Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Economy Industry Company Analysis Research Paper
Economy Industry Company Analysis - Research Paper Example This growth has enabled the potential investors in bonds, stocks and other investing opportunities, to establish their investments tremendously in the country. The gross domestic price that was analyzed at the first quarter of the year shows that it has grown for about 1.3 percent. This is the best indication of the economic growth and I will advice Johnnie to do an investment in this country. Gross domestic products, is a technique used to show the economic growth and stability of any given country. In Australia where the Crown head quarters is found, had a gross domestic product of approximately 918 billion united states dollars, with a growth rate of 2.3 percent, and the income per person or per capita income of40,800 in the fiscal year 2011. The standard rate of interest in Australia was previously indicated at 4.25 Percent, which was determined by the Australian reserve bank of panel. The graph shows that the rates of interest of the year 2010 and 2009 had a drastic fall. It has also increased gradually and encounters small decrease recently. This is a clear indication that the Economy of Australia, and the performance of the currency is in its stage of recovery. The estimate is that it has a moderate increase in the near future as it is indicated by the tendency of the graph. Increase in the interest rates means that the investors will benefit from the consequential increase in the amount of dividends that they will receive1. Given the fact that Jonnie is looking for an investment that will last for ten years, This is a favorable time to invest in a booming company in Australia. This is because during this period, there is an economic recovery and such will lead to better economic performance of all the factors discussed above. The ten year bond in Australia has also jumped to reach 3.02 percent increase. For a potential investor like
Monday, October 28, 2019
Gangsters in Malaysia Essay Example for Free
Gangsters in Malaysia Essay Longman dictionary 2005 defines gangsters as member of violent group of criminal. Gang Identifiers and Terminology, Cantrell, Mary Lynn, Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems (1992) defines gangsters as organized crime that Bootlegging activities such as importing or making illegal liquor and speakeasies where alcohol could be illegally purchased gave rise to rivalry that resulted in hired gangs of criminals and gun battles. Thompson, Tony. Gangs: A Journey into the heart of the British Underworld. (2005) London defines gangsters as a member of an organized group of criminals or racketeers. (2004) defines gangsterism as Subscribing to a course of action reminiscent of organized crime. Acting or conducting business in a way that is violent and totally without conscience. Acting like a gangster/thug/hoodlum. Running business or holding a high government position with the help of hired guns, intimidation and the occasional assassination. (2009) defines gangsterism as a gang is a group of people who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity. In current usage it typically denotes a criminal organization or else a criminal affiliation. History of Criminal Gang in Malaysia Who Are the Triads Identified? article at (2005) stated that it is believed that Sio Sam Ong which literally means Three Little Emperors is a leading Chinese triad in Malaysia was established during the 1940’s to 1950’s; being mainly active in northern Malaysia. According to Wikipedia, A wide variety of historic gangs, such as the The Order of Assassins, Adam the Lepers gang, Indian Thugs, Chinese Triads, Snakehead, Japanese Yakuza, Irish mafia, American Old West outlaw gangs, Russian mafia and Italian Mafia crime families have existed for centuries. One of notorious gangsters in Malaysia was [2]Mamak Gang which has been active since the early 1990s. Gangsters Behavior and Activities The Star wrote in its article about Gangsterism, Gangsters are a threat to society and you can be considered a gangster if you are involved in any of these activities: Extort money from shop owners, hawkers and the like. Receive payment for threatening others or to beat someone up. Protect/cover-up gambling, prostitution, and drug trafficking syndicates. Ransom people for money. Be a part of organized crime. Force anyone to join a gang and its illegal activities. Attend a gang’s swearing-in ceremony. Engage in â€Å"table talk†or a fight with other gang members. Beat people up or destroy property of those who refuse to follow the gang’s commands. Gangsterism Amongst Youth in Malaysia [3]Yayasan Da’wah Foundation Malaysia (2007) in its article about â€Å"gangsterism amongst youth†, it is indeed saddening to witness our children change from a loving person, obedient and loyal to a person that likes to hurt, bully, shout, ill mannered, aggressive, rude and could not care less about others. They are involved in gangsters since their early age. There is a case where a father from Seremban called in the police and accused them of holding on to his son. That is the only thing that he could do. Just imagine how painful it was. Each group of gangsters have a symbol and of their own. It does not matter whether they are new or whether it is relevant the world of gangsterism, they all have a logo, a signal or a sign of their own. If you child waves to his friend in an explicit manner, be warned. Other than that, absenteeism from school maybe one of the indications that they have joined a gangsters organization. Internal Security Ministry Parliamentary Secretary Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop in an article by Daily Express on Wednesday, July 28, (2004) said that the Emergency Ordinance (Public Order and Crime Prevention) 1969 can be enforced on students involved in extortion and gangsterism. [4]Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop also commented that there were 1,502 cases in 2000, 1,324 cases in 2001, 1,136 cases in 2002 and in 2003 1,429 cases were reported. Among crimes usually committed by students were murder, robbery, rape, housebreaking, theft, using force, molest and receiving stolen property. In 2000, there were 1,152 cases involving students aged between 13 and 15, and 1,398 cases involving student aged between 16 and 18. The police always made efforts to overcome the problem of crimes among students by giving lectures and holding exhibitions at schools to increase student awareness on crimes and drugs and encourage students to join [5]Police Cadets to enhance their discipline and launch special operations to check unhealthy activities at entertainment outlets. Ways to Prevent Gangsterism Yayasan Da’wah Foundation Malaysia (2007) in its article about â€Å"gangsterism†amongst youth stated that several ways to prevent gangsterism. Studies indicate that the prime cause for children joining gangsters today is due to being able to collect money easily; to acquire drugs and to see protection. Some youths are bullied into joining. If they are afraid, or feel shame and easily bullied, their friends may threaten them by saying, â€Å"If you do not join our group, watch out! However if you are together with us, we will protect you and we will make you rich and feared!†Love Your Children. Just because he has made a mistake, do not leave him to fend for himself or to allow him to go astray. He will become more involved in social crimes. Just reflect over having a child delivering drugs for a group in comparison to your friend’s child who ends up becoming a doctor. You will most certainly ask as to where did you go wrong? You are only wrong if you neglect the well being of your child. Self-Confidence. Instill within your child with something that can never be changed, notably, confidence in himself. It has been proven that children that possess a high degree confidence in themselves are not involved in gangsterism. Parental Love. Parental love from the very beginning is very important in the shaping of your child’s future. If there is little love at home, then it will be sought off elsewhere. The same is applicable to money. If they do not receive it, they will seek it elsewhere. Make sure that you always are concerned and observe who your child mixes with and know where he is every time. If he has a cell phone, check if he has switched it off so that you c annot call him.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Moral Relativism in Fyodor Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment :: Crime and Punishment Essays
Moral Relativism in Crime and Punishment At the close of Crime and Punishment, Raskolinkov is convicted of Murder and sentenced to seven years in Siberian prison. Yet even before the character was conceived, Fyodor Dostoevsky had already convicted Raskolinkov in his mind (Frank, Dostoevsky 101). Crime and Punishment is the final chapter in Dostoevsky's journey toward understanding the forces that drive man to sin, suffering, and grace. Using ideas developed in Notes from Underground and episodes of his life recorded in Memoirs of the House of the Dead, Dostoevsky puts forth in Crime in Punishment a stern defense of natural law and an irrefutable volume of evidence condemning Raskolnikov's actions (Bloom, Notes 25).            Central to the prosecution of any crime, murder in particular, is the idea of motive. Not only must the prosecutor prove the actus rectus or "guilty act," but also that the criminal possessed the mens rea or "guilty mind" (Schmalleger 77). The pages of Crime and Punishment and the philosophies of Dostoevsky provide ample proof of both. The first is easy; Dostoevsky forces the reader to watch firsthand as Raskolnikov "took the axe all the way out, swung it with both hands, scarcely aware of himself, and almost without effort, almost mechanically, brought the butt-end down on her head" (Crime and Punishment 76). There is no doubt Raskolnikov caused the death of Alena Ivanovna and, later, Lizaveta, but whether he possessed the mens rea is another matter entirely. By emphasizing the depersonalization Raskolnikov experiences during the murder, the fact that he was "scarcely aware of himself" and acted "almost mechanically" the sympathetic r eader might conclude that some unknown force of nature, and not the person Raskolnikov, is to blame for the death of the usurer and her sister (Nutall 160). Dostoevsky's answer to this is contained not in Crime and Punishment, but rather in an earlier work, Notes from Underground.            The entire story of the Underground Man was intended to parody the works of Nicolai G. Chernyshevsky, and thereby prove that man's actions are the result of his own free-will. The idea that man is alone responsible for his actions is central to proving that Raskolnikov is really to blame for his crime. For under the Chernyshevsky-embraced doctrine of scientific determinism, Raskolnikov cannot be held accountable for his actions. Rather, scientific determinism holds that whatever actions men take are inevitable and unalterable because they are "totally determined by the laws of nature.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Benefits of Nonverbal Communication Essay
Certain things are not conveyed by words or verbal means because individuals are not simply skilled to deliver or are not trained to explain in appropriate means or symbols. An officer can definitely learn from an understanding of nonverbal communication as he/she will be able to gain the nuances of an offender or parolee’s responses whether these are in consonance with the gaze in his eyes, the confidence of gait, or the studied looks that he may portray during the sessions that might transpire with the officer (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). An officer who has spent a lengthy time studying people in this kind of profession, the difficulty usually lies in studying those who are mentally deranged, or the offenders who are so evil that they are capable to manipulate even the most intelligent officers, when possible. Their eyes convey differently where their talk or smiles carry them to a different level (Carrick, 2006). Art in any form conveys the reality that a human’s world is enriched by the kind of communication inherent in being human. Even one’s attire may speak a million things about the person or his intentions. People communicate both through verbal and nonverbal modes. Though we mistake verbal communication is clearer, yet often the reverse is truer (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). People frequently understand our gestures more than our words. Hence, the adage â€Å"Actions speak louder than words. †Nonverbal communication is taught and performed frequently on an almost instinctive level. People get attention by using nonverbal signals and every so often the attention is usually due to an unpleasant manner by which these signals were conveyed. Most people who employ body language utilize such behavior to conceal the self for fear of rejection. The result would mean no real deep connections and deters other people to develop such deep and beneficial relationships. Many of those who realize their need try to unlearn years of covering up and attempt to make themselves known to avoid (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). Every individual has inadequate stock of body language and utilizes the same manners to show specific emotionality. Body language and/or gestures, and a host of physical and psychological signals take place in clusters. This means that when a particular body language is used, it may not mean much as when it is used alongside many other forms of communication (Messina, Training in Nonverbal Communication). The officer then must continually make use of every opportunity as a learning experience as people are dynamic and continually changing. Reference: Carrick, Damien. 31 January 2006. The Law Report. Parole Boards. Messina, James D. Training in Nonverbal Communication. Accessed from Analysis of Cultural Communication and Proxemics http://www. unl. edu/casetudy/456/traci. htm
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Statistics and Psychology
There are numerous applications of statistical reasoning and research methods in the field of psychology. From simple aspects of reading and interpreting psychology articles, to completing personal research, statistics is a necessary concept to understand. The scientific method is essential to research, and many of the concepts cross the lines into statistics. It is also imperative for us to compare and contrast the characteristics of primary and secondary data. Ultimately, the focus of these topics centers on the application of statistical reasoning in psychology.Statistics in Psychology One might ask themselves how mathematical concepts could possibly apply to psychology. The answer is simpler than many imagine, all one has to do is focus on the interpretation. Reading psychology research articles is a common occurrence for anyone in the field. Without the ability to understand the jargon, tables, graphs, and other aspects at the heart of statistics, one is unable to truly process the findings of research (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2009). Research is an iatrical part to nearly every field of psychology, but especially those who seek to answer questions and gain insight to problems.Most fields of psychology –including counseling and clinical focuses- require answers to questions (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2009). Answering questions requires some form of research, which uses statistics on some level. To answer many of these questions, research is done with some application of the scientific method. Research and the Scientific Method When searching for the answer to a problem, most go about it in an orderly way. The research done in the scientific method is simple application of systematic and logical steps to problem solving (Cowens, 2006).Using the five-step process allows researchers to examine any inquiry. The Five-Step Approach The first step is to determine a problem to solve, or make an observation (Cowens, 2006). This can be a simple question or a more comp lex desire to understand how or why something works. For instance, a psychologist seeks to understand why certain object triggers rage in a patient. Step two is to determine a hypothesis (Cowens, 2006). A hypothesis is usually a speculation or idea about how or why something happens. This step seeks to predict the outcome or reasoning of the problem.The psychologist may form the hypothesis that the object triggers rage because the patient associates the object with past trauma. Now it is time to test the hypothesis. Experimentation and research enters the picture for this step (Cowens, 2006). To test the hypothesis, the psychologist may use sessions or questions as research. They may also try other objects, or use hypnosis to recall the trauma. Recording the observations is an essential step in the scientific method (Cowens, 2006). All observations are important, and frequency tables, graphs, and charts explore the statistical application of the scientific method.In addition to thes e, psychologists may use notes to explore the reasoning. The final step is drawing a conclusion (Cowens, 2006). The purpose of this step is the interpretation of the findings. The results may either support the hypothesis, or raise new questions to explore. The psychologist may find no past trauma, and determine that all purple objects trigger both rage and fear. They then will seek a new hypothesis to begin a new search for answers. Primary and Secondary Data In any aspect of research, it is imperative to consider the validity of results.Primary data is described as data observed or collected directly from first-hand experience (Triola, 2010). Secondary data is published data, or data collected by others (Triola, 2010). Primary data is preferred in research because the knowledge is obtained first-hand, where secondary relies on the observations of others. For instance, more accurate results in a weight study will come from the direct weighing of the patients than asking them their weight. Statistics in Research Psychologists use univariate principles when they measure only one variable and multivariate procedure when using variables to ascertain relationships (Chow, 2002).Psychologists often use statistics to identify areas of research interest. In testing a hypothesis, many researchers need to turn questions into testable numerical data. One of the most common statistics applications is the testing of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis involves the original claim –like 50 out of 100 patients see success in regression techniques to overcome phobias- and turning it into a mathematical claim (Â µ = 50). The alternative hypothesis represents the difference of a claim, or the probability that it is untrue because the test statistic is outside the given range (Â µ ? 50).These claims are tested, and if it is found that less than 50 patients saw success with regression techniques, then researchers are able to use statistical reasoning to disprove the statement. Overall, statistical reasoning is extremely important in the interpretation of research results obtained through the scientific method. Personal Application The concepts discussed throughout this paper have focused on many answers this author hopes to find in her professional life, and has pursued in her personal life. The author cited the example of rage and fear caused by purple, because her nine-year-old sister suffers problems with this concept.After many trials, tests, and visits to therapy, we were able to determine that she associated the color with Barney the dinosaur, and she cross-associated Barney with a fear of dinosaurs coming back to life in an old movie. Although a simple study, it had great impact on this author’s life, and her future pursuit of psychology. Conclusion Statistical reasoning in psychology may seem like a contradiction to many. However, any pursuit of answers requires research –which employs the scientific method and statistics. We have determined primary data to be more beneficial and reliable than secondary data.We have also applied the concept of hypotheses to statistics and basic research. In conclusion, even simple understanding in psychology is often related to statistical reasoning. ?References Aron, A. , Aron, E. N. , & Coups, E. J. (2009). Statistics for psychology (5th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall Chow, S. L. (2002). Statistics and its role in psychological research. Methods in Psychological Research. Retrieved October 3, 2010 from ProQuest database. Cowens, J. (2006, August/September). The scientific method. Teaching PreK-8. (37)1. 42. Triola, M. F. (2010). Elementary Statistics. (11th Ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Supreme Court essays
Supreme Court essays The Supreme Court ruled on June 14, 2004, to keep the phrase, under God, intact in the Pledge of Allegiance. While the eight participating justices had dissenting opinions, all unanimously ruled against the case Matthew Newdow had presented to the court many months ago. The court stated that Newdow did not have a legitimate standing and therefore cannot challenge the Pledge in the high court. This decision, as a result, leaves the original pledge unaltered. Throughout the course of American history, there has always been a power struggle between the government and its people. This conflict is the focus of much debate and it is the basis for our democracy. The aforementioned court ruling created many implications and dilemmas concerning the democratic ideal. The first amendment and the notion about the separation of church and state were both focal points of the heated dispute. Since both are fundamental liberties, they are linked directly with democracy. The national court decision obstructs the advancement of democracy in America because these liberties are violated. The first amendment clearly states the basic freedoms an American citizen has and the freedoms of religion and speech are emphasized in the constitution. Newdow has justifiable cause to present his case to the U.S Supreme Court, the highest court of the land. He personally believed that his undeniable rights as an American citizen were being infringed upon. As a father and an atheist, Newdow strongly advocated the separation of church and state idea and wanted it enforced in his daughters elementary school through the pledge. He was a strong supporter of the first amendment and didnt want the Pledge mandatory to listen to. The decision made by the court really slows down the ideal toward the perfect democracy. Although they left the case open for further prosecution, the high court has greatly stunted the progression...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Prescription Mix-ups essays
Prescription Mix-ups essays When a person goes to the doctor and receives a prescription for medicine, the patient assumes the pharmacy will provide the right drug. That is usually the case, but sometimes the pharmacist cant read the doctors handwriting and may misinterpret what medicine is being prescribed. Also, it is the pharmacists job to ask the person if he is taking any other drugs, including over-the-counter products. The pharmacist has to do this to make sure the person is not mistakenly mixing drugs that can be harmful. Mix-ups are not common, but they do happen in the $103-billion-a-year prescription business. One major reason is that there are so many drugs that look or sound alike. Studies have shown that one to three percent of prescriptions dispensed have some kind of error. About 15,000 mistakes by pharmacists happened in 1998, according to estimates by Tony Grasha, a psychology professor at the University of Cincinnati who studied mistakes by pharmacists. About 2.8 billion prescriptions were filled in that year. If a person gets the wrong drug, it can be deadly. That is why the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), which sets standards for drugs, is running a voluntary hot line for health workers to report mix-ups. The USP has been able to find out which drugs are the easiest to confuse. Here are a couple: Accupril (taken for high blood pressure) and Accutane (for acne). Also, Zyrtec (an antihistamine) and Zyprexa (an antipsychotic). One of the problems, according to the Vice President of USP, Diane Cousins, is that drug companies have already worked their way through the alphabet, trademarking thousands of catchy names. She goes on to say in a Consumer Reports interview, How many combinations of five to seven letters starting with a Z are there that are easily pronounceable? The Journal of the American Medical Association reported that an older woman in a hospital emergency r...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Geography and History of Kashmir
Geography and History of Kashmir Kashmir is a region located in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. It includes the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the Pakistani states of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. The Chinese regions of Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakoram are also included in Kashmir. Currently, the United Nations refers to this region as Jammu and Kashmir. Until the 19th century, Kashmir geographically included the valley region from the Himalayas to the Pir Panjal mountain range. Today, however, it has been extended to include the aforementioned areas. Kashmir is significant to geographic studies because its status is disputed, which often causes conflict to develop in the region. Today, Kashmir is administered by India, Pakistan and China. Historical Facts About Kashmir Historical documents state that the region of present-day Kashmir was formerly a lake, thus its name is derived from several translations that deal with water. Kaashmir, a term used in the religious text Nilamata Purana, means for example a land desiccated from water. Kashmirs old capital, Shrinagari, was first founded by the Buddhist emperor Ashoka and the region served as a center of Buddhism. In the 9th century, Hinduism was introduced to the area and both religions thrived. In the 14th century, the Mongol ruler, Dulucha invaded the Kashmir region. This ended the Hindu and Buddhist rule of the area and in 1339, Shah Mir Swati became the first Muslim ruler of Kashmir. Throughout the rest of the 14th century and into subsequent times, Muslim dynasties and empires successfully controlled the Kashmir region. By the 19th century, though, Kashmir was passed to the Sikh armies that were conquering the area. Beginning in 1947 at the end of Englands rule of India, the Kashmir region was given the choice to become a part of the new Union of India, the Dominion of Pakistan or to remain independent. Around this same time, however, both Pakistan and India attempted to gain control of the area and the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 began which lasted until 1948 when the region was partitioned. Two more wars over Kashmir took place in 1965 and 1999. Todays Geography of Kashmir Today, Kashmir is divided among Pakistan, India and China. Pakistan controls the northwestern part, while India controls the central and southern portions and China controls its northeastern areas. India controls the largest portion of land at 39,127 square miles (101,338 sq km) while Pakistan controls an area of 33,145 square miles (85,846 sq km) and China 14,500 square miles (37,555 sq km). The Kashmir region has a total area of about 86,772 square miles (224,739 sq km) and much of it is undeveloped and dominated by large mountain ranges such as the Himalayan and Karakoram ranges. The Vale of Kashmir is located between mountain ranges and there are also several large rivers in the region. The most populated areas are Jammu and Azad Kashmir. The main cities in Kashmir are Mirpur, Dadayal, Kotli, Bhimber Jammu, Muzaffrarabad and Rawalakot. Kashmirs Climate Kashmir has a varied climate but in its lower elevations, summers are hot, humid and dominated monsoonal weather patterns, while winters are cold and often wet. In the higher elevations, summers are cool and short, and winters are very long and very cold. Economy Kashmirs economy is mostly made up of agriculture that takes place in its fertile valley areas. Rice, corn, wheat, barley, fruits and vegetables are the main crops grown in Kashmir while lumber and the raising of livestock also play a role in its economy. In addition, small-scale handicrafts and tourism are important to the area. Ethnic Groups in Kashmir Most of Kashmirs population is Muslim. Hindus also live in the region and the main language of Kashmir is Kashmiri. Tourism In the 19th century, Kashmir was a popular tourist destination because of its topography and climate. Many of Kashmirs tourists came from Europe and were interested in hunting and mountain climbing. Resources and Further Reading How Stuff Works. (n.d.). How Stuff Works Geography of Kashmir. Retrieved from:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 20
Management - Essay Example The introduction of a new Legoland theme park in Paris, France would require taking into consideration a wide variety of factors, including the impact on all stakeholders for such a new business venture. Will the company be able to maintain enough profit to cover all of the costs of operating and building the new facility, thus making this new theme park budget-conscious and sustainable for long-term business activity? This question can be answered by reviewing the revenues of other international Legoland theme parks from 2002-2003 and comparing these revenues to the current operating environment for Lego company. For instance, Legoland Deutschland, in 2003, experienced a significant drop in sales volume after only its second year of operations due to less consumer patronage and an unusually-hot summer (Annual Report, 2003). Though the Legoland Deutschland park appeared to be a rather instant success for consumers in this country during the park’s first year, this excitement a ppeared to have worn off rather quickly, likely making executive leadership at the company take a second look at whether Legoland theme parks are sustainable business concepts for long-term profitability. However, despite these statistics, the Paris, France operation requires an examination of stakeholder interests involving each group. The consumers/patrons will likely dictate whether or not the Legoland park is a continued success. Consumer attitudes fluctuate rather unexpectedly based on social and economic trends (Kurtz, 2006), thus making patronage levels extremely difficult to predict, especially in the difficult economic climate being experienced across the globe today. Suppliers, also, who would be responsible for distributing various foods and beverages associated with the new Legoland Paris theme park also have an active interest in whether the new park is successful. The supplier business’ longevity and profit margins
REFLECTIVE PROFESSIONAL ENQUIRY 1 PROJECT - Essay Example Thus they are faced with a responsibility of challenging the disadvantage and the inequality. The oppressive and discriminatory practices faced by the guidance practitioners are in the main social divisions of the race, class, gender, age and also sexual discrimination. (Ali and Graham 1996) In the guidance and counselling practice the practitioners face some barriers and challenges because of an individual’s mental or physical ability. People with various disabilities need some special care and also facilities so that they can be able to work effectively and produce the needed results. In the anti oppressive approach the special provisions for the people with disabilities are put into consideration. This would allow these people to work side by side with the other people who do not have any form of disabilities. (The Disability Rights Commission) The guidance and counselling practitioners discriminate their service receivers on the basis of their physical or even mental disabilities. In the organizations there should be more diverse avenues which should be encouraged so that to encompass all the people including those who have any form of disabilities. On the other hand the society and the practitioners in the guidance and counselling practice are supposed to challenge the way the wants of those who are dominant in the society influence the chances of those with different abilities. (Argyle 1983) In the field of guidance and counselling people who posses various forms of abilities or those with disabilities suffer multiple challenges to the achievement of their human rights. Disability makes it even less likely that the practitioners treat their clients fairly especially those who are not economically independent. The disabled individuals in both the practicing organizations and the society at large are more at risk from abuse and exploitation. For instance in many parts of the world the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Portfolio - semester 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Portfolio - semester 1 - Essay Example It is also important because it will enable me to be more vigilant when evaluating data and ensuring it is perfect and up to date as in most cases such information are always ongoing projects. In addition, I will be in a position to identify new business openings and open opportunities for the business in order to improve on their statement approaches. What I want to have achieved by the end of the placement At the end of the placement, I hope to have gained more arithmetical skills that will enable me to perform more tasks that require data collection and analysis. Furthermore, I hope to have improved my participation and devotion characters so that I may become an active member in my working place through taking part in various activities. Criteria 2 Oral communication Why do I think this is important to develop? This element is important because it promotes a high level of understanding and transparency in oral communication as it is interpersonal. There is no constituent of infle xibility in verbal communication, which implies that there is tractability for permitting modifications in the decision-making previously taken. In addition, oral communication is a vital tool for teamwork and team determination (Gonon 2008, p.90). Verbal communication endorses an approachable and motivating positivity among workforces. Therefore, because of these benefits of oral communication, I feel it is very important as it allows interaction within the workplace. By employing effective oral communications skills in a team, I stand a good position to share various ideas with my team members. For me to perform tasks efficiently for the project I have to advance my oral communications skills (Useem 2001, p. 85). I have to develop a proficient understanding with other associates and members of the organization, communicating with them in a formal manner using correct grammatical English. For instance, during my placement I was asked to perform a telephone surveys with staff and me mber from different part of the department. This allowed me to collect qualitative as well as quantitative data from members who are part of the â€Å"Business Allowance Programme.†The feedback from the survey questions gave me an insight of how the programme helped set up the individual company. I also spoke to members and patrons, who are members of the organization asking for their opinions on Chamber’s communications, speaking with member allowed me to enhance my technical vocabulary. At the end of the 6-week project, I was asked to produce a report along with a presentation to the employees of the company. This boosted my self-assurance and vocabulary letting me to execute to the paramount of my capacity. Therefore, this experience was a revelation in my field, especially in terms of improving my oral communication. It made me to realize that oral communication is a very essential component in my project and in the world as a whole as I join the working group. In most organizations, a significant number of employers seek out for applicants with good oral communication; therefore, developing such a character is an advantage for future employment opportunities. What I want to have achieved by the end of the placement By the end of this placement, I hope to have enhanced my oral communication using clear vocabularies during any speech I will be allowed
RSPCA Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals Essay
RSPCA Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals - Essay Example Marketing is all about understanding the customers and of finding ways and means to for providing product or service as per his requirements (Sandhusen 2000). Marketing is a highly misunderstood word. It is not tactics or methods of getting customers to buy a company’s product or services. That is advertisement or promotions. It is a conscious effort to analyze and understand what is needed and trying to fulfill this need. Marketing is about understanding the stakeholders. It is highly relevant to investigate what each stakeholder contributes in terms of the product, quality, service deliveries and pricing. Marketing is also about knowledge of your own company and its capability of delivering a product or service and managing its resources and competencies in that direction. But above all, Marketing is all about customers. Their behavior and attitude towards buying a product is of paramount importance. Their needs and wants and their likes and dislikes are decisive factors and purchase decisions depend on these issues. It is the understanding of these factors that will develop a marketing strategy. Therefore Marketing is all about understanding the customers and of finding ways and means to for providing product or service as per his requirements. Marketers have adopted a variety of means to persuade customers, foremost among them being advertisement, promotion, publicity and public relations. However unless a proper commutation channel is established the efforts will go in vain. Advertising and promotions both need effective communication to produce successful results. Kotler et al (1996) have pointed out persuasive communication is designed to stimulate a pre-defined response from consumers and advertisers use this ploy to gain advantage over susceptible consumers. This can be done using various methods like â€Å"mass media advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct mail and point-of-sale merchandising†(Kitchen
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Planar Truss System Steel Truss Bridge Assignment
The Planar Truss System Steel Truss Bridge - Assignment Example In order to estimate the dead weight of the bridge truss system, the steel chamber’s weight had to be evaluated per every unit length and the entire length of the truss. Concrete and gravel make a major component of the bridge and it is mathematically critical to include their weights in the calculations. The total weight of the concrete used in the bridge was 24 Newtons per Cubic meter according to table A1, AS/NZS1170.1;2002. The steel of the bridged was assumed to be 310UB which was 453 Newtons per meter or 42.6 kilograms per meter. The following are the individual measurements obtained from the structure per every material used that included steel, concrete, and further explores the dead weight and live weight of the bridge truss system. To evaluate the total weight of the concrete used in the construction of the bridge, we had to first estimate the thickness of the bridge. In our approximation, we established that the thickness of the truss bridge system is 30 meters. This measurement was strictly taken on the concrete. Because we were covering the measurements in two dimensions, we divided the width by 2, which gave us 5. To get the dead load of the truss system, both the load of the steel and concrete had to be brought together by addition. The load of the concrete is 1764kN and that of steel is 1852.51kN. Therefore, the Dead load of the system is, In order to get the live load, both the weights of the bridge and that of the freight train had to be combined. There are two railway tracks constructed on the bridge alongside other features. The freight engines that are found in Melbourne are the NR; an abbreviation for the national Rail Class. They have an aggregate mass of about 132 tons. They also have lengths of 22meters.
Prepare a business and marketing plan for a tourism,hospitality or Essay
Prepare a business and marketing plan for a tourism,hospitality or events organisation of your choice - Essay Example Chakula Restaurant target the central business district that gets crowded during lunch hours with high income individuals. Chakula Restaurant will operate in a sector where individuals with refined tastes spend approximately 500 GBP on a full course dinner items with beverages. The sector however has experienced a slow and sluggish growth majorly due to the rich tourists and business people, coming to the town majorly for business reasons. According to Mintel (2011), the recession has grossly affected the industry and sales have declined by 30%. There has been a reduction in business travel and dining out has also witnessed a decline due to the high costs. The smoking ban in public places has also prevented people from the fine dining sector. This business plan seeks to maximize profits through a fast food enterprise. Chakula Restaurant is likely to succeed due to the experience that the owner has as mentioned earlier. Chakula Restaurant is committed to its fast food business. Throug h this experience, the owner will be able to raise good funds, attract customers, and increase the confidence of both the interested investors and customers. Corporate strategy and mission The corporate strategy of the Chakula Restaurant
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Planar Truss System Steel Truss Bridge Assignment
The Planar Truss System Steel Truss Bridge - Assignment Example In order to estimate the dead weight of the bridge truss system, the steel chamber’s weight had to be evaluated per every unit length and the entire length of the truss. Concrete and gravel make a major component of the bridge and it is mathematically critical to include their weights in the calculations. The total weight of the concrete used in the bridge was 24 Newtons per Cubic meter according to table A1, AS/NZS1170.1;2002. The steel of the bridged was assumed to be 310UB which was 453 Newtons per meter or 42.6 kilograms per meter. The following are the individual measurements obtained from the structure per every material used that included steel, concrete, and further explores the dead weight and live weight of the bridge truss system. To evaluate the total weight of the concrete used in the construction of the bridge, we had to first estimate the thickness of the bridge. In our approximation, we established that the thickness of the truss bridge system is 30 meters. This measurement was strictly taken on the concrete. Because we were covering the measurements in two dimensions, we divided the width by 2, which gave us 5. To get the dead load of the truss system, both the load of the steel and concrete had to be brought together by addition. The load of the concrete is 1764kN and that of steel is 1852.51kN. Therefore, the Dead load of the system is, In order to get the live load, both the weights of the bridge and that of the freight train had to be combined. There are two railway tracks constructed on the bridge alongside other features. The freight engines that are found in Melbourne are the NR; an abbreviation for the national Rail Class. They have an aggregate mass of about 132 tons. They also have lengths of 22meters.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Debates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Debates - Essay Example However, Obama ensures to secure Israel, secure religious minorities and feminines, and foster the economy. He also supplemented that Syria must be dissolved through ensuring that their allies are strong, but that does not mean military provisions. Moreover, both agreed in the case of the insisted Egyptian President Mubarak Go (Nate). Romney’s perspectives on America’s role in the world are simply the leader of all nations to promote peace. That is possible by fostering the economy of the country, and supporting their allies. He depicted that there are uncertainties that may occur, and being prepared through firm troops is the best approach to combat against unexpected military forces that might attack the US. Obama notes that the US has been reconstructing the economy through employee retention, strengthening automaker industry, and decreasing the cost of oil imports (â€Å"Third Presidential Debate†). Romney believes that Afghanistan can recover through the aid of the US, only if Afghans can meet their benchmarks. However, Obama utters about shifting its focus on Afghanistan after the closure of war in Iraq. Both have agreed that, by 2014, Afghanistan can be ready. Furthermore, Romney describes that the US should negotiate with Pakistan not to commence a war against Afghanistan. They both have agreed to promote annihilation of extremism through leveraging corrupt officials in the government (Nate). Moreover, if Israel is attacked, the US should secure Israel. Romney says that Iran cannot utilize nuclear weapon. Obama says Iranian navy cannot come into the US docks. Both of them have concurred on this--that utilizing military forces is the final resort. The goal of Obama for Iran is to put an end on its nuclear program; thus, they can re-penetrate the international society. Romney’s description of Iran is somehow varied, uttering that Iran is a strong nation now,
Monday, October 14, 2019
Improving Organizational Retention Essay Example for Free
Improving Organizational Retention Essay As an independent consultant hired to improve retention issues at JC’s Casino concerning dealers and housekeeping I will look at this as two separate entities. The casino owner needs the quickest fix possible and I must look at the area first causing the most issues with the customers. Though there is a fast turnover of dealers there are enough employees to cover this area for the time being. The first issue is the housekeeping staff because it is causing customers to have to wait on their rooms until six in the evening. This can cause loss of revenue by customers moving to other casino hotels where they can check in at a reasonable time and this in turn could cause loss of revenue at the gambling tables. The first person I will meet with is the HR director, Tom Sneed, to see how the company process of hiring is done and if there is a job analysis directive with requirements and training procedures in place. Tom Sneed said applicants are sent through the local unemployment office, and apply through newspaper ads. The job application is a standard application with previous jobs, history, and education. The applications are passed to Andrew Keen for approval or disapproval. There is a job analysis in place for requirements from bending and lifting, to chemicals used in the cleaning process, and training videos. Each floor has carts set up to cover all the required products for each room; this is checked by the director of housekeeping each day and refilled as needed. All products are on carts, including boxes of gloves for protection for the housekeepers. As the director of housekeeping, Andrew Keen is responsible for staffing, scheduling the employees, keeping the housekeeping budget in check, keeping up with new policies, and initiating the new policies (Education Portal, 2012). As there has been a tremendous staffing issue with absenteeism and high turnovers, we need to see where the shortcomings are in this department. Keen does not think there are any issues within the company for the position, but that it is just hard to find good help. The hotel consists of 15 floors with 20 rooms on each floor except the top floor, which has eight suites. Each floor has two housekeepers per floor with each employee required to clean up to 10 rooms a day on his or her shifts if the hotel is full. The top floor employees are required to clean up to four suites a day on their shift. I introduce myself to the employees who are working and ask for a list of those who are not in for the day. I call all the employees off for the day to come in and request the employees who are at work to stay after for a meeting when they are done with their shift. I am setting up food trays and drinks from the kitchen plus paying them for the time at the meeting. I start out the meeting by explaining who I am, letting them know that any comments made to me about their dissatisfaction in the job is confidential. They will fill out a questionnaire on why they think there is such a huge turnover of employees in housekeeping, what they see as a way to fix it, and any dissatisfaction with the job. I let them know that the questionnaires are for my eyes only and I will assemble a list of issues myself, which I will take to the director of housekeeping and possibly on up the ladder to the owner. Occupational Stressors and Job Satisfaction The immediate items I notice from the questionnaires are extreme dissatisfaction with their supervisor Keehn. The list includes everything from watering down the cleaning supplies so much it does not clean or sanitize properly, to shortages on sheets and towels to scheduling issues. The employees believe that Keehn is trying to keep under budget to make him-self look good. Scheduling issues are not enough hours and refusing to work with anyone on scheduling needs. The 22 employees who were at the meeting said they get into trouble by Keehn if he sees them talking to each other or trying to help someone else get his or her rooms done. Job control stressors can be lack of control over your work, lack of recognition for work done, harassment, lack of respect from supervisors, and isolation from fellow employees to name a few (CWA, 2009). Each of these factors is all stressors with the housekeeping staff. Over all there is very little job satisfaction with the company because of all the negative issues. Those who are here would leave if they found another job with better scheduling and a better supervisor. Several of the employees suggested Rhonda Jordan should be the director of housekeeping. She has been here longer than anyone, knows the ins and outs of the company, always has a kind word, and has good communication skills. Many of the employees go to her for help instead of Keehn. I go back to HR with Tom Sneed and discuss with him the issue of the dealers quitting and look over the exit interviews on those who bothered to do one before they left. Mr. Sneed said that some of the dealers in the step-sons Joe’s pit have walked out during their breaks because of his attitude. He has a tendency to belittle the dealers and make the customers angrier instead of defusing a bad situation. His paperwork is haphazard and the accounting office is always calling him in to explain his paperwork to them. Two Work Motivation Theories The issues with the housekeepers and the dealers both stem from issues with their immediate supervisors. Using the goal-setting theory and reinforcement theory I am in hopes that the casino president will put into effect immediately the outline I have to present to him. The foremost and most important fix needs to be the housekeeping staff so that customers can check in at the normal industry standard time of three in the afternoon instead of six. After talking to Keehn and his denials of the accusations by his underlings and not taking any responsibility for any part of the housekeeping staff leaving, I will suggest that Andrew Keehn be fired and the position offered to Rhonda Jordan, who is an intelligent, warm, and job-oriented person. The employees all look up to her and respect her. Rhonda and I discussed in detail ways to keep the employees they do have and ways to hire and keep new employees. Goal setting will be to replace Keehn with Ms. Jordan, to make sure all cleaning products are up to standard market mixes, to have each cart filled for what each person needs and ready each morning, and to even out scheduling with fairness to each employee. New procedures need to be set in place, employee teamwork will be applauded, and all employees will help each other every day until all can go home at the same time, basically no employee left behind. To further enhance the housekeeping staff to come to work on their scheduled times we will offer a reinforcement of a free meal for a family of four in the hotel restaurant for every 30 days of scheduling each person does not call in and arrives at work on time. Until enough staff is hired all staff employees on the payroll will get an incentive of paid hours off for each room past 10 they clean during a workday. We want the employees here to feel as if they are important to the company by reinforcing the hard work they do. After talking to Joe, the pit boss, he knows that he is not cut out for the job he is in. He has admitted the stress of all the paperwork and the constant spotlight put on him by the customers and dealers is just not for him. He has agreed to go to his stepfather and tell him that he is not satisfied with the position and wants to move to head of security because the head of security is retiring in 30 days. For the employees under Joe who have stayed through his supervising an incentive check of 100 hundred dollars for each month they have been here will be given to them as a thank you and reinforcement to them as employees that they are valued. A new supervisor will be found and put into the position with the abilities to get the job done with good and appropriate communication skills. As a further reinforcement to let employees know they are valued, an employee suggestion box will be hung by the time clock. Counterproductive Employee Behavior The employee behavior is walking out on-the-job, calling in to work, and general turnover of employees which cost time and money to retrain new employees. The outline above will help with employee behavior by putting new supervisors in the positions needed that can act professional, fairly, and treat the employees with respect. Giving the employees incentives will also help with keeping the employees here until all positions and staff are put into place. Conclusion Common job facets include pay, supervision, job conditions, and communication to name a few (Spector, 2012). With this as a prelim, JC’s Casino hopes to fix the issues that are making the employees leave the job by getting better supervisors who are open to ideas from the employees, who show respect to the employees and are not short on praise when employees do a good job. Taking away some of the stressors of the job should help with job retention.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Why Do Females Ask Males The Question They Do? :: essays research papers
Every day males are faced with questions that, in a females perspective, are punishable by death if answered incorrectly. Why do they do this to us and what can males do to evade them? The questions seem basic enough at first glance. When examined further, the questions are without a resolution. They are questions like â€Å"What are you thinking,†â€Å"Do you love me,†â€Å"Do I look fat,†and â€Å"Does she look prettier than me?†We know the acceptable answers to these questions, but when faced with them a blank look comes over our faces and all intelligent thoughts exit our minds.      â€Å"What are you thinking?†The obvious answer is â€Å"I was just thinking about what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, and intelligent woman you are, and how fortunate I am to have you.†Of course, that is not what we are thinking at all. If, and I emphasize if, because most of the time were not thinking anything at all, its more along the lines of â€Å"Football, sex, baseball, or how much prettier that woman is than you.†These are the types of answers that can get you a nice little place to sleep on the couch.      â€Å"Do you love me?†This question always screws us up. If she ask us this she most likely loves us. This makes the answer, and delivery, all that more important. The obvious answer is â€Å"Yes,†spoken with feeling. Eye contact is important. You can even change it up with â€Å"Yes, baby.†Contrary to popular belief males do feel love and when we do, at least from my own experience; we let the girl know it. When we don’t feel it answers like â€Å"I suppose so†come out. Here’s a little tip, never use the word suppose in a sentence when talking about love. Other answers would include â€Å"That depends on what you mean by love,†â€Å"Does it matter,†or â€Å"Who me?†None of these should pass your lips without expecting some sort of retaliation.      â€Å"Do I look fat?†This question is another one of the biggies. A good answer would go along the lines of â€Å"Of course not!†Incorrect answers sound like â€Å"Compared to what,†â€Å"I wouldn’t call you fat, but your not exactly thin,†â€Å"A little extra weight looks good on you,†and a definite Freudian slip â€Å"I’ve seen fatter.†Once again, what we say and what we think does not always match, and honesty is not always the best policy.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
Describe the future As the world grows so do our challenges. Not only are our problems growing in number but they are also growing in complexity. There is barely a day that goes by when I don't hear about some new problem that will soon endanger us all. While some of these problems such as El Nino, earthquakes, and other natural disasters cannot be stopped there are other threats such as the extension of racial abhorrence, mounting risk of disease spread, and the increasing levels of civil agitation all over the world, which endanger numerous lives everyday. Most of the future's challenges will only be made possible if all people, regardless of race, color, or nationality, attempt to work together for a stronger world. There are numerous ways in which I believe that we can assist society meet this future challenge of coming together as a united world. To make the people of the world combine would barely take time in persuading people of the world that we are all in quest of the sam e fundamental goals. Many suffer problems on a much less grandiose scale. In spite of the fact that th... Essay -- Describe the future As the world grows so do our challenges. Not only are our problems growing in number but they are also growing in complexity. There is barely a day that goes by when I don't hear about some new problem that will soon endanger us all. While some of these problems such as El Nino, earthquakes, and other natural disasters cannot be stopped there are other threats such as the extension of racial abhorrence, mounting risk of disease spread, and the increasing levels of civil agitation all over the world, which endanger numerous lives everyday. Most of the future's challenges will only be made possible if all people, regardless of race, color, or nationality, attempt to work together for a stronger world. There are numerous ways in which I believe that we can assist society meet this future challenge of coming together as a united world. To make the people of the world combine would barely take time in persuading people of the world that we are all in quest of the sam e fundamental goals. Many suffer problems on a much less grandiose scale. In spite of the fact that th...
Friday, October 11, 2019
The law balance out the rights of the victims
To what extent does the law balance out the rights of the victims, offenders and society in the criminal investigation process? The role of the criminal investigation process is to balance the rights of the victims and offenders in society. All individuals' wether victim, offender or member of society have basic rights to which the law attempts to adhere to. While all are individual, the rights will differ for the purpose of maintaining a balance in society. Though upholding the rights of the people is essential in order to ensure that the investigation process is conducted correctly and without abuse.In a criminal investigation case, a victim is usually seeking Justice for an offence against them personally. Victims can be involved in the criminal trial in a number of ways, from reporting a crime and assisting police in testifying at a trial as a witness impact statement. However in certain cases a victim can be of significant value in the criminal investigation process as they may be the only witness to the crime. The victim also has the right to maintain their dignity and to be protected from the accused as they may have access to certain information that may be otherwise confidential.The victims' rights are outlined in the victims' rights act 1996. Victims also have to right to a victim impact statement, being a voluntary statement written by the victim about the impact of the crime had on them. Although this is only allowed in serious offences and to ensure fairness in particular highly sensitive cases the Judge may not allow a victim impact statement, on the grounds to assuring that the emotional content does not persuade the Jury and result in a bias verdict. Case) In NSW, crimes will be investigated by the NSW police force, as they play an important role in the criminal investigation process. The police force is given special legal powers enabling them to carry out their duties effectively. The majority of these powers are found in the law and enforceme nt (powers and responsibilities) act 2002 permitting them to investigate crimes, make arrests, interrogate suspects and gather evidence against the accused.The NSW police force also follows a specific code of behaviour called the code of practice for CRIME (custody, rights, investigation, management and evidence) which sets out the rights of the suspect and the manner in which the investigation should be carried out, it also includes that all citizens must e treated fairly regardless of race, religion, ethnic background and sex. Police are not allowed to detain a person unless they have good reason to do so, if enough evidence and a warrant is issued the police may arrest someone for the crime they are investigating.The accused will be held in police custody for questioning, this is known as interrogation. At the end of the detention period the police will make a unconditionally. If the accused believes that this procedure has not been adhered to appropriately they have the right to report their opinion through a complaints rocedure overseen by the NSW ombudsmen and the police integrity commission. Society have an important role to play in the criminal Justice system by being actively encouraged by community programs to report information about criminal activity.Crimes will usually be reported by a person who has knowledge of the crime, or has witnessed the crime. Citizens have the right to actively participate in the identification of a crime and exercise their right to live in a safe and secured environment. The member of society also has the right to remain anonymous during the criminal investigation process in order to protect their individual security. Citizens can exercise this right directly through the police or through a community program such as crime stoppers. robbed, deceived or cheated.Victims can be involved in a criminal trial process in a number of ways from reporting a crime and assisting police through to testifying at as a witness and submit ting a victim impact statement. In NSW, victims of crime are recognised and guaranteed certain rights under the Victims rights act 1996. The Act contain a charter of victims' rights which requires among a number of things, respect for a victims dignity, victims compensation, protection from the accused, protection of dentity and certain rights to information and assistance during the criminal process.A victim impact statement is a voluntary statement written by the victim about the impact the crime has had on them. It allows the victim an opportunity to participate in the process by letting the court know how the crime has affected them. The statements are only permitted for serious offences involving violence, death of or any physical harm to a person and only if the court approves of it. Victim impact statements can be controversial because they can be very subjective yet have significant effect on sentencing. Supporters argues that they provide an important opportunity for victim s to express themselves in the criminal process. case The area of the criminal process trial that are critiqued by society are the right of police powers against the rights of the suspect. The role of the police in the criminal investigation process is to investigate crimes, make arrests, interrogate suspects and gather evidence against the accused. The police will then present the evidence for judgement to a court on the behalf of the state. The NSW criminal trial process states that the accused has the right to a fair trial as it is stated in the crimes act of 1900
Thursday, October 10, 2019
How Texting Affects Our Life Essay
There is no denying that instant text messaging is very important in our live. Most of us could not even imagine our daily life without texting. This is the quickest and easiest method of communication, most popular among young people. Several years ago to suddenly organize with friends was quite difficult, especially when our friends lived in different part of the city. Currently we need only a few minutes to send them all messages in the blink of an eye to determine where and what we will do. Text massages helps us a lot, but seems to me that in some sense also limit our ability to conduct interviews in private. Some people use short messages to break out the relationship or even layoff someone from work. Texting is also changing the importance of grammar and correct spelling and the most importantly it easily distract us very quickly. People who use text messages often are more likely to lose the habit of conversation in private. When we talking with someone through text messages, our ability to decipher what they mean, the emotion in their words is curtailed. For example, when a teenage girl is receiving a text message from her boyfriend, which Includes words like: â€Å"I love you, I missed you†, etc., she might be exited, but she won’t be sure if that is sincere. But if the same words are spoken face to face, they will be able to decipher their body language and right or wrong intentions. Texting has also negative consequences when it comes to grammar and spelling, because people simply do not know how to write formally and accurately. Grammar, spelling, syntax, abbreviation, they do not matter anymore, which is why texting is more popular in the younger generation. For example, a teenager who is used to write informally is more likely to fail grade in formal writing exam. When a word from a text messages is used in an inappropriate situation, like business email, it may seem unprofessional or simply be interpreted as a lack of intelligence. The most important reason why I believe texting affect our lives is because it easily distracts us. When you are always trying to be in two places at once, you are really not in neither. For example, if we are sitting in class, the teacher is talking, and someone’s phone goes off. Everyone looks around wildly and the person does all he or she can to try to silence the phone. Some may wonder who could text student during school hours, but most likely was another student texting to each other. That student tried to pay attention in class and at the same time text someone else. As a result he has learned nothing and scattered the attention of other students. Texting seems to be not harmful at first glance. However, after careful consideration of the topic is worth considering frequent use of texting. Subconsciously may be the cause of many unwanted and unnecessary problems.
Gene Cloning Essay
One aspect of the DNA cloning experiments that is carefully considered is the selection of cloning vectors. A variety of vectors have been created, each being suitable for a particular use. One common vector used in laboratories is a plasmid called pUC19. It is 2686 base pairs long and possesses an origin of replication which allows the production of over 100 copies in a competent E.coli cell. It possesses a multiple cloning site (MCS) which is artificially implanted by adding a polylinker sequence to it. The pUC19 plasmid is also altered by inserting a gene that codes for beta-lactamase which confers resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin (Read and Strachan 2011). The MCS occupies the 5’ end of the gene lacZ (Sherwood, Willey and Woolverton 2012). This gene codes for only the alpha-peptide of beta-galactosidase, an enzyme used to break down the disaccharide lactose into glucose and galactose (Read and Strachan 2011). The aim of this experiment is to incorporate a cDNA called CIH-1, from plasmid pBK-CMV, into pUC19. DNA cloning is dependent on type 2 restriction endonuclease enzymes. They function by cleaving both strands of DNA on specific points known as restriction sites. These sites are reliant on the sequences of DNA that are recognised by them. Different bacterial strains yield varying restriction endonucleases. There are currently over 250 recognition sequences identified (Read and Strachan 2011). Restriction endonucleases can cleave DNA sequences on vectors making them competent for the binding of other DNA fragments cut by the same enzyme. They are thus important tools in the production of recombinant DNA (Ahmed, Glencross and Wang 2011). The first objective of this experiment was to use two restriction endonucleases, EcoR1 and Xba1, to cut pUC19 and pBK-CMV. To ensure that the plasmids were successfully cut, analysis of the plasmid was carried out using gel electrophoresis. Gel electrophoresis is a method of separating DNA molecules using their sizes (Brown 2001). This is made possible due to the negative charge of nucleic acids. The DNA molecules are subjected to an electric field which makes them migrate toward the positive electrode (Hausman and Cooper 2013). The 2nd objective of this experiment was to construct recombinant DNA from pUC19 that was cut by EcoR1 and Xba1. The vector must undergo ligation in order to form the recombinant. This is achieved by using the enzyme DNA ligase, from the T4 bacteriophage, and ATP to form covalent phosphodiester bonds between annealed DNA molecules in the 3’ to 5’ direction. Ligation takes place at lower temperatures over a long period of time in order to allow optimal activity of DNA ligase (Holmes, Jones, Reed and Weyers 2007). The vector is then taken up by the host cells in a process called transformation. Transformation is an inefficient process as only a very small number of bacterial species can be easily transformed. As a result, the host cells have to undergo some form of physical and chemical treatment in order to make them competent (Brown 2001). E.coli was made competent by incubating it with MgCl2 to achieve the 3rd objective of introducing the recombinant pUC19 to them. Competent E.coli cells have altered cell walls which enable uptake of recombinant pUC19. Transformants can be identified using the selective marker. In the case of pUC19, this is the ampicillin resistance gene. For this reason, the transformed E.coli will be plated in agar containing the antibiotic ampicillin. In order to find transformants with recombinant pUC19, blue white colour selection was has been carried out. EcoR1 and Xba1 cut lacZ out of pUC19 to allow CIH-1 to ligate into it. For this reason, transformants without recombinant pUC19 cannot transcribe the alpha-peptide of beta-galactosidase resulting production of non-functional beta-galactosidase. Non-recombinant pUC19 has the 5’ end of lacZ intact and thus transformants with that plasmid produce functional beta-galactosidase. This can be detected by adding 5-bromo-4 chloro-3-endolyl –beta-D-galactopyrosinoside (X-gal) into the agar plates. X-gal is an analog of lactose which is broken down by beta-galactosidase to produce a blue-coloured product (Sherwood, Willey and Woolverton 2012). For this reason, the transformants possessing non-recombinant pUC19 will produce blue colonies whereas transformants, with recombinant pUC19 will produce white colonies. Isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG) was also added to the agar in order to induce the transcription of beta-galactosidase. IPTG works by binding to the repressor protein inactivating it (Read and Strachan 2011). Results In figure 1, with the pBK-CMV plasmid, there are two DNA fragments shown as bands on the electrophoresis gel, one band which suggests a fragment size of approximately 5000 base pairs and one with 500-100 base pairs. These are within range of the predicted band sizes for pBK-CMV. The data collected from the gel electrophoresis gel regarding Puc19 produced only 1 band with the fragment size of roughly 3000 base pairs. This is close to the predicted size of the Puc19 if it has incorporated the CIH-1 molecule (2664+600 = 3264). Table 1 shows the number of colonies of the transformation plates of 3 different samples. Tube 2 which is the positive control, tube 3 which is the negative control and tube 1 which is the colony subjected to transformation and ligation. Dilutions of competent cell colonies are also shown. Tube 1 possessed more white colonies than blue colonies which suggest that most of the competent cells have undergone successful transformation. The colonies produced from tube 2 and 3 are only white as there were no transformation of Puc19 as predicted. Figure 2 shows the results of the separation of DNA fragments from the plasmid DNA of two different white colonies of Ecoli, known as W1 and W2, and a blue colony called B. The DNA fragments from culture B is similar to the fragments produced by normal digested Puc19 in figure 1. There are two distinct DNA fragments of roughly 600 and 5000 base pairs in size shown on both W1 and W2. There is a faint additional band shown on W2. A Nanodrop is carried out in order to determine the DNA concentration of the culture samples B, W1 and W2. The DNA concentration in sample W2 was the highest, with 40.6 ng/uL, which is twice as high as the DNA concentration of W1 and B.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Leisure sailing clothing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Leisure sailing clothing - Essay Example The Company under analysis belongs to the latter scenario rather than the former one. There are four factors that will be examined under the titles shown below as follows; There are both big and small political forces that affect the way a company runs. This is especially in regard to the leisure sailing industry. First of all, since the person considering opening up the business under study is a foreign investor, then government regulations concerning foreign investment in the UK should be considered. This is because there will be some tariffs that have to be paid by the investor. But there are relatively few regulations in this area of trade currently in the UK. (Assmus and Farley, 1984) The government passed a competition policy in the year 1998 to regulate players or investors within industries that may have undue advantage over others in their arena of operation. This is an advantage for the investor because he is protected from unfavourable competition. Besides this, the investor also has to consider the fact that the UK is a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol; therefore he must make sure that the Company complies with environmental regulations set up by the government. The investor has to consider the country... Economic factors There are many economic factors that will affect the new investment. These may either be related to national issues or may be caused by some international factors too. There are very many players in the leisure sailing clothing industry and some of them may not be seen directly. This is because most companies in the UK that offer leisure sailing clothes do this as only apportion of their product offering. It may therefore not be very easy to detect such Companies as competitors in the market. The investor must put this in mind because he can be able to adjust his marketing strategies depending on what some of these competitors do. (Assmus and Farley, 1984) Another important factor that the Company should incorporate into its operation is the fact that the UK economy is relatively stable. This means that consumers have strong purchasing power. The Company can therefore engage in mass supplies because there is a ready and able market in the UK. In addition, the economy has long term prospects of improving. This implies the Company also has an opportunity to expand into there areas that have previously not been dealt with. The investor has to remember that the United Kingdom is part of the European Union. There are a number of implications that this has on any business running in that area. The first is that there may be stiff competition from other countries that belong to the region since trade barriers have been lifted. Also the introduction of a common currency will also affect the strength of the pound if the Company will be located in Britain. The Company can deal with stiff competition from other members of the EU through incorporation of outsourcing and knowledge management. The Company
Monday, October 7, 2019
Analysing oedipus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysing oedipus - Essay Example Father, who inflicted ever-lasting injury on the infant and sent him to his death, strangely did not murder him. â€Å"He (Laius) chose exposure rather than outright murder for the same reason the Creon has Antigone entombed alive: so that he would avoid the pollution†(Gould, 1970, p.93). Oedipus when he came to save the people of Thebes from the Sphinx and was victorious, had no idea how the earlier King, Laius looked. Oedipus was a stranger to Thebes and thought that Jocasta’s husband was of his own age or even younger, perhaps due to her youthful appearance and the man he murdered was definitely a much older man. This prompts him to swiftly ask Jocasta the age of the first King. According to the Queen, her first husband ‘had the splendid figure of a nobleman’, not unlike that of Oedipus and this description makes all the difference to Oedipus. The servant, who begged Jocasta to relieve him so that he could go to the village and live there, had already seen Oedipus on the throne and instantaneously recognised the killer of Laius. He was escaping from the new King. But once Oedipus came to know about it, in his characteristically shrewd and bold way, he requests the Queen to call the servant back to the court, so that he could meet him. The complicated relationships in the play are the main theme. Jocasta was Oedipus’ wife, only to be discovered as his mother is the main person of this play, because she was linked with both the father and son and had been wife to both, even though she was unaware of the situation. â€Å"The poet who created him has penetrated so deeply into the permanent elements of the human situation that his creation transcends time,†(Knox, 1957, p.1). In the famous ‘Tragedy of Fate’, Sophocles shows the helplessness of the man pitted against fate. It is a conflict between the all-powerful will of Gods against the vain attempt of humans to fight against that will. â€Å"It may be that we were all destined to direct our
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Evaluation of the patnership council in nottingham Essay
Evaluation of the patnership council in nottingham - Essay Example The energy squad is on the progress of the Eco house that has been built with expensive technology funded by "partnership council" is demonstrating and teaching cost-effective, environmental DIY (do-it-yourself) (Joaana, 2014; pg. 23). The council offers training on how to save on water metered bills and energy with the aim of reducing household costs and fuel bills in a collective environmental change towards the British Government’s plan of reducing fuel misuse and carbon emission by 80% by 2050. Additionally, using permaculture techniques, the council has enabled people to grow food in small-recycled containers. The use of the containers help in averting environmental degradation, and the food has significantly improved food security in the GN 7 area. Green grants offered by volunteers have ominously assisted inhabitants of GN 7 to increase their food productivity while contributing to the greater objective of conserving the environment especially the depleted neighborhoods. The council also exists to identify and recognize exclusive programs of brilliance and inspire the replication of model programs that help in fuel saving and/or increase in food production throughout the NG 7 region (Joaana, 2014; pg. 34). It has magnificently used its meager funds, mostly from donations, to support such programs and ensure that the society outstandingly reap from the healthy projects. It has fostered creativity in services that support a ‘livable community.’ Moreover, the council has also participated actively in identifying the shifting needs and preferences of the population. It maintains a good relationship with the residents to identify their worries and hopes and turn the hopes and/or anticipations into veracities. Through initiation of several programs that increase food productivity, the council has made significant changes
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Training and Appraisals Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Training and Appraisals - Case Study Example Questionnaires can also be used in this process. During the course of a weekly job role, it is understood that employees interact with different members of the organization routinely and therefore many dimensions of their attitude, motivations and competency are known by others in a way that is not by the manager in charge of their job. This is why many businesses choose the 360 degree system for feedback as it gives a much clearer picture of the productivity levels and professionalism being displayed by the employee as they perform their job role. By including customers, which is sometimes done in this process, they can understand whether performance and professionalism targets are being met efficiently in relation to customer service. Customer service is often one of the most important competitive advantages that a business can have, therefore inclusion in the evaluation process has many advantages to the business. One health care organization utilizes questionnaires in development of the 360 degree system in order to provide clarity about each job role being assessed and analyzed. In this process, â€Å"employees negotiate with their manager who their reviewers will be and are advised to select as broad a range as possible from people they work with on a regular basis†(Carmichael, 2009, p.74). Interesting to this approach is the ability to choose another individual in the organization that they feel could use relationship improvement to act as an evaluator (Carmichael). By doing this, they ensure that non-biased assessments are conducted to provide as much accuracy as possible. There are critics of the 360 degree feedback system that believe employees â€Å"game†the system, meaning that they will create social agreements about rating information as a form of â€Å"mutual back scratching†(Maples, Harris & Greco, 2010, p.2). This is why there should be a non-biased person involved in the process to ensure that questionnaires and other f eedback is provided as accurately as possible and identify when bias might be present. However, despite this criticism, many companies find success in these efforts and are able to have a clearer picture of what is actually happening in the employee environment when their managers/supervisors cannot be present to observe all daily functions. Alliance Unichem Alliance Unichem operates in a very diverse, multinational and multi-cultural environment with a workforce of approximately 30,000 people nationwide. Business representatives in this company work with customers in Belgium, Greece, Turkey, Norway and Spain (to name only a few countries). After a merger occurred, the company had considerable trouble merging diverse cultures due to the many different social and cultural backgrounds of its many employee demographics. To help facilitate cultural integration, Alliance Unichem chose to launch the 360 degree feedback system. By gaining cross-cultural perspectives as external and interna l peer and management ratings, the company was able to identify key opportunities for understanding cultural principles in each region of operations. The feedback provided from
Friday, October 4, 2019
Public and Government Healthcare in America Research Paper
Public and Government Healthcare in America - Research Paper Example 7). There were flaws to the system which President Obama and his healthcare program were trying to correct through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) which became a law in March 23, 2010. The bill sought to provide inexpensive, but good quality health care for all the citizens of the United States. It is not only the costs of drugs and hospitalization; the entire healthcare system is being questioned. This was demonstrated in a 2007 National Health Interview Survey showing that 43 million Americans did not have an insurance coverage (Adams et al. as cited in Benson et al., 2011, p. 28). A report by Families USA (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as cited in Benson et al., 2011) stated that most citizens below 65 had an insufficient health insurance during the period of 2007-2008. The road to a perfect healthcare system for the Obama administration and the American people is still a long way. There are many problems and challenges along the way, one of w hich is that most Americans with the insurance coverage are fearful of changing the questioned healthcare infrastructure. Why are Americans afraid of change? Change is a matter of acceptance with courage; courage is significant for accepting an improvement. Americans are afraid of changing the healthcare infrastructure for many reasons which will be discussed in this essay. The unique U.S. healthcare system allows the private sector to help the public sector or the government with providing health care. It is this kind of the system that allowed the private sector, particularly the insurance companies, to commit abuses and malpractices with ordinary citizens as the victim. It is also through this system that the Obama administration wants to incorporate changes and provide an avenue of perfect health for the American people. The healthcare system is a complicated topic involving political, cultural, and moral aspects where change could not be easily implemented as it involves many a reas. Politicians could not reach a point, while all the classes of society could not agree on the kind of change they wanted. In his first address to Congress, President Obama identified healthcare as a primary focus that required an appropriate funding regardless of the existing recession in 2009 (Obama as cited in Benson et al., 2011, p. 28). Historical Development and Current State of Health Care Delivery Before the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, also known as the ObamaCare), there were several challenges, or problems, the government and the American people had to face. The PPACA was challenged by 26 state governments, but the controversy was resolved by the Supreme Court ruling in June 2012, which upheld the provision of the law that every American should have a health insurance or pay a fine. This individual mandate was a significant part of the ObamaCare, and, so, the Supreme Court ruling was a big boost and support for the law. Had the cour t ruled otherwise, the entire Affordable Care Act would have fallen (Tate, 2012, p. 4). The U.S. healthcare system allows a combination of private and public insurance agencies to provide healthcare insurance to American citizens. Many insurances of this kind were sponsored by their respective employers. Before the passage of the Affordable
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The conflicts of the play Essay Example for Free
The conflicts of the play Essay How does Arthur Miller use the stage and dramatic techniques to introduce the conflicts of the play? The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller; the play is about the witch trials that took place in Salem, Massachutes in 1692. Arthur Miller wrote the play because the communist trials were taking place at that time in the United States. Miller and some of his friends were involved in the trials. Many of the conflicts of the communist trials were similar to the Salem witch trials, which is why I think that Miller wrote The Crucible. In act 1 and act 2 Miller uses the staging and dramatic techniques to reflect these conflicts. The main conflicts of the play are: good verses evil, which is show in act 1. Public invading the private this is also show in act 1, and the personal relationship between John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, this is shown in act 2. Arthur Miller starts to introduce the conflicts of the play with his set design. Act 1 takes place in Reverend Parriss house, in the attic room. The characters involved in the opening set are Parris and his young daughter Betty. Act 2 takes place in the Proctors house, it is set in the common room. There are no characters in the opening of act 2 but soon after John Proctor and Elizabeth enter. Act 1 the room is lit by light from the sun, Through its leaded panes the morning sunlight streams the light is pure which symbolises reverend Parris as pure. However it is entering the room is through a narrow window, which shows Parris is a narrow-minded person. This symbolises that in act 1 the characters are pure but restrictive as the window is leaded. This shows the conflict of good verses evil. Whereas in act 2 the room is described as low dark and rather long living room this shows that the proctors are dark and shows that they are hiding a secret, the secret is that john had committed adultery with Abigail. The only light in the room is that from the fireplace. This symbolises that in act 2 characters are dark and gloomy people. In act 1 the bedroom is upstairs with a staircase leading downstairs, this symbolises that the characters in this scene start off with a high status but throughout the play they are moving downwards towards hell. There are also people downstairs, which shows the conflict of the public are intruding on their private lives, whereas the Proctors lives are private and personal. The warmth in each sets also shows the differences between the characters, in act 1 the room is lit by only a candle, this symbolises that Reverend Parris is a cold-hearted man, however the Proctors house is also very cold its winter in here. Another difference between the set designs is that act 1 has a clean spareness this shows that its empty of love and nurturing. In act 2 the room is cold because Elizabeth is cold of suspicion. The idea of a crucible plays a large part in both acts. A crucible removes impurities through intense heat, which is what the play is about, the characters are put thorough an intense trial which at the end will prove who is pure and who isnt. As the curtain rises in act 1 we are shown Betty lying inert and sickly on the bed. Reverend Parris is praying at the side of the bed. He is concerned about Betty, he is on his knee, which symbolises that he is asking for forgiveness. Tituba rushes in, as she is concerned about Betty. We can see that she is troubled and distressed, but as soon as she steps in she immediately steps backwards, this symbolises that she is worried about Betty but she also know her place as a servant and is afraid of Parris. Parris is concerned about Betty but he is more concerned about his reputation ith the people downstairs. Act 2 opens on a dark and low room, but we can hear Elizabeth softly singing to the children, this shows that she is a loving mother. John Procter walks in with a gun and places it down, he then walks over to the food and tastes it then he adds salt this shows he is not satisfied with Elizabeths cooking. The stew is a symbol of John and Elizabeths relationship, the stew is plain like Elizabeth, so John spices it up with salt the same way he spiced up his life by committing adultery with Abigail. After that he washes his hands and sits down for dinner when Elizabeth joins him. He washes his washes his hands when he hears Elizabeth coming, this shows that it is a guilty act. She brings him his food and sits with him while he eats. When john is asked how the food tastes by Elizabeth he lies and says its well seasoned he lies to her to cover up the guilt of having an affair with Abigail. When they are talking to each other we can sense some distance between them, John is trying to make it up to her I mean to please you, Elizabeth but Elizabeth is finding it hard to forgive him as she finds it hard to reply to him. In my opinion I think Arthur Millers style was very effective. He used different ways to symbolise the differences between the scenes and characters. His set designs were very helpful to judge the type of people the play was about.
Studying The Social Problems Of Racism Philosophy Essay
Studying The Social Problems Of Racism Philosophy Essay This essay discusses about an important social problem of nowadays society, about the roots, beginnings of racism. During this essay you will found that racism is taught, not genetic, and all this beginning from childs early ages, you could find some statement which influence in a bad way youre your childs life or why white parents avoid black children adoptions and in final youll find also an important solution, for me, the most important in solving this problem. So, you could find some interesting things about Romanian racism in general and some other facts you should avoid, in order to offer youre child a better life without discrimination. Even now after all the racial disasters (like Auschwitz), race remains a big moral, social and political problem of our world used by political system, in order to make distinctions between whites and people of color. And this problem has a very bad influence in our childrens life, as Gerald Pine and Asa Hilliard stats: Racism, prejudice, and discrimination are shamefully sabotaging our nations efforts to provide a high-quality education for all children (1990:1) First, we should talk about racism in general, in order to have a good view on what we are going to talk forward. Racism is a bad combination between prejudice and discrimination. Prejudice consists of unjustifiable negative feelings and beliefs about a racial or ethnic group and its members. It is characterized by preconceived opinions, judgments or feelings that lack any foundation or substance. Discrimination consists of unjustifiable negative behavior toward a racial or ethnic group and its members. It expresses itself in distinctions and decisions made on the basis of prejudice. (Pine Asa 1990:2) Racism is a psycho-social problem which exists for centuries and people, even if they know is not good, they continue to be racist, and their biggest problem is that they deny being so. There are many definitions of racism, but here are two important ones. Laszloffy and Hardy in Uncommon Strategies for a Common Problem: Addressing Racism in Family Therapy states that Racism is an act that denies a person or humane group treatment or a fair opportunity because of racial bias. While it may occur on different levels (individual level or institutional level) and in different ways (overtly or covertly, intentionally or unintentionally), all expressions of racism are rooted in an ideology of racial superiority/inferiority that assumes some racial groups are superior to others, and therefore deserve preferential treatment. (35). Another definition would be: Racism, also called racialism, represents any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview- the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called races, that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some races are innately superior to others (Audrey 2010). So, from all this, we can realize that racism is an act of cowardly, which is adopted by people with bad intentions and who dont really have arguments for being racist. Racism has its original roots in history, and this because of wars, another example could be the New World, conquered by Europeans, when they forced black people from Africa to go to America where they became slaves, or other example, more recently, the Jewish from Auschwitz which were killed because of their religion, and the examples could go on, but we are not going to talk about this anymore. But, even knowing all that, people arent aware of the negative aspects of racism and continue being racist and denying it, with words like: Im not racist, but Chinese people are the ugliest faces Ive ever seen, or something like that. We have to admit that whatever the reason, we are racist, but things can change. We can improve our lifestyle if we have wish, and we should have in order to offer our children another vision of life. On the other hand, we must admit that racist people are those with lack of education, but this is the education we use too, in order to teach our children what is good or bad. We hear every day on television anti-racist slogans but we pretend we didnt hear it as we pretend when we hear bad accidents having place, in schools, because of racial problems. Our society has became very indifferent on taking into consideration others problems, and they weak up only when they are in trouble and blame the others for not advising them before. This is a message for everyone who wants to take it into account, and this would be: Racism in not genetic, it is learned from childhood until forever. So, parents should take into account the life they want for their children. Nowadays, childrens life is full of racism; this thing is learned by different ways and by different people from their life. We should start with the babys first steps, when he is taught the basics, and here we can found many racist things. For example, many parents use different statements in order to reflect the bad influence of gypsies in whites world. Statements like: Do not spit like gypsies!, Those moneys were touched by gypsies and you stick them into your mouth! What disgusting! or even worse If youre not good Ill sell you to gypsies are used in everyday life in order to break children of a bad habit and with or without intention, parents also promote and approve racism, by teaching those that gypsies are bad. By this, the bases of racism are well constructed by parents and since children are taught racism before getting to school, parents should be more careful on what they say and what they do and ask themselves if racism is the best solution in learning their children basi cs and behavior. If we go forward in childrens life, at the time when they go outside to play with other children, we see that they are taught another racist rule very known in everydays life of whites in Romania and this rule says something like that: Do not play with gipsy children!. This is a very popular rule of moms and also an unbreakable one. This statement was once even mentioned in a television and radio campaign named: The discrimination of gypsies is taught at home! Know them before you judge them!(Banescu 2009). The spot of the campaign is about a Romanian kid who goes outside to play with his friend (a gypsy kid) and after he comes home is asked by his white racist mother about what he has done outside, and he answers that he had played out alone. So, we should thing a little about the gypsys life, because today all children have the right to be equal, but gypsy children still have to try hard in order to find themselves a place in societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.their hopes would be the same as the hopes of white children when Romanian moms wont threaten their sons that if they arent good, they would be thrown up at gypsies, and when gypsy moms wont tell their sons that it has no point in dreaming to follow a university because they dont have how to face Romanians. (Banescu 2009). Another imposed thing in childrens life is related this time with the teachers. After giving their sons at school, moms become hysterically on hearing that their son is placed in the same seat with a gypsy child. And because of this type of people, racism grows faster and has many other negative aspects for non-white people like the elimination of colored children from sport clubs, and other extra-school activities. And very often you find examples of children saying to gypsy children that they are not allowed to talk to him because he was a brown kid. (Wallace 2008 b) Those are only a few of the basic racism things learned by white children at home, which are rotten in childhood and are never forgotten, because they only grow faster and faster. And this happens because almost all white children are taught at home how to be racist in a conscious or unconscious way and after they go to school they put in practice everything they learned at home, and because of this children make groups and make jokes of different children, like colored children or they would even say hurtful thing about the others, in order to be funny. But what is also interesting is that even if exist one white child that was not taught to be racist at home, he will soon be learned by his other colleagues how to be so. And some of the parents would blame teachers for the racism which exists in schools, but once the children are taught to be racist, the teachers cant do anything to break them from this habit if parents do not cared about this when they taught them. Another interesting issue about children racism would be the adoptions of a colored child by white parents. This is a big problem of nowadays society, because the cases of gypsy, blacks, yellow or other racial adoption are just a few. This happens because of some ideologies or preconceptions of adoptive parents which put some conditions when they adopt a child, and those conditions would be: first the child have to be healthy and the second, the child must be white, there are few cases in which the adoptive parents ask for a gypsy child. Those type of parents which avoid the adoption of a gypsy child are afraid of the others reactions in doing it, thinking that their friends or their relatives would criticized them or would not accept their son in their group, or other reaction would be that they are afraid for little child to not inherit their parents bad character. Gypsy children deserve a chance, but they have to deal with mass-media, which is often condemning. We hope people woul d become more sensitive and tolerant in understanding that they have the same rights as the others.(Stoler, 2008 a) From all this we should remain with the fact that racism is learned and not genetic and as we can learn to be racist we can learn how not to be racist, and we should improve our behavior not just for us, but for our childrens education and for their and our future too. And all this comes because some people just abuse of their rights in an almost free world, were they start bravely discriminating someone elses human rights, and this breaking of rule has no direct or legal punishment on those who are consciously racist. Some solutions for this problem, in which before school children become racist, exist, but they stay in parents hands, by this they should understand that depends of them if they want a racist child or a good and well educated one. In what follows it will be presented only one of the solutions, the most important one. This solution would be communication, a very important issues in the relation child-parents, because of whom, other, even worse, problems appear in childs life. Communication means everything when you try to educate you child, and it must be made the distinction between good communication and order, or command, which is the worst communication, because is not the same to tell you child: Do not be racist! and when he asks you why, you respond to him: because I said so as to communicate to him and tell him which are the positive and negative aspects of racism and make him understand and also let him choose what he thinks is right or wrong. Children always have the intention and want to be brave by breaking the rule, so, if you give him orders, you wont get any results. Parents should communicate with their sons in order to improve their education, and they should tell their sons that different isnt necessarily wrong and people just need variety, but no matter how different we are outsi de or what color our skin has, our souls do not have to be bad. What is also important is that not only white children must be taught not to be racist, colored children must also be informed to not listen to others jokes or hurtful word, in order to not become a victim. They should be learned how to protect themselves and how to they turn respect the other children, which are not the same color as them. Communication about those problems we can find anywhere: in mass-media, school, social meetings, but neither one has a big influence in childrens life as communication in family. Communication about racial problems means also that parents of colored children should get involved in their child problems and lifestyle. Parents need to discuss early on with their child about race and should even be aware that their son would found out from his classmates or other strangers what is racism, and is better to prevent this before is too late. They are a lot of other solutions, but this is the most important, because you can do all the rest, but if you, as parent, do not communicate with your child, nobody would do it for you, and most important, the problem would never disappear and your children would have to face this problem alone. In defense of colored discriminations come those people which say that they do not have anything with other races, but they hate gypsies because of their attitude, behavior and because of those who beg on streets. Maybe some would even agree this statement, but we have to put a question: Do we choose our family, race or nation before we get birth? Well the answer is negative, which means that gypsy children have no fault, and we must judge them for their behavior and for what they are, not by race or religion. Racial problems are very popular in our country and this because of mass-media, which presents a lot of facts and anti-racial campaigns, in order to stop those people, which do not care about the others. In order to stop this, we all should think twice before saying something that could offend the others. So, racism in childrens life should be stopped, in order to attend for a better world, for a world and a country where all could live in peace and harmony.
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