Sunday, June 9, 2019

Are laws that protect us from our own dangerous behaviors (such seat Essay

Are laws that protect us from our consume dangerous behaviors (such seat belt or helmet) morally acceptable - Essay ExampleControversies over the laws which atomic number 18 basically designed for protecting people from dangerous behavior argon problems of paternalism. Paternalism is interference in peoples freedom though it is for their own good. It is identical a father making decisions for his kids instead of letting the kids make decisions for them, considering one important thing that father knows best. Wide range and variety of laws, practices and actions are taken into account which is under the principles of paternalism. More like a doctor or physician deciding what is best for his patients and the laws which are designed to restrict the use of cocaine, marijuana, heroin and other drugs. Such plans also include compulsory retirement plans, mandatory seatbelt laws which are designed to protect ones interest whether they are want by the people or people detest them. alon e these paternalistic practices are common, but the question is whether these practices are morally accepted or not. thither is conflict of two important look upons attached with paternalism which include the value is taken into account for protecting and also promoting well being of others, along with the value which is associated with the freedom of persons which make their lead their life according to their wish and choice. When the people are ready to act in certain ways oppose to their own well being and security , an important question arises that are the laws justified which interfere in peoples private choices and matters. This is what leads to the problem of paternalism. There is a majority who would agree that paternalism becomes a justified thing when it is about a person who has limited and also impaired freedom of choices whether the cause of this is limited cognitive capacities or even the ignorance of facts, effects of a disease, influence of drugs and another reason can be due to coercion. Paternalism varies depending on the person, their emotional stability and behavior along with the capacity to understand and know what is best for them. According to many moral philosophers, a competent and a knowledgeable person should be allowed to make decisions freely and they should not be over ridden, though they are for their own persons good. There was a case voiced by John Stuart linger who was a British philosopher during the nineteenth century, according to him the only reason due to implement and make laws for the citizens and people of civilized community is to prevent problems and harm to others. allow of ones own being is not enough physically and even morally. The laws are made for a collective society and laws which are honorable and important for protecting the society over all. According to Mill, it was important to provide freedom as it is important and crucial for peoples individual character development. Along with that people should be given a free hand for making choices they wish and like even if the choices are not the best ones. All these individual choices creates ability for people to make decisions and their decision making power will only improve their practices and experiences. Another important view which he holds was that individuals are the best judge for

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