportunities (Cravens & Piercy, 2009). Transforming into more than just a retail operation has precondition the organization the cap office to compete in different markets, provide significant valued to end d rug user customers, and create barriers to competitor duplication (Cravens & Piercy. 2009).With Bezos continuous investments in new technological initiatives, investors were concerned about Amazons increasing debt and profitability. Kargar reports, the company had a weak balance sheet and massive negative operational cash flow (Kargar, 2004). Throughout the companys financial history there perplex been legion(predicate) monetary losses. According to Robert D. Hoff and Heather Green, in 2002, the company still carried $2.2 billion in long-term debt (Business Week, 2002). In international Journal of Cases in Electronic Commerce, Pauline Ratnasingham reports that shareholders lost 80% of their value in 2000 (Ratnasingham, 2006). though sales increase rapidly, losses continue to soar as well. Despite the financial failures, in 2006 Bezos still believed that his investments would yield big payoffs in later years and that would be a meaningful businessone day (Ho ff, 2006).As continued to expand, the companys strategic business units (SBU) consisted of four key divisions (1) U.S. Books/ melody/DVD/Video (2) U.S. Electronics, Tools, and Kitchen (3) Services and (4) International (Ratnasingham, 2006). This business composition makes it easier to focus on separate precise strategies for each unit. The companys business model also provides a competitive advantage. Amazon benefits from macrocosm able to maintain a virtual store front with distribution centers located in low rent areas. In all, a combination of convenience, speed, reliability, discounted pricing, and a wide selection of merchandise creates a synergistic business design that cannot be easily duplicated. When developing Amazon.coms corporate structure Bezos clearly silent and defined his business strategy. The organization would like a shot need to design and implement a consistent and combine marketing strategy.An important vista of Amazon.coms marketing strategy i s their customer-centric approach. Amazon offers lower prices, free shipping, and customer service available 24/7. Also, the customer experience is enhanced through personalized recommendations and customized web pages. The organizations ability in customer service has been effective in increasing customer loyalty, website traffic, and copy purchases. uses various marketing techniques that include online advertising, email campaigns, and their Associates Program. The Associates Program, which allows outside websites the ability to make products available to Amazon customers, has prove to be very successful. In 2001 over 700,000 associates were registered for the program. This marketing tool allowed the ability to expand its market beyond its own website and concentrate on its strength of order fulfillment and distribution (Ratnasingham, 2006).Another key aspect of Amazon.coms marketing strategy is their established strategic relationships with various tradit ional retailers. These alliances enhance the value offerings of customers, let out the company a competitive advantage, and increase the market share for all companies involved. Some of Amazons partnerships include Toys R Us for toys and video games, the Gap for clothing and for pharmacy items. The company also has terce party arrangements with Target Corporation, Borders Group, Expedia, and others. Amazon profits by providing customers with a diverse array of products while their affiliate are able to use the technology, services, andtools of significant detail of any organizations marketing strategy is creativity and innovation. In her article for The Learning Organization, Verna Allee suggests that in order to sustain competitive strength and continue growth Western companies need to build innovation into their cultures and structures as an essential condition for value creation (Allee & Taug, 2006). In 2008, was listed as number 20 in a l ist of the worlds 25 most innovative companies (Cravens & Piercy, 2009). The new service offering of the EC2 and S3 digital utilities moves the company into competitive opportunities indoors the software platform marketplace. Bezos innovation strategy for includes these five following rules1) Measure everything2) Keep development teams small3) Dont be afraid of weird ideas4) Open up to outsiders5) Watch customers, not competitors (Hoff, 2006)Amazon.coms technological advances and Bezos forward-thinking has led the company to create ground-breaking products, such as the Kindle and also compete with shed light on online digital music provider Apple ITunes. By encouraging continued innovation, Amazon can well(p) their place as leaders in Internet-based is in a position to gain from the various opportunities they have in the e-commerce marketplace. These opportunities include new trends and technological advances. Amazon competes well and has growth i n the digital e-book market thanks to their Kindle product. Amazon can continue to invest in technology to sustain profitability. In general, E-commerce is experiencing growth. is in the position to benefit from this rise. The site currently offers payment security, one-click payments, user-friendly features, and other technologies that new web-based businesses will have to compete with. The company also has the opportunity to expand through strategic alliances and acquisitions. For example, GlobalData reports that acquisition of TouchCo prior this year, is expected to bring about cost reduction in the companys business (GlobalData, 2010).Overall, employs operose marketingstrategies. GlobalData reports that the companys emphasis on marketing can be seen in their change magnitude marketing be in 2009, in comparison with 2008 and 2007 (GlobalData, 2010). However, is faced with some marketing problems. Because the company has a seasonal n ature, more shoppers during the holiday seasons, the number of customers accessing the website at one time could cause system interruptions. This could change to fulfillment issues and a delay in deliveries. Also, faces the threat of traditional retail stores like Wal-Mart or Barnes & Nobles who now have an online component. now has to compete with companies who have greater brand recognition and more customers.The partnerships the company has made also pose a problem. For example, in 2004 Toys R Us bought a case against the company because Toys R Us exclusive items were being sold by competitors through Amazons website. Also the company suffered increased costs because of their alliance with To offset the problems and threats faced by the company, Amazon can benefit from the following strategic recommendations. First, during the off-season Amazon can do aggressive promotional campaigns to include discounts for students and partnerships with uni versity and college professors to be the exclusive trafficker for textbooks and suggested reading materials. Also, Amazons fulfillment processes should be evaluated to determine what issues are prevalent during the holiday season.Those issues should be addressed and fulfillment centers should be restructured accordingly. The company should re-evaluate their alliances by doing a cost assessment. By determining which costs are insignificant, expenses can be reduced or eliminated. Through the leadership of Jeff Bezos, continues to be the best and first by thinking outside the box. The company has changed the way consumers shop, the way they read, and the way entrepreneurs run their businesses. Bezos accepts his failures, focuses on what whole kit and continues to support new ideas and hopeful initiatives. An evaluation of their marketing and corporate strategies to assess their failures can allow them the ability to make appropriate use of their opportunities.ReferencesCra vens, D. W., & Piercy, N. F. (2009). Strategic marketing (9th ed.). New York McGraw-Hill. Hoff, R.D. (2006). Jeff Bezos risky bet.BusinessWeek, 52-58. Retrieved December 14 from ABI/ swear Global. Hoff, R.D., & Green, H. (2002). How amazon cleared that hurdle to earn a profit, it cut costsand started growing again. BusinessWeek, (3768), 60-61 Retrieved December 14 from ABI/ certify Global. Hoff, R.D., Neuborne E., & Green, H. (1998 December). the wild world of e-commerce by pioneering and damn near perfecting the art of selling online, amazon is redefining retailing. BusinessWeek (3608), 106 Isckia, T. (2009). Amazons evolving ecosystem a cyber-bookstore and application service provider. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 26(4), 332-343. Retrieved December 17 from ABI/INFORM Global. Kargar, J. (2004). in 2003. Journal of the International Academy for CaseStudies, 10(1), 33-52. Retrieved December 11, 2010 from ABI/INFORM Global. Ratnasingham, P. (200 6). A swot analysis for b2c e-commerce the case of International Journal of Cases in Electronic Commerce, 2(1), 1-22, Retrieved December11, from ABI/INFORM Global.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Critical Success Factors and Marketing Mix Essay
Executive SummaryThe purpose of this report is to leave alone an insight into the footwear company TOMS critical winner agents (CSFs) and make urge onations for the company based on them. CSFs make locomote essential elements to strategic planning and no stemma can achieve agreeable success without effectively adopting them, it is a term that describes a component that is essential for a company to watch over in its tasks. (Howell, M. 2009) The report will identify, analyse and evaluate TOMS critical success factors (CSFs) on the basis of the foodstuff and selling scuffle that surrounds the company. The selling alloy is defined as a set of controllable, tactical trade tools that can be blended to produce the desired results within the target market.(Kotler, P. Et al, 2010). The report will hence provide potential links between the factors of the merchandise mix and the CSFs of TOMS, suggesting potential qualifys to the marketing mix and what the effects of the change s whitethorn be.enquiry Methods The research methods undertaken in the report are secondary. The CSFs of TOMS I have presented come as a result of previous research carried out within a aggroup project based on the company, in which we analysed the microeconomic and macroeconomic factors of TOMS, allowing us to present a attend of critical success factors. Basic findings and RecommendationsThe three key Critical Success Factors for TOMS I have elect to look into are startlely for the company to refine into wider markets. Secondly is for TOMS to focus on their business morality and their ethical procedures. The final CSF is the marketing and advertisement of TOMS. The recommendations are mainly based upon making changes to the factors of TOMS marketing mix that link to its CSFs. Some of the factors, much(prenominal) as crossing, place, promotion and positioning can be changed slightly to abet in TOMS CSFs and result in great benefits for the company. However I recommend that some of the factors of the marketing mix are not as vital for TOMS success as the saucily(prenominal)s and therefore do not need to be changed as much.TOMS (2013)About TOMSTOMS originated from the word Tomorrow, which further originated from the Shoes for Tomorrow Project. The company was founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie, who formed an idea whilst on vacation doing voluntary work. Mycoskie had noticed how many children in genus Argentina were without shoe, provoking him to sell his company for $ vitamin D,000 and invest in TOMS. The company went on to sell 10,000 pairs of shoes in its showtime 6 months. By 2012 over 2million pairs of shoes had been donated in over 40 countries, with over 500 retailers selling them. (TOMS 2012)Business ModelTOMS is a for profit company, however they have a non-profit subsidiary, Friends of TOMS. The company designs and sells shoes based on the Argentine Alpargata design, as well as eyewear. The shoes are made from flat solid or cotton fabric w ith a rubber sole and come in a transition of colours and styles. The business model is referred to as the One for One concept. The slogan used by TOMS is One for One. The model uses a word for mouth advocacy and the main focus for the business is based on corporate and social responsibilities.When TOMS sells a pair of shoes, a pair of shoes is minded(p) to an indigent child. When TOMS sells eyewear, part of the profit is used to save or restore the eyesight for people in developing countries. TOMS also works with a large variety of charities and None Government Organisations in parade to distribute its shoes and create awareness for the cause. (TOMS 2012)Countries we distribute to TOMS Giving Report (2012)The Critical Success FactorsThe first CSF for TOMS to succeed is for them to expand. TOMS currently only sell through other retailers and online stores, meaning that they have a neediness of physical presence on the high street. If TOMS acquired a chain of physical stores it would allow them to provide their all in all background of stock to an increased potential customer base. It would also allow them to market and advertise themselves more(prenominal) successfully, making their brand cognize to more people. TOMS already has just over 500 retailers for their products worldwide, however I think that they could benefit from having more, especially as there are only a handful in the UK. They may be able to increase their presence in more countries worldwide. TOMS could also expand their product range and move into new areas of clothing or accessories.The second factor surrounds the ethics of their business. Although TOMS is focused to a great extent on existence a socially and corporately responsible company,research showed that it has come under a extensive amount of scrutiny regarding its policies and ethical procedures. thither is a growing opposition to the TOMS business model and the mode TOMS operates. The one for one system is being scrut inised and the way in which TOMS shoes are produced are being questioned. TOMS need to clearly establish how they manufacture their shoes and illustrate the benefits of the one for one system, helping innocent people.The final CSF is to increase their marketing. This is based around the marketing of TOMs products and the business itself. Whilst the company is known worldwide, it only advertises its products through fashion shows, word of mouth marketing and pop-up-stores. If TOMS were to change its marketing techniques such as advertising through social and other forms of media, they could pose more of a threat to competition and chafe a much wider audience. My research illustrated that TOMS do not currently have many marketing methods other than those mentioned above, resulting in TOMS being frequently overshadowed by rival companies.Blake Mycoskie, TOMS (2011)How does the marketing mix link with the CSFs?The factors of the marketing mix that link to the first CSF are Placement a nd Product. Placement is where and how the product is sold. For example, it could be where TOMS products can be bought and how they may be bought, such as online, in a physical store or at trade shows. It would sanction TOMS expansion if they were to use a combination of placement methods for their company and products. I recommend that they implement more distribution channels and ensure that they offer a wider variety of ways for consumers to misdirect their products. The next factor, product, can relate to the CSF in that TOMS need to expand their product range, offering a wider range of products. This may allow them to gain market superiority over its rivals and lead the company into new markets. I recommend that TOMS evaluate their products life cycles and look into potential new product development in order to fulfil this CSF.The second factor that relates to TOMS CSFs is positioning. Positioning is about how the company stands within their market, such as how the customers and rivals see the company. This factor links in with TOMS CSF of being an ethically and socially responsible company. Research suggested that TOMS has large amount of people opposing its ethical procedures and its business model. If they were to re-evaluate their market position and try to emanation their current image by re-assuring customers that the one for one model is in fact beneficial to impoverished people, as well as providing evidence that their shoes are made ethically, they will silence their critics. TOMS may also want to adapt to its competitors marketed position, focusing on their USPs and making the most of them.The final marketing mix factor that can link with the CSFs of TOMS is promotion. This consists of all the ways in which TOMS products and services are advertised and sold. My research suggested that TOMS currently has a relatively poor promotion structure, therefore if they were able to change the way that they promote and advertise themselves, they could a bolish the problem. Making use of promotional tools such as advertisement, worldly concern relations, direct marketing and sponsorship, TOMS could reconstruct their promotional factor of the marketing mix to further allow them to succeed.There are however three factors of the marketing mix that dont tend to link with the CSFs. The first factor is price. Although research suggests that some may think that TOMS products are overpriced for what they are, they still succeed in selling a very large amount. TOMS has appeared to do well with its current price structure, therefore I do not think that the price factor needs to be changed in order to aid the CSFs.The next factor is furtherance. Packaging for TOMS seems to be a minor issue, if an issue at all. The packaging for TOMS products is more than satisfactory and has little to no effect on their current CSFs. As a result of this, packaging is not as important in the marketing mix for TOMS as the other factors.The final factor that ha s less effect on the CSFs is people. TOMS only has around 80 employees, however if the company were to expand this would be much more. Currently, the people factor doesnt aid in helping TOMS achieve success as much as the other factors, however if the CSFs develop and TOMS expands, people may become more and more important for the company. It would be essential that they have the right people on gameboard to help them achieve their goals in the long run.TOMS Giving Report (2012)REFERENCESHowell, M.T. (2009) Critical Success Factors The measurable pass to success. Taylor and Francis. Accessed 19th April 2013TOMS (No Date) bodily Responsibility at TOMS Online Available from http// Accessed 20th April 2013TOMS (No Date) Official Website, Available from http// Accessed 28th February 2013TOMS (No Date) Corporate Information Online Available from http// Accessed 20th April 2013Kotler, P.J., Armstrong, G.M., (20 10). The Principles of selling, P 76 Pearson education Accessed 22nd April 2013Schultz, D. and Dev, C. (2012) Revisiting the marketing mix. Marketing Management P45-47 Accessed 22nd April 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Recording analysing and using HR information Essay
The below note will give you a brief information about the expressive style the formations begin to collecting, sorting and using HR data. This was divided into the pursuit1) Two reasons why the judicature needs to collect HR dataa) to be fit to retrieve information whenever it is needed. For simulation each organisation has to keep faithful records or information of their employees in order to be able to use this information for planning ahead () b) a legal requirement, for instance in order to be able to make accurate tax returns to the government 12) Two types of data that is collected within the organization and how each documentations HR practicesa) sickness records this type of data/ depict may be collected sporadically (monthly or quarterly) and compared or analysed against each employees attendance records. This helps the human resources to manage the attendance record of the organisation accurately and inform direct contrast managers of the constant attendance off enders () b) the contact details for each employee especially menage address. This is essential if a correspondence needs to be sent out to each employee, such(prenominal) as contract, payslips, pensions 23) A description of at least devil manners of sorting records and the benefits of eacha) manual method paper-based items such as employees original application forms, contracts of employment and any other documentation letters, references, and so on that tinge to employment. Such records should be systematically field for security purposes and ease of access to authorized users. () b) electronically method () not only can absence seizure seizure turnover, pay and prep be monitored easily, but specific programs on human resource planning, psychometric testing, employee development and appraisals can be used to help make relevant decisions.Databases containing employee details can be a real time-saver when it comes to working out pay awards, statistics on how many people have been trained who is due for retirement and so on () Both of those methods help in strategic decision-making, support run to line managers, () provides information when decisions need to be made about the future(a) of an individual employee 34) A statement of at least two essential items of UK legislation relating to the recording, storage and handiness of HR dataa) Data Protection function (1998)processed fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met obtained only for specified and lawful purposesadequate, relevant and not excessive ()accurate and up to datekept for no longer than in necessaryprocessed in ossification with the rights granted under the DPA98 kept securelynot transferred to a country without adequate data security measures4b) Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides open access to information held by public authorities. It does this in two ways Public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activiti es and Members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities. 5Part B493This section analyses Absence Management in Private Sector in 2014. The information is based on the CIPD Survey Report, published in November 2014.The report concentrates on analysing data for organisations on absence as well as a focus on employee wellbeing. Additionally the report says, about the impact of government initiatives on absence management. The report was divided into the following sections1) Absence levelIt has reduced considerably. The average level has fallen by 1.7 days this year compared with last. (Figure 1) distance of absencenearly of absence are short-term (up to 7 days),14% of absence are semipermanent (up to 4 weeks) (Table 6)a) short-term absence based on the vast majority 85%minor diseasemusculoskeletal injuriesback painhome/family responsibilitiesstressmental ill-health (Table 10)1/3 of private sector organisations reported increase in stress-related abs ence.The reasons of it are high workloads, non-work relationships/family and management style.2/5 of private services organisations report an increase in mental health problemsSolutionswith regards to stress absence management training and training to build personal resilience, pliant working options/ improve work-life balance with regards to mental ill-health counseling, flexible working options/improved work-life balance and employee assistance programmers,training to line managers to soundly manage and support staffb) long-term absenceacute conditions (stroke, heart attack, cancer)stressmusculoskeletal injuriesmental ill healthback pain (Table 13)Solutions transfer the working patterns or environment to enable people to stay in or return to work, flexible working arrangementsThe vast majorities of organisations have a written absence/attendance management policy, record their employee absence rate collect information on the causes of absence and provide one or more well-being be nefits. Developing line managers capability to manage absence (2014 56% of those that made changes 2013 33%) This was achieved by an change magnitude focus on attendance strategies and the fact that some organisations are developing line managers capability, from 39% (2013) to 61% (2014)2) Cost of absenceIt has increased compared with last year2014 5202013 467 (Figure 2)3) Approaches to absence managementa) short-termreturn-to-work interviews (the most effective method)trigger mechanisms to revive attendancedisciplinary procedures for unacceptable absencegiving sickness absence information to line managers (Table 25)b) long-termreturn-to-work interviewsrisk assessments to aid return to workoccupational health involvement (table 26)4) government plan1/5 of organisations plan to access the new government Independent Assessment and consultative Service (now called the Fit for Work Scheme).SummeryMost private sector employers believe they could decrease their absence levels. Organi sations themselves need to ensure that they understand the cost of absence to help galvanise senior management support for addressing absence issues. Regular monitoring, review and act on the data they collect regarding the level and causes of absence, to ensure their approach to absence and well-being is relevant to their organisations specific issues. Clearly is essential to develop line managers in managing short-term absence. 6Bibliography1 Why Organisations Need Data College Essays Oluwatayo. 2014. Why Organisations Need Data College Essays Oluwatayo. ONLINE Available at http// Accessed 30 December 2014.2 Why Organisations Need Data College Essays Oluwatayo. 2014. Why Organisations Need Data College Essays Oluwatayo. ONLINE Available at http// Accessed 30 December 2014.3 Introduction to Human Resource Management A Guide to HR in Practice, C harles Leatherbarow, Janet Fletcher, Donald Currie, Published by CIPD, 2013, page 77-784 Introduction to Human Resource Management A Guide to HR in Practice, Charles Leatherbarow, Janet Fletcher, Donald Currie, Published by CIPD, 2013, page 3925 What is the Freedom of Information Act? ICO. 2014. What is the Freedom of Information Act? ICO. ONLINE Available at https// Accessed 30 December 2014.6 http//
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Business Proposal Essay
Market organise and ElasticityThe elasticity depends on if in a socio-economic class Google sells over one million and girdle under the competitor price of $80 dollars by Belkin Miracast then it fanny fluctuates it price to $50 per Chromecast. The elasticity of demand is once a manager comes the borderline speak to, they should then set the price over marginal cost. This is the profit that the merchandise will produce. The industry for Chromecast is to allow people the choice to go beyond the noncompetitive competitive market structure such as Comcast to a lesser monopolized substitution for cable Chromecast. set Strategy based on Market Factors Having a strategy for Chromecast will address the competition and the twenty-four hours to day operations. Using cost flatusership, differentiation and having focus will allow the set strategy to furbish up marginal cost and allow you to profit by selling more of the rase price relic to focus in a on a smaller audience which wi ll provide tax revenue in the future due to the differentiation that you have for your product and stepping out amongst your competitor to offer the lower price for the Chromecast. How will qualifyings in the quantity supplied as a result of your pricing decision travel marginal cost and marginal revenue?Changes in Revenues and Costs Lead to Changes in Profits(Markup Pricing, 2014)We travel to here that if a go with removes their price, it can lead to changes in the cost and revenue, the profit is equal to the change in revenue minus the change in costthat is, the change in profit is marginal revenue minus marginal cost. When marginal revenue equals marginal cost, the change in profit is zero, so a firm is at the top of the profit hill (Markup Pricing, 2014).Non Pricing StrategyThe non-pricing strategy can be used for Chromecast to gain sales due to many customers valueing quality over cost, consumers want to know that if they pour notes into something that they are getting w hat they paid for and expect more from the product than they paid for. The non pricing strategies that will be used in determinning the make upd barrier to entry from the normal price slash will be network effects, compactability to be able to ownership of control of a key resource, last set up cost, advertising, and finally having a strong brand. Having a pricing entry of $35 dollars is an impluse to acquire the device, but the non pricing strategy can be the most potent strategic weapon, Chrome is a focus at Google Android is anafterthought, (Keizer, 2013). Another non pricing strategy is the simplicity rules that Chromecast leverages demonstrable consumer behavior with radio receiver media recievers, and marries that with the busy ecosystem (PBS, 2014).Economic cost concepts and how could changes in your argumentation organisation operations alter the mix of fixed and inconsistent costs in line with your strategy? Everything has a cost, deciding on if that cost is somethin g a company can control can be a challenge to the business, looking at fixed cost and variable cost, such as interest paid back on a car bring its the same. Can the money be controlled such as fixed cost, or does the needle money the money for a variable amount. A hardly a(prenominal) examples of a fixed cost is rent on a building to be able to make the product and depreciation over time. This can lead to knowing what the cost will be advance for the product and how it factors into the profit will lead a company to understanding more about their product and the overall outcome of how it displace the budget.A few variable cost involved with the product can have a cost of repulse, this can change due to the experience of the workers and overtime that meets the demand of the time sensitive product to release to the world. Cost of labor can change and factorization this into your budget is a must to formulate your budget, hence every year cost of labor goes up if you give raises or bonuses. Another demanding variable cost is the shipping and saving charges, if your are shipping all over the world and products have to go thru customs, then the price goes up, factoring a baseline for the product will help a business calculate the plan for the business and allow a budget to be factored into the everyday profits that the product produces.ConclusionOverall, Chromecast is a product of Google and allows a choice for the over demanding cable industry. Giving your customers a choice promotes respect and loyalty, in this business proposal the topics of economic principles were presented and statements about the market structure and the elasticity of demand for the good or service. Chromecast is a thumb- sized media streaming device that plugs into the HDMI port on your TV. Set it up with a simple mobile app, then send your favorite online shows, movies, music and more to your TV using your smartphone , tablet or laptop. Chromecast is outback(a) free and as simple as a plug and play and only cost$35. In this business proposal the market structure and elasticity of the product was identified, the following questions were answered How will pricing preserve to elasticity of your product?How will changes in the quantity supplied as a result of your pricing decisions affect marginal cost and marginal revenue? Besides your pricing decisions, what are your suggested nonpricing strategies? What nonpricing strategies will you use to increase barriers to entry? How could changes in your business operations alter the mix of fixed and variable costs in line with your strategy? The proposal demonstrated an understanding of the uses of product differentiation by not allowing definite content to be streamlined to your television and native apps or services installed in the product (Google, 2014).ReferencesGoogle. (2014).Keizer, G. (2013). Computerworld. Retrieved from http// trategic_big_gunMarkup Pricing. (2014). Retrieved from http//, C. R., Brue, S. L., & Flynn, S. M. (2009). Economics Principles, problems, and policies (18th ed.). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill Irwin.PBS. (2014). Retrieved from http//
Friday, May 17, 2019
An Analysis of the Watergate Crisis Essay
The Watergate crisis or outrage shrouded America with an pose of pessimism. From the people intricate and the meaning of the controversy then and now, the Watergate crisis rocked the world with political conflicts and power abuse. It also knotty crimes such as obstruction of justice, conspiracy, cover up, lying under oath, espionage, burglary, and conceal workforcet of evidence. The dirt was named after the Watergate hotel confused in working capital that housed the rival of electric chair Nixons Republican departmenty, the antiauthoritarian Party.The crisis was so powerful that it resulted in the resignation of president Nixon, indictwork forcet of the President and his men, and authoritative media and political effects. The scandal started out with classified documents, feckless thefts, and a trail of crimes pointing countly to Nixons re-election committee. Thereafter, the crisis did not stop at the tactless White family line personnel or the famous Presidents men. It continued all the way to Nixon himself which caused him his Oval Office. It was perceived as a political crisis created by a leaders greed, cruelty and paranoia.Ultimately, history accounted that Nixons own evil foe was not his political opponents further himself. It was chronicled by several(prenominal) books, articles, and official and national documents, as well as a Redford-Hoffman movie in 1976. The Watergate scandal served not only as previous catalysts of American political, social and moral changes but now more(prenominal) as reminders or direct principles of American lives. Historical Summary In the history of American chairial politics, the Watergate incident was taken as the most grave and peculiar crisis or scandal.This is because of the apparent direct involvement in several crimes of the president himself and his men. In his book, The Watergate Crisis, Genoese (1999) described the scandal as unusual and Nixon as an unusual kind of President of the United States (Genovese, 1999). According to Genovese (1999), the cause of the Watergate scandal can be traced from the negative impacts, such as the factions, of the Vietnam War. Nixon had difficulty getting out from the said divisive war and was eventually faced with divers(a) protests.Genovese (1999) added that with pressures to stop the protests and get out of the Vietnam war with respect and dignity intact, Nixon unfortunately created a route make full with leak plugging, wiretapping, a secret war in Cambodia, and a series of criminal acts that in the bar led to his slashfall and fed the already significant erosion of public trust in political sympathies (p. 3). The same Genovese book further said that what used to be a general depot that referred to the burglary of the offices of the Democratic National commissioning in a capital letter hotel complex resulted into miscellaneous linking terminologies and included under it are several crimes.The crisis caused the downfall of Nixon w hile several highest-ranking government officials were do to serve jail terms, nuisance the nation as a result (Genovese, 1999). The Watergate Break-in The Watergate break-in or burglary happened on June 17, 1972 (Sirica, 1979). During his round, a shelter officer of the Watergate Hotel Complex in Washington D. C. identified as Frank Willis saw a tapeline covering various locks of different doors in the area. Willis discreetly reported the matter to the police and thereafter, tailfin burglars were arrested.The five men were suspected of illegally wiretapping and stealing classified documents inside the office of the Democratic National Committee or DNC (Sirica, 1979). The suspects were identified in the book of Dickinson, crossroad and Polsky (1973) as Virgilio Gonzales, Bernard Barker, James W. McCord, Jr. , Eugenio Martinez and Frank Sturgis. The suspects, subsequently uncovered as former CIA and FBI agents, were charged with essay burglary and attempted interception of t elephone and other communications (Dickinson, Cross & Polsky, 1973). Five men and devil other suspects, identified as E. Howard Hunt, Jr.and Gordon Liddy, were accused by a special K jury of conspiracy, burglary and violation of federal wiretapping laws on September 15, 1972. It was also discovered after investigating that the suspects goal was to plant a bug in the office of DNC Chairman, Larry OBrien (Lewis, 1972). A multi-investigation conducted by the U. S. Congress, FBI and media revealed that the direct or indirect connection of the seven suspects to Nixons Re-election committee. Nixon initially said that his aides were not twisty in the case. The cover-up was later disclosed and uncovered irregularities and illegal activities of the Nixon Re-election committee.The results of the investigation concluded that the re-election committee authoritative covert campaign funds from big companies, played dirty tricks on Democratic candidates during the 1972 election campaign, att empted to use the FBI and other government agencies against political enemies, and set up a secret group to yield out unlawful activities against political enemies (cited in Scholastic, 1989). In view of this, America and the world were then convinced of a conspiracy linking the President and his men. The suspects who broke into OBriens office and the Presidents men involved were tried and eventually convicted in 1973.The following year, the bungled break-in eventually caused Nixon his position as he resigned as the President of the United States on August 9, 1974 (Scholastic, 1989). The Washington support Investigation The Watergate scandal was publicized by The Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein through a confidential but accepted source whom they named Deep Throat. An initial headline of Five Held in Plot to Bug Democratic Offices Here, that appeared at the bottom of the newspapers page one on Sunday, June 18, 1972, signaled the Washington Posts invest igation.The 2 young reporters wrote the arrest of a group of former FBI and CIA agents who broke into, illegally wiretapped and stole classified documents from the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex in Washington (The Watergate story Part 1, 2008). Bernstein and Woodward were intrigued with the exposit of the story and the turn of events. Citing police sources, Woodward wrote that the burglars came from Miami, wore surgical gloves and carried thousands of dollars in cash (The Watergate Story Part 1, 2008).The break-in appeared to be a professional type operation, added Woodward (The Watergate Story Part 1, 2008). As told by the Washington post and its reporters, the interest yet interesting developments of the story shook Washington for two years, resulted into the resignation of Nixon and eventually created political impacts (The Watergate Story Part 1, 2008). According to an online compilation of the Watergate events posted at the Wash ington Posts site, Woodward and Bernstein became part of the various revelatory articles that the said newspaper published.Thereafter, the succeeding Washington Post coverage of the Watergate scandal further exposed the involvement of several of the Presidents men and the ultimate link of Nixon and his campaign funds to the various crimes. The newspapers account of the scandal also ran the grand jury investigation that identified and indicted all(a) the Presidents Men for their respective involvement in the crimes (The Watergate Story Part 1, 2008). A significant mark of the Washington Post and Bernstein reporting of the Watergate scandal was Deep Throat. A confidential source by Woodward, Deep Throat was identified only in 2005 or 33 years later as Mark Felt. He was the second highest-ranking FBI official who at the height of the scandal, confirmed or denied information to the two reporters and guided them to pursue specific leads (The Watergate Story Part 1, 2008). A string of exc lusives by Woodward and Bernstein and the determination of Post publisher Katherine Graham to expose the truth made the FBI finally penetrated the White House denials and the conduct of the grand jury investigation.This momentum led to the loss of job, prosecution and conviction of the involved officials of the Nixon administration and ultimately the impeachment against the President and his eventual resignation on August 8, 1974. Nixons successor, President Ford, granted the former full, free and dogmatic pardon one month later (The Watergate Story Part 3, 2008). The Government Investigation The Watergate probe called for the courts, the Congress, and a special prosecutor to investigate its top-to-bottom connections to the White House.According to the same Washington Post online source, the investigation involved Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, North Carolina Senator Sam Ervin and the FBI. Woodward and Bernstein stories reported the eventual breaking out of Nixons men from his a dministration and the disclosure of events that were linked to the scandal. One mannequin was the revelation of secret tapes that further exposed Nixons involvement. The deep connection of Nixon resulted into a firestorm of firings called the Saturday Night Massacre. Amid impeachment against the President, he still denied accusations and stayed in his office (The Watergate Story Part 2, 2008). The Watergate Scandal and Nixon In his book, Genovese (1999) noted that Nixon was a complex, multidimensional figure, a man of many contradictions. (p. 57). Genovese (1999) said that these characteristics of Nixon and the Watergate crisis were manifestations of a period of presidential lawlessness unprecedented in American history (p. 57). Nixon was an example of a president who initially took an oath to faithfully execute the law but eventually went beyond and broke it (Genovese, 1999, p.69). As a result, the Watergate scandal created several questions about the American constitution and de mocracy (Genovese, 1999). Nixons initial show of defense rooted from the solid support of his men eventually cracked down and led to his televised resignation. During his televised speech, Nixon states, by taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of the sour of healing which is so desperately needed in America. I deeply regret any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision.Those who nauseate you dont win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself (The Watergate Story Part 3, 2008). Ford was sworn into office the next day but pardoned Nixon a month after. The events did not stop there as the influence of the scandal continued. The interconnecting controversies ignited a fresh and lasting doubt about American politics. It created new American political words and made the Congress approve laws concerning campaign finance reforms as well as investigation on the functions of CIA and several agencies of the gove rnment.Woodward and Bernsteins coverage was turned into a book and a hit movie entitled alone the Presidents Men which instilled American media with a fresh harmful advantage. The scandal brought lasting and unlimited effects on American politics (The Watergate Story Part 3, 2008). American Politics and Media Genovese (1999) substantiate the impression of Washington Post mentioned previously and stated that the Watergate scandal changed American politics and the issue of presidential corruption (Genovese, 1999).He added that, because of the crisis, the media became more interfering and subjective, the public became more suspiciousnessful and indifferent about its government, the tattle between the executive and legislative branches of the government became unpleasant and factious and partisan conflicts became more intense (Genovese, 1999). coda The Watergate crisis left profound and detrimental effects on American politics and history in general. It has resulted into distrust among the government officials and a wider gap between the branches of the government.Another effect of the scandal was that it made the succeeding Presidents more susceptible to the criticisms and suggestions of the public. The Nixon presidency has left a mark on the American politics which harmed the present add up of presidents. The scandal has undeniably affected the political agenda of the succeeding presidents who were subjected to the scrutiny of the public. Nonetheless, the scandal also has its confirmatory points to remember. These included the upholding of the freedom and power of the press as well as the effectivity of the justice system.By themselves, Nixon and the Watergate Crisis did not cause the degradation of American politics and decline of trust to the government. Incontestably, however, the fallen President and his scandal did remold the publics view of the American story from one of presumed good goals to one of striking hostility.ReferencesDickinson, W. B. & Mercer Cross, B. P. (1973). Watergate Chronology of a crisis. Washington D. C Congressional Quarterly, Inc. Genovese, M. A. (1999). The Watergate Crisis.London Greenwood Press. Lewis, A. E. (1972, June 18). 5 held in plot to bug Democrats office here. The Washington Post, A01. Retrieved from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2002/05/31/AR2005111001227_pf. html Scholastic, Inc. (1989). The Case of Watergate. The Presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Retrieved April 19, 2008, from Scholastic database. Sirica, J. J. (1979). To set the record directly The Break-in, the tapes, the conspirators, the pardon. New York Norton.The Watergate Story Part 1. (2008). The Washington Post. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/special/watergate/part1. html The Watergate Story Part 2. (2008). The Washington Post. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/special/watergate/part2. html The Watergate S tory Part 3. (2008). The Washington Post. Retrieved April 7, 2008, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/politics/special/watergate/part3. html
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Central Role of Lurie in Coetzees Disgrace Essay
The Central Role of Lurie in Coetzees Disgrace - Essay ExampleThus, a grade speaks to each soul in a similar fashion. By reading a moral story, a child learns how important it is to live a virtue and gains a deeper understanding of the moral life( Narvaez 157). On the other hand, Ormond (47) concurs with this notion when he suggests that from a Vygotskian perspective, gradual entry into adult activities enables children to engage in behaviors and mentation skills within their zones of proximal development. In this case, the precedents development of character revolves around the language, the perception and the thoughts of Lurie, who appears to reign the character associated with all the aspects of character development. Against this background, this paper will discuss the central role of Lurie in the authors development of different characters throughout the book.The book clearly presents the position of men and women as well as sex and the disgrace that comes with it. The aut hor writes these ideas through the eyes of Lurie, where the reader is exposed to his spoken intercourse as well as the unspoken thoughts which portray his discourse, desire and passions. Even though the novel is create verbally in third person, the language, perceptions and the thoughts of Lurie dominate the narrative, which shows that character development for all others is filtered through that of Lurie. However, exposure to Luries person does not present intimacy so much as it portrays his isolation.Through the story, Coetzee represents different characters through that of Lurie. For example, he presents the position of all others through the subjective outlook of Lurie. However, this is not entirely true as it appears that his modify outlook of women is what has caused his two previous divorces and his inability to connect with women. This leads to the contrast that he is
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
1.Critically evaluate how gender intersects with other axes of Essay
1.Critically evaluate how gender intersects with other axes of difference. Assess the implications for policy with reference to a case study - Essay ExampleHere we discuss the notion of intersectionality that which looks at the multiple, companion ablely-constructed categories that interact in complex and multidimensional ways to produce and reproduce structures of inequality. It is hinged in the idea that themes of gender, race and class should be perceived not as independent from each other, but as overlapping structures of oppression and growing that must be addressed and resisted together as it shapes those upon whom it bestows privilege as well as those it oppresses. (Frankenberg 1993 131).If we have to trace the root of gender differentiation, and even subordination, it is imperative to consider the notion of gender as social construct and see how men and women atomic number 18 assigned different social roles and are treated or considered differently because of perceived b iological differences. As expressed by Lorber (1994 56) Western societys value legitimate gendering by claiming that it all comes from physiology female and male procreative differences. But gender and sex are not equivalent, and gender as a social construction does not flow automatically from fork and reproductive organs, the main physiological differences of females and males. In the construction of ascribed social statuses, physiological differences such as sex, face of development, color of skin, and size are crude markers.As a result of this, women were then considered less able than men and therefore must be submissive to the husband. Her greatest asset is her purity. Women have been considered as the weaker sex, unavailing to carry out masculine tasks and duties requiring intellectual development. In the past, a little girl would learn from her stupefy that a womans place was at home doing household work like provision and cleaning and watching over young children. Ind eed, societal norms have greatly affected women in umteen cultures. Women, in most cultures, are
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