Wednesday, December 18, 2019

How Do Entrepreneurs Run And Grow Their Businesses

Abstract In this paper we will preview different aspects of entrepreneurships. Although there are many different things you can talk about involving entrepreneurship, we chose to focus on three topics. The three topics discussed in this paper are: 1. Who becomes an entrepreneur? What are their skills sets or Psychological make-up? 2. What is an entrepreneur? 3. How do entrepreneurs run and grow their businesses? After research on all these topics we determined that anyone can become an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship has many different definitions but one basic feature: the need for achievement and it takes a strong start, taking risks, and putting profits back into the business to run and grow the business. Entrepreneurship involves many different things; from understanding the entrepreneur himself to the idea and running the business. Some people simply do not understand what entrepreneurship is and some people believe that all entrepreneurs have a certain skill set or psychological make-up. Others believe they have what it takes to begin a business but fall short. Through our research we answered the basic questions; who will become an entrepreneur, what is an entrepreneur and how do they run and grow their business. What is an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurship, or as the French call it â€Å"Entrepende† means to undertake. Entrepreneurs take full responsibility of operating a business at profit. They are considered innovators and by this they create more cash flow forShow MoreRelatedHow Entrepreneurship Creates An Economy895 Words   |  4 PagesIt can be argued that entrepreneurs own the economy as it is suggested by the statement above that ‘entrepreneurship creates an economy. 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