Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Small-Scale Mining in the Philippines: a Case Study
SMALL-SCALE MINING (Lives at risk in the Philippine Gold Mines) INTRODUCTION Gold is the number one mineral produced by the Philippines in value terms. Although total local production was low relative to world production, it ranked 2nd to Africa in gold production per unit land area in 1988 and ranked 29th as top gold producer in 2002(Israel and Asirot 2002). In the year 2002–2007, the Philippines’ gold production increased by 8. 2%. This contributed an average of 2% gross domestic product (GDP) in the same period. The country was ranked 18th in the GFMs Gold Survey list of top 20 Gold Producing countries in 2007 (Teves 2008).The 2008 and 2009 data of the Philippine mining Almanac showed a significant amount of gold production by the small-scale gold mining operations in the country. Reports revealed that the small-scale mining sector contributed almost 80% of the total gold production. This is equivalent to a Php32B contribution to GDP in 2007 (ibid). The following 200 8 and 2009 data are based on the amount of gold sold to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). The highest amount of gold produced in the country at 28,198 kg and 26,112 kg, respectively were generated by the small-scale mines (fig. ). Local governments hosting the sector acknowledged the industry’s economic contribution, as it somehow provides livelihood to the local community and unemployed migrants. There are some reports on the adverse impact of small-scale mining on the environment, health and human lives. However, research studies documenting the impact of small-scale mining industry on the local economy, environment, human health, public safety and the socio-cultural condition of indigenous peoples (IPs) in the mining areas, are limited.The socio-political dynamics between small- scale miners and other stakeholders like community and civil society organizations, regulatory bodies, the government and large-scale mining companies remains undocumented. There were concerns regarding the implication of some regulatory policies on the small-scale mining industry as the application of such will prevent some IP communities from accessing their properties. Furthermore, questions arise on the actual impact of the industry on poverty alleviation. Some theory suggests that the small-scale industry may have aggravated poverty because of the weak regulation of the industry.While economically significant, small-scale gold mining has been the target of strong opposition in recent years mainly because of its various adverse environmental and social side effects. Foremost of these is mercury pollution. BACKGROUND Small-scale mining (SSM) refers to mining by individuals, groups, families or cooperatives with minimal or no mechanization, often in the informal (illegal) sector of the market. Small-scale mining relies heavily on manual labor and does not use explosives. The scope of the area allowed for small-scale mining should not exceed 20 hectares per contractor ( 1991).In the Philippines, small-scale mining operators include subsistence mining (estimated 75%), individual or family businesses (estimated 15%) and established commercial mining firms (estimated 10%) (Hentschel 2002). According to the different interviews and focus group discussions, the operation of small-scale gold mining in the country can be traced as early as 10th century or even since time immemorial in the north and as late as 1990s in south Cotabato. Furthermore, numerous foreign studies already investigated the problem of mercury pollution due to small-scale gold mining, concentrating on the experience in Brazil.High levels of mercury concentrations were found in the hair and blood samples ofthe miners and other affected people as well as in fish, soil sediments and forest and river ecosystems in small-scale gold mining areas of the Amazon region. In the Philippines, several studies also looked into mercury pollution based on the experience in Diwalwal, the largest small -scale mining site in the country (e. g. Mahinay et al. 1998, Bacani et al. 1996, Breward 1996, Balce and Cabalda 1992, Williams et al. 1995). High levels of mercury pollution were found on-site as well as in the affected places downstream.Williams et al. specifically asserted that there were already considerable mercury loads in some sectors of the Agusan River, where Diwalwal drains into, and that the water samples from the mining site itself showed higher concentrations than those in the other gold rush areas in the world. Although studies on the impact of mercury pollution due to small-scale mining were already numerous, they were generally technical in nature. Few works touched on the economic aspects of the problem and did so only in a superficial and summary manner.So far, there is no available study that conducted an economic analysis in a more detailed and quantitative way in the Philippines or elsewhere. Small-scale mining is not an important public revenue-generating sect or for the government at present because of its largely illegal nature. Viewed in a more positive light, the activity should become a solid tax base when fully licensed, given the large number of people and economic activities dependent on it. LAWS AND INSTITUTIONS IN SMALL-SCALE MINING Laws The earliest mining law in the Philippines was Commonwealth Act 137 promulgated in 1936.This legislation had no separate provision for small-scale mining since the activity was not practiced extensively then. It took effect for many years until the martial law era when it was amended through Presidential Decree (PD) 463, otherwise known as the Mineral Resources Decree of 1974. Like its predecessor, this legislation did not have separate provisions for small-scale mining. In 1984, PD 899 established small-scale mining as a new dimension in mineral development and defined it as a specific activity. Succeeding orders based on this law stipulated, among others, the rules and regulations governing he granting of small-scale mining permits and ordered the selling of the gold recovered through the activity only to the Central Bank and its authorized representatives. During the term of President Corazon C. Aquino, the Congress of the Philippines passed Republic Act (RA) 7076 or the People’s Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991. Among its important provisions, this law established the People’s Small-Scale Mining Program and described the small-scale mining areas that can be opened under it. During the administration of President Fidel V. Ramos, RA 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 was passed.This law stipulated that small-scale mining will continue to be governed by the provisions of RA 7076 and PD 1899 and their implementing rules and regulations. Institutions Prior to PD 899 in 1984, no government agency managed small- scale mining since it was not described as a formal economic sector yet. Those engaged in the activity did so without any government interference. With the passing of the law, the MGB was given the authority to administer small-scale mining. SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING PROCESS The initial process of gold mining starts with prospecting.In prospecting, the ore quality, â€Å"vein†geologic formation and ore assaying are examined. An area with a good ore quality is prepared for tunneling. In tunneling, holing and drilling are done using pick and shovel. Others who can afford it use electric hammer jacks. These initial stages of prospecting and tunneling are the expertise of the abanteros, whose knowledge of gold mining has been shaped by years of experience. In Benguet, the Ibaloi and Kankanaey miners are known Abanteros, having inherited their skills from their ancestors. Some migrant miners from the lowlands have also learned the skill.In South cotabato, the abanteros came from diwalwal, monkayo, compostela Valley. Mine workers are hired to work on the tunnels. These are the ore and muck ore packers, Atraseros (ore exporters from inside the tunnel), ore washers (usually women), habal-habal drivers, horses and horse owners/guides as transporters of ores from the tunnel site to the processing area. Extracted ores are processed in the ball or rod mill plant for mercury amalgamation. The tailings that have accumulated for several weeks will be subjected to further cyanidation in the carbonin-Pulp (ciP) Plant.The mercury amalgamation process will recover 40% of gold from the ores while the cyanidation will recover up to 60% of gold, both refined right after the smelting and/or firing process. Gold produced in button shapes will be sold to licensed gold buyers. A detailed process flow is presented in the following diagram (fig. 2). POWER RELATIONS IN THE SECTOR The mine is viewed as a resource, with various interested key players aiming to access it and benefit from it. There are several key players in the small-scale mining industry. With respect to the mining operation, the key players include: land owners †¢ tunnel owners (individuals or cooperative and association) †¢ financiers (foreigners, migrants or local, IPs and non-IPs) †¢ the abanteros or skilled miners †¢ the mine workers which include the atraseros (ore packers and haulers) †¢ ore and sack washers (usually women and young workers) †¢ ore transporters (habal-habal drivers, horse owners or guides) †¢ processing plant workers †¢ gold traders On the trading side, gold produced by the small-mining operations are purchased by the licensed gold buyers and subsequently sold to the Bangko Sental ng Pilipinas (BSP).Non-licensed traders are also present in the areas and are commonly labeled as the â€Å"black market. †Black market traders would usually visit the community or are based in the community. Purchase price is lower in the black market but the miners save the cost of transportation in going to the city. Because of the savings in transportation, miners are encouraged to sell t heir gold to the black market. Regulation and enforcement of policies related to small-scale mining industry are under the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board (PMRB).This is composed of the DENR- Mines and Geo Sciences Bureau (MBG) as the chairman and the Provincial Governor as the vice-chairman. The other members of the board are representatives from the SSM Association, large-Scale mining Operators and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). In Benguet and South Cotabato, a number of local officials are involved in mining either as tunnel owner, land owner or financier. This presents a conflict of interest between regulating small-scale mining and operating mines. The Abanteros are usually the ones with knowledge, skill and capability to engage financiers because of their prospecting and tunnelling skills.Financiers initially provide funds for the operation of the mine but they are expected to engage with venture capitalists to expand the operation in the site. Venture capitalists can be foreign investors or locals who have the capital to infuse into the industry. Land owners, on the other hand, have the priority access over the resource, being the rightful claimants of the area. However, the land owners usually do not have the skills and the financial capacity to start a mine. Abanteros and financiers can negotiate with land owners to tap the resource.In some cases, the land owners can be financiers and tunnel owners, too. Some abanteros who have been successful in mining now act as financiers and tunnel owners; some have even managed to operate processing plants. it is common to see big-time tunnel owners and financiers also operate the processing plants in the area. Normally, all plant owners have tunnels but not all tunnel owners have processing plants. Owners of small mining operations with no processing plants pay for the use of existing processing plants, depending on the number of bags processed.MERCURY POLLUTION DUE TO SMALL-SCALE MINING The Amalgamatio n Method of Gold Processing Mercury gets into the picture in small-scale mining because it is the main agent used to separate the gold from the mined ore employing the amalgamation method of processing. Amalgamation is popular in small-scale mining areas since it is simple to apply and requires relatively low investment. The Carbon-in-Pulp (CIP) Method of Gold Processing Gold can also be processed using the CIP method. This method can process the slurry produced by amalgamation or the milled ore coming from the rod and ball mills directly.However, CIP is not used widely in small-scale mining because of the high cost of investment that it requires. The Health Impact of Mercury Pollution There are different ways by which the amalgamation method of gold processing causes mercury pollution. One way is when mercury is unintentionally spilled into the ground because of careless handling. Another is when mercury is discharged together with other wastes into inadequate tailings ponds, or wo rse, thrown away directly into rivers and waterways. Still another way is when vaporized mercury is released into the atmosphere when the amalgam is blowtorched and refined.Once in the environment, mercury is dangerous because of its potential adverse impact on human health. In the case of water pollution, part of the mercury discharged into rivers and waterways is transformed into methylmercury eaten by aquatic species and in turn consumed by people. Once inside the human body, mercury could trigger neurological disturbances as well as problems in the reproductive and other body organs (Viega 1997a). The likely symptoms are visual constriction, numbness of the extremities and the impairment of hearing, speech and gait.The release of mercury into the atmosphere during blowtorching also puts to risk human health. The activity is usually done in open containers and closed houses so the inhalation of vaporized mercury is highly possible among the people conducting it and those close by . The long-term effect of this type of exposure is the impairment of the metabolism of the human nervous system that eventually leads to certain neurobehavioral disturbances. The visible symptoms are the exhibition of exaggerated emotional responses and muscular tremors and gingivitis. PROBLEMS IN SMALL SCALE GOLD MININGPollution due to Aside from mercury pollution, small-scale mining is beset with other problems that are also important and needing serious attention. These are enumerated and discussed in brief below. Environmental Problems Cyanide Pollution Pollution due to toxic and hazardous substances other than mercury that are used in small-scale mining can also endanger human health. The highly poisonous sodium cyanide used in CIP processing, in particular, could easily kill people and fish when discharged in rivers and waterways. Despite its dangers, cyanide pollution from CIP processing has not been investigated at all in any literature.A probable reason is that, unlike merc ury, cyanide is biodegradable and eventually decomposes into carbon dioxide and ammonia (Yannopoulos 1991) making it potentially less harmful over time. Deforestation Deforestation is a natural consequence of small-scale mining since many sites are located in forested uplands. The influx of miners and their families into mining areas results to the clearing of forests for habitation space and other human activities that causes deforestation. No study investigated in detail the impact of small-scale mining on deforestation.One likely reason is that areas covered by small-scale mining are actually very small when compared to those used for other economic activities like forestry and logging (Veiga 1997b). Soil Erosion Soil erosion is another natural consequence of small-scale mining because of the mountainous and sloping topography of many mining sites. Miners level sloping land and scrape topsoil to make surface foundations stable for houses and other structures. They develop pathway s and roads across highly sloping and erosive areas and cover fertile soil with waste materials dug out of underground tunnels.There are also no studies that probed in detail the soil erosion effects of small-scale mining although this environmental impact is potentially large. Biodiversity Loss The loss of biodiversity due to small-scale mining is a direct after-math of deforestation and water pollution. Trees are cut leading to receding jungles that are natural habitats of terrestrial flora and fauna. Water pollution damages the rivers and waterways that are homes of aquatic plants and animals. As in the case of deforestation and soil erosion, there are no studies that investigated this issue.Siltation and Sedimentation of Downstream Water Bodies Siltation and sedimentation of downstream waterways occur when mine tailings and eroded soil finds their way into water bodies. They decrease the viability of affected waterways as fishing grounds, recreation sites and port areas. They al so contribute to flooding and hamper the efficient functioning of dams and irrigation networks. Like the other environmental problems, siltation and sedimentation due to small-scale mining have received scant research attention. Legal and Institutional ProblemsMining Rights Conflicts between Small-Scale Miners and Large-Scale Mining Firms Many small-scale mining areas are situated within the mining claims of large-scale companies. This situation has created conflicts between the large-scale miners on one side and the small-scale miners on the other side and prevented the smooth operations of the mining industry in general. Presence of Medium-Scale Mining Operations in Small-Scale Mining Sites Dominant presences of medium-scale mining operations have been competing for domination resulting in the significant loss of lives and deterioration of peace and order.Social Problems Worsening Social Instability in Small-Scale Mining Areas Many small-scale miners are migrants in the areas wher e they mine. Hence, they find it difficult to adapt socially with the local population. To some extent, vices like alcoholism and gambling also exist in these areas that add to the conflict. Limited Basic Services in Small-Scale Mining Areas The supply of basic services such as those relating to health and transportation and others has been limited in small-scale mining communities. This has greatly exacerbated the poor conditions and social problems within these areas.Exploitation of Women and Children in Small-Scale Mining Women and children are engaged in the gathering of ores inside tunnels and even in processing which are activities suited only for grown- up men. Although small-scale miners deny this, key informants and ocular inspection in the two case study areas confirmed this problem ECONOMIC PROBLEMS Low Price for Gold Received by Small-Scale Miners Small-scale miners sell their gold to the tunnel owners, processors or to other traders instead of directly to the Central Ba nk or its representatives.Key informants reported that underpricing of gold often occurs in these marketing channels and this contributes to the poor economic conditions the miners are in. Loss of Gold by the Country Due to Illegal Gold Trading Because small-scale miners sell their gold not to the Central Bank but to various buyers, the national government loses great amounts of gold to the detriment of the entire economy. Lack of Formal Sources of Credit for Small-Scale Miners There is lack of formal sources of credit for small-scale miners in times of need or for starting an alternative occupation.This forces them to borrow from the tunnel owners, processors, traders and unscrupulous money lenders who exploit them by charging higher interest rates or buying their gold at low prices. Lack of Alternative or Supplemental Employment Opportunities for Small-Scale Miners Small-scale mining is the only employment opportunity for many miners. Few have an alternative occupation like farmin g. Also many miners have been in mining for an average of 10 long years, which further confirms their lack of alternative employment. Technology-related ProblemsInefficient Technologies Used in Small-Scale Mining The technology used in ore extraction and gold processing results to poor ore output and gold recovery in small-scale mining. The poor ore and gold output performance has been confirmed by national and local key informants. Unsafe Technologies Used in Small-Scale Mining The unsafe techniques and procedures used in the mining of ore, such as poor timbering support, poor ventilation, and other practices have resulted to cave-ins and other accidents that disabled or took away the lives of miners.CONCLUSIONS The conflicting policies on resource extraction/development versus environmental protection and weak governance as indicated by the absence of local regulations threaten the environment and public health. The negative impacts of small-scale mining activities have been obser ved in many of these communities. Poverty and the attractiveness of immediate money from the mining industry attract children and women to work in the mines. These expose women and children to hazardous chemicals and unsafe mining practice.Small-scale mining contributes to the local economy through job creation, increasing economic activity in the communities. There is a need for the development of sound policies and laws to balance economic development and environmental sustainability. Strong enforcement of laws is a must. However, the conflict of interest of local officials who are in charge of regulation and governing the community and who also have interests in mining operations poses a threat in the strict enforcement of laws in the communities. RECOMMENDATIONS Mercury PollutionA review will show that the existing laws and regulations related to mercury pollution in small-scale gold mining are fairly adequate but monitoring and enforcement is weak. To improve on monitoring and enforcement, the following actions are suggested: * Licensing by the LGUs of all small-scale gold mining and processing operations within their jurisdiction and imposition of membership in a cooperative as a licensing requirement. * Earmarking of the licensing proceeds for the establishment and operation of a small-scale mining monitoring and enforcement unit within the management framework of LGUs. Development of an effective internal system within cooperatives that will force the proper use of hand gloves, mercury retorts and tailings ponds in small-scale mining. * Active involvement of NGOs and other responsible members of the local population in monitoring and enforcement by selectively deputizing them. * Strengthening of the Small-Scale Mining Section of the Environment and Safety Division of the MGB * Concerted effort by the national government, LGUs and NGOs to conduct education and awareness campaigns on mercury pollution. Involvement of international organizations in the fi ght against mercury pollution particularly in the promotion of technologies that can prevent or minimize it. * Serious consideration of the promotion of the CIP method of processing for small-scale mining Other Environmental Problems The national government should undertake detailed studies on cyanide pollution, deforestation, soil erosion, biodiversity loss and siltation and sedimentation in small-scale mining areas. Understanding these problems will go a long way toward finding their appropriate solutions.For the time being, the government must do better in monitoring and enforcing pertinent laws so that the problems are minimized. Legal and Institutional Problems The government should prioritize the early settlement of conflicting claims between small-scale miners and large-scale miners. One way of conducting this is to create dialogues between the two parties with the government as arbiter to find an amicable solution. Key informant from the large-scale firms in the two case stu dy areas explained that generally they are actually open to a negotiated settlement that can buy peace, goodwill and cooperation within their claims.Social Problems The social instability in small-scale mining is inherent in places where many of the population are poor and migrants. Improving the economic status of the people can help a lot to decrease the instability. This could happen when small-scale mining becomes a fully licensed activity and accepted as part of the economic mainstream. The provision of better basic social services will also help alleviate the deprived economic conditions and ease a lot of the social tensions. The exploitation of women and children is not confined to small-scale mining since it is prevalent, especially in the underground economy.The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) should take a closer look at this problem and devise ways to minimize it. Again, improving the economic lot of the miners will help curve the exploitation of women and children. The conduct of effective programs which can provide guidance and counselling to mining families will also promote compliance by the miners to the laws against exploitation. Economic Problems The problem of low price received for the gold by the small-scale miners will be addressed to a large extent when they are organized into cooperatives.As a group, they can negotiate better in the market or pay for the transportation cost to sell gold in bulk to the Central Bank. The Central bank should consider putting up buying stations in the more important mining sites. This will not only help the miners economically but also lower significantly the amount of gold lost to the black market. Technology-Related Problems The problems of inefficient and unsafe technologies are part and parcel of small-scale mining as long as the miners remain poor.Economic conditions force them to use said technologies since they cannot afford to employ more sophisticated and costly ones. Sources: * Mercury Pollution Due to Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Philippines: An Economic Analysis http://dirp4. pids. gov. ph/ris/rps/pidsrp0202. pdf * A Background Study on the Small-scale Gold mining Operations in Benguet and South Cotabato and their Impact on the Economy, the Environment, and the Community http://bantaykita. ph/pdfs/Small%20Scale%20Mining. pdf * Inquirer News Online: http://newsinfo. inquirer. et/305986/small-scale-miners-sell-less-gold-due-to-bsps-7-tax http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/338689/13-men-in-quezon-clash-met-gold-miner http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/343869/gold-miner-says-he-didnt-betray-siman http://business. inquirer. net/106807/miner-sets-aside-digging-turns-to-planting-cacao http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/359389/sleepless-miner-recounts-seeing-friends-buried-alive-2 http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/362277/police-arrest-19-small-scale-miners http://newsinfo. inquirer. net/362687/execs-say-arrests-halted-mindoro-illegal-
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Nike Case
Nike Case 1. Should Nike be held responsible for working conditions in foreign factories that it does not own, but where subcontractors make products for Nike? No, I do not believe Nike should be responsible for working conditions in foreign factories. I do believe that there should be working standards in place and adhered to but I do not believe that is Nike’s responsibility. Nike is a business in order to run a successful business one must abide by good business practices including respecting others beliefs and values.It would be no different than if a Nike employee another employee how to raise their kids. As long as they are abiding by the laws governed in that their own country people are free to raise their children how they please. 2. What labor standards regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, and the like, should Nike hold foreign factories to: those prevailing in that country, or those prevailing in the United States? Nike should uphold the standards prevail ing in the particular country.If there are issued regarding safety, working conditions, overtime, etc, they should be discussed through separate entities, for instance the United Nations. 3. An income of $2. 28 a day, the base pay of Nike factory workers in Indonesia, is double the daily income of about half the working population. Half of all adults in Indonesia are farmers, who receive less than $1 a day. Given this, is it correct to criticize Nike for the low pay rates of its subcontractors in Indonesia? It is not appropriate to criticize Nike for low pay rates.According to salary. gov, the average American income is 46,326. If a company from United Arab of Emirates came exports products from a store in the U. S. and paid the works 105,623 (equal to the percentage raise Nike is paying in Indonesia), Americans would be grateful. 4. Could Nike have handled the negative publicity over sweatshops better? What might it have done differently, not just from a public relations perspectiv e, but also from a policy perspective? Yes, Nike could have handled the negative publicity better.For instance Andrew Young should have brought is own interpreter into the factories. There is no way of knowing what is actually being said and the motives behind a foreign interpreter. Nike took the right steps when it mandated hours worked per week, minimum wage per governing country, and raising the child labor laws. They set emplace standards and followed up with them. When they found businesses not adhering to the regulations they increased them, and gave the business a clear definition of what the regulation mandates.I don’t think Nike could/should have done anything else. 5. Do you think Nike needs to make any changes to its current policy? If so, what? Should Nike make changes even if they hinder the ability of the company to compete in the marketplace? No, I do not believe Nike needs to make changes to its current policy. The fact that they even implanted policy shows th eir character. If Nike did make changes and couldn’t compete in the market place thousands of Americans would be upset about losing their favorite sports brand, and millions of people would be out of jobs.The failure of Nike to compete in the market place could literally mean the down turn of foreign economies. 6. Is the WRC right to argue that the FLA is a tool of industry? The WRC is correct in stating FLA is a tool of the industry. However, the businesses involved are exactly that, businesses. The FLA was an appropriate step in the right direction for the pursuit of better business practices by other countries while maintaining the best business relationship possible. Disrespect, is not only a great way to lose business, but wars are literally started over it.FLA takes the times to look at the beliefs, and values of the companies it is working with and not just â€Å"do what they feel is the right thing to do†. 7. If sweatshops are a global problem, what might be a global solution to this problem? The United Nations should handle the sweatshop issue. That way it is not just the U. S. attacking, or implementing their business structures on other countries. The United Nations is specifically designed to handle global issues. Having multiple nations give their input and suggests would be an incredibly helpful and compromising tool for employees and employers in all countries. Nike Case Corporate Finance Nike, INC: Cost of capital 1. What is the WACC and why is it important to estimate a firm’s cost of capital? Do you agree with Joanna Cohen’s WACC calculation? Why or why not? Definition of WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital): WACC is basically the average of the cost of finance (debt and equity). Since a company’s assets can be financed by debt or equity, WACC can show the averages of the costs involved in the sources of financing. These costs are then weighted by the users of the information as required in a specific situation.This shows how much both debt holders expect to pay in interest and how much return the shareholder can expect to receive, for each dollar of financing (Investopedia, ND). The calculation of the cost of capital is one of the important elements that decide the enterprise value. The value of the enterprise can significantly change when the percentage of cost of capital changes in the business model, with the cost of ca pital representing the expected return for shareholders. We disagree with Joanna’s WACC calculation for following reasons: The calculations of WACC and DCF can be effected as they are subjective by her human judgment.Even though there are no right answers to make these decisions, our team disagrees with some of the assumptions Joanna Cohen made. i. ‘Ratio of debt financing’ and ‘Ratio of equity financing’ It has to be applied the market value because current shareholders’ expected return has to be reflected. Both ratios should be calculated not by using ‘Book Value’ but ‘Market Value’. ii. Cost of Debt Cost of Debt can be calculated with the current yield publicly traded in the market, because we are projecting the future cash flows. Joanna calculated this by using historical data.However cost of debt should be calculated using current YTM of debt. iii. Cost of Equity Joanna calculated cost of debt by using following CAPM formula: Cost of Equity = 5. 74% (20 year Treasury bond) +0. 80 (Average Historic Nike beta) *5. 9% (Average premium of the market over Treasury) =10. 5% When calculating the beta, using the most current beta is better than using the average, because the current beta reflects the most recent environment of Nike stock. 2. If you do not agree with Cohen’s analysis, calculate your own WACC for Nike and be prepared to justify your assumptions. i. Ratio of debt financing’ and ‘Ratio of equity financing’ Market value of debt = 5. 4 + 855. 3 + 435. 9 = $1,296. 6million Market Value of equity= There is no information about market value of debt. We will use ‘Book Value’ $1296. 6million Market Value of equity= Share price ($42. 09) * Shares outstanding (271. 5million) =$11,427. 4million Ratio of debt financing=1,296. 6 / (1,296. 6+11,427. 4) = 10. 19% Ratio of equity financing=11,427. 4/ (1,296. 6+11,427. 4) = 89. 81% WACC=9. 81%*89. 81%+7. 168 %* ( 1-38%)*10. 19% =9. 26% ii.Cost of Debt Market value of debt should be: Current price of debt: $95. 60 Coupon rate: 6. 75%(semiannual) =coupon $3. 375 per 6month Period to maturity: 20 years =40 period Face value: $100 YTM (=cost of debt) =3. 584% (semi annual) =7. 168% (annual) iii. Cost of Equity Using CAPM formula Cost of Equity = 5. 74% (20 year Treasury bond) +0. 69 (Latest beta) *5. 9% (Average premium of the market over Treasury) =9. 81% 3. Calculate the costs of equity using CAPM and the dividend discount model. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? * CAPM Cost of Equity = 5. 4% (20 year Treasury bond) +0. 69 (Latest beta) *5. 9% (Average premium of the market over Treasury) =9. 81% Advantage:| * CAPM considers only systematic risk, beta. It does not consider company specific risk. * It is useful to see an individual stock in entire portfolio. | Disadvantage:| * Some inputs are hard to reflect the situation of real world. * Relatively difficult to use co mpared to DDM| * DDM Share Price($42. 09) = Dividend($0. 48) / (re –Dividend Growth(5. 5%)) re(Cost of Equity) = 6. 64% Advantage:| * DDM only focuses on an individual stock rather than a portfolio. Always use, when calculating stock price. * Relatively easy to use compared to CAPM. | Disadvantage:| * Results are very sensitive to change when assumptions are inputted| 4. What should Kimi Ford recommend regarding an investment in Nike? RECOMMENDATION: should buy NIKE stock. NIKE stock price should be $58. 22 under the condition WACC, 9. 26%. Currently Nike stock is $42. 09. Now Nike stock is under value by $58. 22 – $42. 09 = $16. 13 per share. Works Referenced Investopedia, ND. M&A, Preferred Shares, Investopedia. [Online] Available at: http://www. investopedia. com/terms/w/wacc. asp [Accessed 1 April 2013].
1a. Rose’s action was wrong. It was an insult to Kalinda’s personality. Since Rose had an unresolved issue with an operator, Kalinda was right by calling Rose into her office to discuss and address the matter. Although, the company’s policy supported open-door policy which rose was trying to adopt, it was wrong for her to say such word directly as if there have been some unresolved issues between her and Kalinda. Rose also insulted her by saying she knows her right and that she will take care of the person to talk to.2. Perhap, Kalinda should have not asked rose to come to her office to discuss the issue, she might have just called her and the operator together so that she will hear both from the operator and then from rose.  Also Kalinda perhaps should not have asked the question who rose will be comfortable talking to; Kalinda can just talk to her, try to encourage her, and probably sought out any unresolved differences between them, then ask about the issue with the operator. Furthermore, Kalinda can also wait for some time, so that Rose can come to her senses after the rigorous conflict with the operator, before calling her to discuss the issue. 2. a) Randy‘s answer to Judith was grossly inappropriate. Judith has not done wrong by trying to speak to Randy on his behavior to the customer, since it is for the benefit and in the interest of the company. From Randy’s action to the customer, one can easily deduce that he has some personality problems and he could not control his emotions (i.e. he is not matured). Judith knew that if Randy continues in this way, the company might end up losing some important customers; hence she needed to speak to Randy. Moreover, she did call randy in a modest way respecting his person by calling him to her office.b). Probably he might have some personal issues with Judith that made him to react this way or may be he had personality disorder. Also, randy might have a bad day or had a conflict at home before coming to work.c). after witnessing the whole scenario, she should have waited much longer before calling him, probably during break when he is relax. Moreover, Randy might feel b elittled when Judith called her to her office, so might have save Randy the stress of leaving the desk for her office.d). Yes. at least for Judith to have called him to her office that means she must be his senior at work, so he must be punished, first, for treating the customers in a unprofessional ways and secondly, by disrespecting a senior officer in the company.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Porter's 5 forces analysis of NEXT Plc Case Study
Porter's 5 forces analysis of NEXT Plc - Case Study Example NEXT Plc is retail chain in Clothing specialising in Men's wear, ladies wear, Sports wear, Leisure wear, Children wear. Underwear Swimwear Footwear watches etc. NEXT products are highly trendy which sells at moderate prices. Clothing is targeted on stylish women and men in the age range 20 to 40. Home shopping and financial services are also provided. NEXT operates through 300 high street shops covering the UK and Ireland and also foreign markets. (http://www. The clothing market of UK is declining at present. Clothing is generally manufactured by low tech machines with cheap labour spread in third world countries. The industry is facing competition from high-tech machines that can stitch better quality products at faster speed and at lesser cost. Retail shops thrive in the market to sell these clothing. The market trend today is of opening retail chain stores and capturing the market with own favourite brands such as Next, Marks & Spenser, Gap, and Arcadia. These retail chain stores grow big and can afford costly high-tech machines but small retailers can not afford quick change to new technology. Highly exclusive designer boutiques cater to rich segment with exclusive designs. But consumer goods markets mainly thrive on middle class segment and therefore every big retailer concentrates to that market. . Other activities of NEXT include telecommunications software services and property management. Analysis of NEXT plc and its environment ... Environmental Opportunities NEXT Retail accounted for the biggest 69% of revenue in 2000. More than 96% of sales came from the UK market. NEXT is ranked number one in the market in high street category and in providing mail order facility to youth group in 20-40 age. It is very difficult for the competitors to enter into the segment and grab the market share. Environmental Threat : In spite of its well-entrenched position in the market there are some big brands like TESCO which is trying hard to snatch the market share by offering clothes stitched fro the low labour cost areas at dumping prices. Lewis 501 denim product at pound 20 is a burning example. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers in clothing industry are many and this is true for NEXT also. Supplier can be indispensable only when he holds monopolistic status. In case of NEXT's suppliers they don't enjoy such position and can't pull the company for increasing rates or other terms unless it is negotiated and accepted. Bargaining powers of Buyers: Buyers or customers have lots of power to discard a product in the shelf. In the modern world of marketing it is the value creation through brands, promotion, prices tags, product positioning, label, quality and store's image that retain clients. Generally clients don't bargain prices from a good outlet and believe to pay the tag prices accepting the quality of goods therein. NEXT has good image to project and should not expect consumers' reprisal unless the brand loses its value. Threat of new entrants to the industry Small brands are not capable to enter into the clothing chain market to compete with NEXT because of the capital- intensive nature of the modern clothing industry. Big labels do have strength of money, knowledge, expertise and marketing power to challenge NEXT. Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Tesco, Marks & Spenser or some other brands from US can enter the market comfortable by opening
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Analyzes Communication between two Charcters in the Sound and The Fury Essay
Analyzes Communication between two Charcters in the Sound and The Fury written by William Faulkner - Essay Example Thus, throughout last chapter, readers are left in perplexity of timeframe, in which they are unable to distinguish between past and present. Caddy is the only sister who is like a mother figure to the brothers, is later shown to degenerate morally, which directly affects her brother Quentin, who is a Harvard student. Quentin whole heartedly follows the Southern Code, and believes in ideals such as purity, chastity and a purposeful life. Jason is depicted as a person full of hatred while Mr. Compson is a person who understands the bitter realities of life, which directly contradict the beliefs held by Quentin. The discourse between Mr. Compson and Quentin is interesting as the two characters possess completely dichotomous, polar views regarding life. Mr. Compson’s views add to Quentin’s dilemma regarding life, and eventually lead him to commit suicide. Although Mr. Compson appearances were a few, but through his few discourses, not only the constant battle Quentin was fighting was signified, but also the gradual thought process that led Quentin to decide his tragic fate was relayed. In the second chapter, Quentin reminisces about how his father had given him a watch, saying, â€Å"I give it [watch] to you not that you may remember time, but [†¦..]. Because no battle is ever won. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools† , (Faulkner, 1992, p .76). Although it is ironical how the watch, signifying hope and faith, led Quentin to eventually break it, because he wanted to stop time. It was his futile effort to stagnate time, so that the degrading moral values of the 20th century did not creep into the Compson family and the Southern Code remains intact. Quentin, the oldest child in the Compson family, strongly adhered to principles of honor, love and purity. In his view, this comprised the Southern Code and the familial system was bound to adhere to it, as it was the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Critically Evaluating Current Neo-liberal Education Policies Essay
Critically Evaluating Current Neo-liberal Education Policies - Essay Example 280). Attempts to improve the education system have been concerned with increasing the productivity of the education system. In a bid to change the education system new policies have been designed to raise standards following market ideologies. The schools become responsible for performance while the parents are given a variety of choices to select schools. Moreover, Bartlett and Burton (2006, p. 4) added that, the curriculum has been designed and dictated across the nation and attending school became compulsory. Those who choose to go for higher education have been required to pay tuition fee. The coalition government has reviewed the curriculum and qualifications in the education system since it assumed power in the year 2010. In order to enable learners to take the most appropriate route for the aspired profession, the coalition government introduced policies that facilitate them join a school to become an academy. An academy is an arrangement where students attend without paying and the school is managed by members of the local groups in the community. The coalition government reviewed funding for the vocational education. The motive was to increase the standards for qualification of the vocational education. Additionally, the school curriculum was reviewed to allow the instructors choose the method of delivery to the students. For the students in higher education, the coalition government ensured that there was mobility and sustainable funding. Qualifications pertaining diplomas and languages were reviewed. The language skills such as grammar, punctuation and spelling were incorporated in learning. The changes in funding arrangements... This essay stresses that attempts to improve the education system have been concerned with increasing the productivity of the education system. In a bid to change the education system new policies have been designed to raise standards following market ideologies. The schools become responsible for performance while the parents are given a variety of choices to select schools. Moreover, Bartlett and Burton (2006, p. 4) added that, the curriculum has been designed and dictated across the nation and attending school became compulsory. Those who choose to go for higher education have been required to pay tuition fee. This paper declares that the coalition government reviewed funding for the vocational education. The motive was to increase the standards for qualification of the vocational education. Additionally, the school curriculum was reviewed to allow the instructors choose the method of delivery to the students. For the students in higher education, the coalition government ensured that there was mobility and sustainable funding. Qualifications pertaining diplomas and languages were reviewed. The language skills such as grammar, punctuation and spelling were incorporated in learning. The changes in funding arrangements were to ensure that students continue with learning, develop and grow academically. After the government introduced a curriculum which requires all schools to teach certain skills and subjects, a nationwide assessment curriculum was formed.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Social and Cultural Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social and Cultural Philosophy - Essay Example The political stakes in the modern split between high and low art were never more clearly articulated than in the debate between Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno on popular culture. When Adorno described his defense ÃŽ ¿f autonomous art and Benjamin's apology for mass entertainment as torn halves ÃŽ ¿f one freedom, he located their dispute within a speculative tradition that invests aesthetic experience with emancipatory potential. The origins ÃŽ ¿f this discourse can be traced to Romanticism and its reflection on the role ÃŽ ¿f subjectivity in politics and art. Benjamin's dialogue with Adorno marked an important turning point in this narrative by unmasking its twin protagonists--the autonomous individual and its collective other--as phantasms, figments ÃŽ ¿f the Romantic imagination. By analyzing the Romantic phantasms that haunted Benjamin's dialogue with Adorno, the present essay suggests how critical subjectivity might be reconsidered in an age in which the virtual reality à Ž ¿f cyberspace has become second nature for many individuals. The debate on popular culture is primarily documented in two essays--one each by Benjamin on film and Adorno on jazz--published in successive issues ÃŽ ¿f the Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung in 1936. (Wiggershaus 191-218) Both friends were living in exile--Benjamin in Paris and Adorno in Oxford--and the letters they exchanged provide additional clues to the positions they were elaborating. If the personal hardships f emigration influenced the tenor f their dispute, then contemporary events almost certainly contributed to its sense f urgency. Everywhere the new mass media seemed subject to manipulation: by totalitarian regimes in Italy, Germany, and the USSR, and monopolizing market forces in the USA. In the 1930s, questions f popular culture became political problems f the first order. Adorno's primary contribution to the debate, an essay titled "Uber Jazz," has a relatively uncomplicated textual history. Benjamin's contribution, "Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit," is another story. At Benjamin's request, the essay was published in the Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung in French translation. This translation was based on a second, revised version f the essay. After the French translation was published, Benjamin completed a second and more radical revision f the German text, in the express hope that Bertolt Brecht would have it published in Moscow. As it turned out, none f the German versions appeared in print until Adorno and his wife Gretel included the third version f the essay in their two-volume edition f Benjamin's selected works, in 1955. This is the version that served as the basis for Harry Zohn's translation, "The Work f Art in the Age f Mechanical Reproduction," the only one available in English at this date. It is also the v ersion that continues to serve as the basis for most academic discussion f the essay, despite the fact that both earlier versions have been made available in recent decades. (Arendt 217-51) The result f all this is that there exists no one authoritative text f Benjamin's essay, but rather three distinct documents f a work in progress. The differences that distinguish the three texts provide as much insight into Benjamin's debate with Adorno as any one variant read in isolation. For this reason, all three versions will be considered in the discussion that follows. Adorno first identified the Romantic phantasms haunting his dialogue with Benjamin in a letter from 18 March 1936, written to critique an unpublished manuscript f Benjamin's essay. In an attempt to mediate between their divergent views, Adorno observed that autonomous art and popular film both bear the scars f capitalist exploitation, as well as elements f change. He did not, however, suggest that high art be privileged over low. Instead, he insisted that neither be sacrificed to the other, since this would mean losing the critical potential f both. Only if high and low art are
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Hardy Weinberg Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Hardy Weinberg Law - Essay Example In the case of a squirrel population containing 1,000 squirrels, there are 2 types of coat colors expressed, red and black. It was determined that 292 squirrels were homozygous dominant, 440 squirrels were heterozygous and 268 were homozygous recessive. The genotypic frequencies are as follows: Let us allow "R" to represent the allele for dominant, red fur. Let us then allow "r" to represent the recessive allele which when presented in a homozygous pair, results in black fur. If 292 squirrels were homozygous dominant, that means that 29.2% of the squirrels were genotypically RR and red coated. If 440 of the squirrels were heterozygous, then 44% of the squirrel population was Rr and red coated. If 268 of the squirrels were homozygous recessive then 26.8% of the squirrel population was rr and black coated. These percentages were simply obtained by dividing the number of squirrels within the same genotype (rr, RR or Rr) by the total number of squirrels. This number is a translation of the actual number of squirrels having the same genotype into a percentage of the overall population of squirrels. To determine the allelic frequency, we will first look at the formula provided in the beginning of this paper.
Business managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Business managment - Essay Example objectives tend to differ in a way that the VAA is a business organization trying to raise profits from the services offered while the British Red Cross is an organization trying to help people to survive hard situation. The target groups are different and the overall aims are also different. The airline has a responsibility of providing education and training to the young unemployed people. They can start aviation colleges, aeronautic engineering collages and such colleges to help the community and the government at large to grow. They can also benefit by employing qualified and skilled personnel who have been trained there. VAA has a responsibility of providing quality services to its customers. They can improve the services by increasing the comfort, the capacity of the air buses and the hospitality. They also have a responsibility of creating a good reputation to the shareholders and investors. This can be done through ensuring that the economic state of the company is maintained. This can also be done through making good use of the capital so as to obtain solid profitability to meet shareholder and investor expectations with stable dividends. (â€Å"Responsibility to stakeholders†. 2004) The airline has a responsibility of taking good care of the employees and staff. They should be provided with a good working environment, treated with fairness and rewarded for their performance since their hard work leads to the prosperity of the firm. It also have a responsibility of ensuring that they help to protect the environment by reducing pollution e.g. by the air buses. It has a responsibility of taking care of the business partners like the suppliers e.g through striving for mutual growth and prosperity. They should also pay taxes to the government and operate under the governing laws. VAA improved the services to the customers by expanding the airlines and enabling travel to many countries. Initially, the airline was intended to fly between London and Falkland
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Marketing and Research Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing and Research Problems - Essay Example The lack of experimental data and precise inputs represents a major research problem for the firm. The organization in theory could decipher the formula to create the new product. If this occurred a potential marketing problem the firm faces is that the new products might cannibalize other existing products the company offers its customers.†Product cannibalization occurs when a company decides to replace an existing product and introduce a new one in its place, regardless of its position in the market†(Komrinos, 2002). Another con is that the firm would have to spend a lot of money on research and development to introduce this product to market. The college faces a major problem associated with the inability of the organization to attract young talented college students. In the past the recruiting rate of the college was 90%, but now it has dipped to a troubling and alarming rate of only 25%. The fundamental source of the problem is the reputation and public image of the college. The academic regimen of the university became so stringent that students through word of mouth advertising hurt the reputation of the college. The public relations problem the college faces can be fixed, but the college has to be willing to be flexible in order to improve the reputation of the academic institution. The college has to make a decision on whether is willing to lower its academic requirements to attract more students into its campus. The college benefits the most when it has full tuition enrolment to fulfill the capacity of the campus. A research problem the college faces is to determine the appropriate primary research method to obtai n the information it needs. The use of questionnaires is a technique that can be very beneficial for this college. Chocoholic Candy Company faces the challenge of implementation of an expansion plan, while maintaining the same level of service it provided at the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Kafka Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Kafka - Essay Example He had 2 brothers who died that affected him so much, but he was blessed with sisters. He was sent to a German school and was not Czech. He speaks much Czech when he was a child but had mastered the German language as he finished school. His mastery of the language is seen in his literary works ( The work of Franz entitled "The Metamorphosis" is one of his remarkable works. Literary works like that of Kafka is an example of heavily influenced by the artist own life struggles and reflection. In the story, the main character was Gregor Samsa a traveling sales man who is already a burnt out of his job. He was torn between his responsibility with his parents about the job he is into and being free to do other things. He was transformed one morning to a bug and woke up late for work. He was suddenly thinking of what was happening to him lately was grieving for the hassles he gets from his work and the relationships he gets from people who only come and go and is always volatile and not intimate and permanent ( Kuper, 2003). The story written by the author is a mere of his own sad life. Franz was linked into many women for one night stands, sex, flirting. There was no such intimate relationship for him before he got married.
Monday, July 22, 2019
My Summer Vacation Essay Example for Free
My Summer Vacation Essay The dream summer vacation of every person only comes once in a lifetime. In the summer of 2014 i had just completed my first year of college and my parents wanted to take me some where Ill always remember for my profound work. I had no clue of what their intentions were or what to even expect from them. My parents had invited just about all of our closes relatives and family friends to come along and celebrate the occasion with us. Majority of those that came brought gifts and money to encourage me to do well. Of course this made me the most thrilled person in the world, because I not only had family and friends over to celebrate but they also spent the night over for the trip my parents had put together to take us on. The following morning my Father woke everyone up at 2oclock in the morning to get situated and hit the road for the airport by 3oclock. How ironic they had everything planned out from the bathroom time to the seating in the vehicles. But yet each and every time I pampered the question in their heads as to where we were going they never answered me. Anxious to know I was, so i began thinking of all the possibilities of the places theyd consider going. I began to get drowsy from how early I woke up and all the curiosity running through my veins. After getting to the airport at 4oclock our flight finally left at 6:45am and we arrived at our destination into Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We collected our bags and was on our journey once again this time it had felt as if we had been driving forever. I had woken up to screams and shouting from almost everyone around me, yet I still had no clue as to what was going on. As my dad was trying to find a parking spot I started to look out the window in search of any clues that could help me figure out where exactly we were. Once we pasted the entrance my eyes blew up when I saw the words Carnival Cruise Lines. After seeing all the commercials with all the festivities that occur, all the famous people that appear in person, the amazing games and family activities, the theatre and food that was on board, this was indeed the place I would give the world to go to. When asked by my parents how I liked my gift, I became lost for words and could only smile for how happy and filed with joy I was.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Hoani Waititi Social Services Case Study
Hoani Waititi Social Services Case Study Weizhi You (Peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1 Outline the information and issues relevant to the decisions about the alternative placement for this individual. BD is a 13years old boy. The boy’s parent are both not working and they are drug and drunk everyday. The boy couldn’t receive the good care from the family, not enough food, always wear on dirty clothes. He’s suffered from abuse in verbal and physical. The grandparents called the social services for some help because they are old and could not look after BD, and they would like BD to be placed in foster care. After discuss with grandparents, the social workers decide to remove BD from the parents care to another family which is full of love and willing to look after DB. The social worker concerned the parents of DB and told them that their children will leave them until they change them self and find themselves. 2 What other information did you need to obtain? Safety: The person is safe from any kind of harm that comes from themselves, or any other person. Make sure he won’t be abused in foster care. Check if he is at risk of running away from foster are. Wellbeing: We need to check the boy’s health situation and the psychology health situations. The person’s wellbeing is looked after – for Maori people wellbeing should be considered in the holistic sense. We need concerned the family members and have a family meeting to discuss about it. Arrange the visit for grandparents. 3 Key points of information provided to the parties involved or other observations The boy is so silent and don’t want to talk with others and hide on the back of grandparents. So we spend the tie with BD and build the trust. The grandparents have pain legs and sore back who need take medications every day and no family members can take BD, so foster family is necessary. 4 Outline how decision making was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standard Gain information that is relevant to the decision making process. Before an Alternative Placement happens, the families including SW, BD, BD’ parents and BD’ grandparents may meet several times to discuss and share relevant information, issues and needs of the client for their safety and wellbeing. The safety and wellbeing of BD is the subject of an alternative care placement is the first consideration Social workers use verbal and non-verbal communications to obtain information relevant to decision making Obtaining sufficient information to facilitate decision making about the alternative care placement includes all information and issues relevant to all parties involved in the decision about the alternative care placement Keep the information confidential, and get family consent to discuss family concerns with outside agencies e.g drug agency. 5 other notes which reflect on the decision making process The boy and the whanau will have the different preferences for the placement, perhaps related to the ease of access for visiting etc. Cultural issues are an important consideration for social workers, particularly when dealing with Maori. Some information may reflect on the decision making process including Health needs, Language, safety, client’s privacy,spiritual needs, Dietary needs, Medication needs, Physical comfort Task 2 Student name: weizhi you(peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1 Outline any further or additional information or issues relevant to the decisions about the alternative placement for this individual. DB is more shy and silent at first week, but with the help of social workers and new families, he becomes improved both in physical and psychology health. For the spiritual support, the social worker bring him to the marae to join in maori activities and practice maori culture. DB made friend with them and develop his social network. But from the feedback of school, he is not focus on study and seldom do the homework. BD will go to the same school so he won’t need to involved at another school. He always walk to school. BD is happy to live in the foster family, the risk of running away is low. 2How did you plan the placement in line with the decisions of the parties involved and any other key people? The social workers keep contact with family members involved. They keep contact with the fostr family and BD, gain feedbacks and make plan to help BD get used in the new family. They also contact with BD’s parents and grandparents. Helping BD’s parents stop drug and find a job to earn some money. They have a talk with the school and the teacher of BD then the school decide to spend extra hours to help BD study. 3 how did you plan the placement in line with ethical practice? Followed agency’s policies/protocols. Ethical practice, the ethics of social work practice also need to apply to decisions about alternative care placements. For example, it will be unethical to tell the person’s family the only place available was one a long distance away, because it had a vacancy and social worker can end their involvement quickly and move on to another case. A place was found nearly to garandparents’s home and easy to visit, families kept informed at all times of all the decision making. 4 how did you make sure that everything you did was focused on the current and future safety of the person who needed the alternative care placement? BD need to moved from home because he couldn’t receive the properly care from parents which is bad for his well beings. The social worker together with relevant people needs to determine the best alternative care placement for BD, with the safety and wellbeing of the person as the first consideration. 5 key points of information provided or other obeservations The parents of BD have agree to receive the help from the community and local organizations to stop drug. BD is happy living in the foster home. 6 outline how planning was facilitated in accordance with the service provider’s standards. Give examples Followed agency’s policies. Family Group Conference (FGC) lead by Youth Justice Co-ordinator and Social Work. Family group conference (FGC) supported CYF care as an interim measure. completion of checklists: all the paper should be done and checked, it need to be sign by social worker, care provider and families. security of information: make sure that all the information through inside the person who is involved. Confidentiality and keeping accurate records of conversations or meetings Social workers acknowledging the needs and issues of parties to the alternative care placement, use the interpersonal skills to work with the different parties and make sure everything goes on line. 7other notes reflect on the planning process Home environment: low risk – high risk safety issues. Always consider person’s safety and well being first. Family visit provide spiritual support. Task 3 Student name: weizhi you(peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1how did you encourage self-determination of the person who is the subject of the alternative care placement? To encourage self-determination means encouraging families members to the plan to fulfil their identified roles, and to take ownership of these roles. Dependency on the social worker or social service provider needs to be discouraged. Encourage grandparents to visit. Provide BD’s parents 2or 3 councilling agencies to choose to solve their problems. Outlined agency’s objectives and appropriate legislation, backing up agencies mandate/kaupapa. Fully informed BD and whÄ nau/family of the parameters and scope of the meeting, and allowed them to define the best options. Informed all the decision making at all times before it satarts. Where possible I (agency) worked collaboratively with the family to find a middle ground where agency mandate and whÄ nau choices weren’t aligned. 2how did you discourage dependency on you as the social worker and the social service provider? Gave space (and resourced where necessary) so the whÄ nau/family could define their own possible solutions. Give them 2to3 useful local agencies and let BD’s parents choose the way to help themselves. Where possible the agency would step aside, so the family/whÄ nau could step up. 3how did you assist key people in the implementation of the plan to identify progress? I will provide key people with a care-plan that included key indicators of progress, such as attending school regularly, keeping curfew, behavioural contract etc and informed all decision making at all times. 4how did you assist parties to the plan to review the plan? What if any further options were identified? If the plan was amended, how was it amended? Regular meetings to review progress were held between social service provider,BD , whÄ nau and care giver(s). to check the which task has been achived so far and what to improve. When implementation of the plan is complete, the plan (in its entirety) needs to be reviewed. In some cases the review will result in further options being identified. The review may also determine some different outcomes in terms of achievement of objectives and these also need to be recorded in the plan 5 key points of information provided or other observations Parents have enrolled the drug councilling center 6outline the implementation was in accordance with the service provider’s standards Cultural practices were followed eg a karakia/blessing was arranged for BD when he arrived at the home. The checking in processes was completed fully, including areas such as health and safety, and rules for behaviour etc were explained to BD. 7other notes reflect on the implementation process His study in school have a big improve under the help of teacher. Task 4 Student name: weizhi you(peter) Alternative care placement for BD Workplace: hoani waititi social services 1how you know you had completed your required tasks or involvement in the plan? DB is now in foster care family and the parents were enrolled in drug councilling. BD attend the school regular and make new friends. When the implementation of the alternative care placement is complete, it is time for the social worker to complete their involvement in the plan. Always first consider the safety and wellbeing of the person who is the subject of the alternative care placement. 2what possible future involvement might be required from the social service provider in this case? Think about factors that may lead to further contact being needed, what functions or services a social service provider might offer the person in the future, and how the person could go about re-establishing contact with social service provider The parents may need parenting program to help them learn how to take care of BD. If the parents could not stop drug and abuse on BD, in this situation, BD have to move to another home. The social workers will provide many suggestions and some useful organizations for them. If they need services in the future, they can ring the organizations again. 3notesor key points of information received or other obeservatons made Social worker’s tasks were clearly finished on the care plan, and the plan was updated to show they were completed. Transition from home to residential care completed. 4outline how the closure was in accordance with the service provider’s standards Review the items that were part of your role or responsibility in the plan. Check you have completed them all, and completed all related documentation etc. Consult with the other parties to the plan. Check that they consider you have completed your responsibilities, or whether there is something else they were expecting you to do. Handover meeting with host home family, BD and whÄ nau. 5outline how you made sure information was kept confidential Followed agency privacy policy. For example, consent from whÄ nau to share information with alternative education provider was received. 6provide two examples of how your actions were in accordance with relevant legislation. Name the legislation in the example. Privacy Act – I (agency) only kept information that was necessary for the purpose of facilitating BD’s placement in the host home. CYPF Act – both BD and whÄ nau were kept informed of decisions made, and wherever possible involved in the decision making process. 7other notes reflect on the closure process All parties updated and keep contacting with them. Provider policy followed, case file checked and updated, renew the information and regular check visit BD. Task5 How tiriti o Waitangi in social services? Give 3 examples how your actions on placement were guided by the tiriti. There are four principles in the Te Tiriti o Waitangi to ensure that maori’s rights were covered including partnership, protection, participation and permission. A partnership in good faith between two Maori and Crown, for that principle, when engaging with Maori or creating policy that could affect Maori, the Social Service organisations ensure needs of Maori are prioritised. In order to make ensure Maori have rangatiratanga rights over their taonga, always consultation with Maori leadership and management when organisational policies are being discussed. Te Tiriti o Waitangi applies in social services including ensure that all social services have a bi-cultural perspective. For example, we respect our maori client, maori way to deal with things, our maori workmates and client’s families, keep good relationship with them. Protection: for that principle, it allowed maori to exercise their Tino Rangatiratanga (absolute sovereignty) over all of their taonga(land), and benefit from these. Taonga in Maori language means land, resources, language, knowledge, and other aspects of the Maori way of life. Maori have the rights to enjoy their taonga in social service settings, and social service organisations must respect their way of life. It protect Maori’s rights to make choices that best serve their culture, that line with tika and kawa, suit their traditions and practices customary. For example, we working in the maori marae, we follow their traditional cultures and their process in the marae, we are not allowed to bring the food into marae and turn off the phone, no noisy when join the formal welcome. Participation: it ensure that maori take part in the social counseling and have the equal rights with crown. Consultation at all levels with Maori. It must be service accessibility for MÄ ori. Allowed Maori choose their models of health i.e (Te Whare Tapa Wha) rather than western models when working with MÄ ori. So when we working with maori, we should knowing their needs and their culture respect, provide their prefer ways to help them. Task6 How your actions throughout the process of contributing to the facilitation? At least 3 examples and include your inflections from your activities in this assessment all linked to theory for social service practice. respect my client, always ask their permission, I always collect the family agreement before the action and listen to my client, respect their choices and their maori way to do things. And I respect their culture, when enter Maura, I will follow their traditional approach and customs. Gain information that is relevant to the decision making process. Before an Alternative Placement happens, the families including SW, BD, BD’ parents and BD’ grandparents may meet several times to discuss and share relevant information, issues and needs of the client for their safety and wellbeing. We keep contact with family members involved. Keeping contact with the fostr family and BD, gain feedbacks and make plan to help BD get used in the new family. Contacting with BD’s parents and grandparents. Helping BD’s parents stop drug and find a job to earn some money. Weizhi you 13010121[à ©Ã¢â‚¬  ®Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ ¦-†¡Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ -] 1
Theory Of European Integration Politics Essay
Theory Of European Integration Politics Essay Many theories on European integration have emerged after the terrible events of World War II. They tried to explain how political actors in distinct national settings will shift their loyalties, expectations and political activities in order to unify and create a stable political and economic alliance throughout the Europe. (Haas, Ernst B., 1968: The Uniting of Europe. 1950-1957. Stanford: Stanford UP, p. 16). The main theories at that time were Functionalism, Neo-functionalism, Intergovernmentalism, Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Federalism. In this essay most competing theories revolving around the process of European Integration will be compared. They are the Liberal Intergovernmental approach created by Andrew Moravcsik and Neo-Functionalism was developed by Earns Haas. I agree with Liberal Intergovernmental theory of European integration as it provides a more useful utility to explain the creation of the community and how various actors behave within the European system compar ed to Neo-Functional approach. LI is also better, because it has achieved this dominant status due to its theoretical soundness, empirical power, and utility as a foundation for synthesis with other explanations regarding regional and European Integration (Moravcsik, Schimmelfennig 2009: 67). This statement will be further developed by contrasting main assumptions of these theories, as well as observing causal relationships in political facts in case of the Single European Act (SEA) which happened in the process of establishing a union amongst European countries (Sabine, George H., 1968: A history of political theory. London: Harrap, p. V). The largest discourse in theorising European Integration happened around two theories Neo-functionalism and Liberal Intergovernmentalism. Neo-functionalism was created in the mid-1950s. The main thinker was Earns Haas who developed this theory in his work The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces 1950-1957 (Cini 2004, p. 81). He tried to find out how regional cooperation and development were linked to the integration in Latin America and Europe. However later, the theory became associated with the European Union, since economic and political integration was much more developed there, compared to Latin America (Cini 2004, p.83). Before the creation of Intergovernmentalism, Neo-functionalism (a pluralist theory) seemed to provide a better explanation of the European Integration (EI). It explained how and why they (states) voluntarily mingle, merge and mix with their neighbours so as to lose the factual attributes of sovereignty while acquiring new techniques for resolving con ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ict between themselves (Haas 1970: 610). The most prominent ideas of neo-functionalists were the spillover effects which push the EI, as nation states are interdependent. They also stressed importance of non-state actors in international politics. Haas argued, that they way in which countries behave on international arena was a direct outcome of a pluralistic political process. Other actors, like institutions within the state and interest groups influenced decisions of the government. This fact shaped the way the states behave, thus shaped the European Integration. Neo-functionalists often use activities of multinational corporations to show how various non-governmental actors shape international politics. But the prime example to prove the assumption, that non-state actors are very important in EI is the European Commission. As it was considered to be in unique position it is a non-state actor, it can shape both international and domestic pressures on governments of European states to promote the EI, despite the fact that some governments might not look forward to collaborate. This way Neo-Functionalism places major emphasis on the role of non-governmental actors; governments are important actors in the process as well. Neo-Functionalism view spillover as a driving force of the EI. Broad political integration derives from economic integration between the states which is the cause of close cooperation in particular economic policy sector. This process can be understood by a concept of spillover, as explained by Lindberg (1963: 10): In its most general formulation, spillover refers to a situation in which a given action, related to a speci ¬Ã‚ c goal, creates a situation in which the original goal can be assured only by taking further actions, which in turn create a further condition and a need for more action, and so forth There are several types of spillovers in NF theory. The main are the political and functional. The functional spillover may be explained as a situation where integration in one economic sector will foster integration in other policy areas. So functional pressures are created for further integration within and beyond that policy area. As a result, economies of nation states will entangle. As integration expands social interests will change towards supranational centre and the need for further European institutionalisation will arise (Rosamond, Ben, 2000: Theories of European Integration. Houndsmills: MacMillan, p. 51-52). As a result of functional spillover, it can be seen that industrial economies are interconnected. So it is not possible to separate one policy area from another. This implies a political spillover which is involved in creating political pressures in order to promote integration in states involved in functional spillover. As soon as one policy area is created, various actors interested in its development will seek ways in which they can have influence at the supranational level. As for example, the development of ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) will make consumer groups, trade unions and lobbysts from coal and steel communities to switch from national governments to the new supranational agency the High Authority. Later on actors will appreciate the benefits opened to them as a result of the integration. They will further advocate integration to eliminate barriers imposed by governments prior to integration. the process of community formation is dominated by nationally constituted groups with speci ¬Ã‚ c interests and aims, willing and able to adjust their aspirations by turning to supranational means when this course appears pro ¬Ã‚ table(Haas 1966: xxxiv). Based on Hoffmanns work, which criticised Neo-functionalism, Andrew Moravcsik created an improved version of the integration process explanation. To prove that the new Liberal Intergovernmental approach is better it is important to fully understand its theoretical basis. Liberal Intergovernmental (LI) theory tries to explain the process of European Integration. It starts by recognising political actors and trying to find which roles did they take during the Integration. In order to agree or disagree with the theory it is essential to understand who the actors are and what they do. LI theory emphasises the national governments being the most important actors. I agree with this point, as I find that the state governments are the main drivers of integration compared to supranational actors and institutions as Neo-functionalism argues. States achieve their goals through intergovernmental bargaining. But they only negotiate, if their national interest is concerned. It may be observed that this way national governments are the most powerful drivers of the European Integration, as they control the pace and deepness of unification with other countries. The reason for the power lies in the nature of the state government. All of the members are democratically elected, which makes them unique in the integration process. The governments also possess legal sovereignty. Taking into account facts and assumptions of Liberal Intergovernmentalism it could be seen that this explanation of integration process is more elucidating. Liberal Intergovernmentalism implies that states are rational. It means that the state government will closely examine all the possible options given in any question which concerns their national interest. Then it chooses the one which maximises profit for the state, thus satisfying the national interest. In The Choice for Europe (1998), Moravcsik explains how governments operate together. It is based on two assumptions of LI theory: a) states are the most influential actors; b) states are rational in their actions. Firstly, they state what is the most important for their nation (preferences), and then they bargain and negotiate with other governments to achieve a most effective consensus for both. In third place, they order the existent supranational institutions or create new ones in order to ensure that their decisions will be implemented and secured afterwards. (Moravcsik / Schimmelpfennig p.70f) It may be seen that LI theorists do not deny the existence of other actors institutions, bodies and interest groups (for example civil servants and officials within the state) in their explanation of integration. These actors could also affect the process and decisions made, but their influence is rather marginal in the creation of global international system. Neo-Functionalist theory emphasises how important the role of them are, but these national and supranational actors do not play a significant role in European Integration as they are merely used by national governments only when the latter pursue national interest.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
social roles in African Literature :: essays research papers
During the uprisings of the 1970s, Nadine Gordimer presented a very dreary and pessimistic prophecy to white and black South Africa in July’s People. This prophecy suggested a probable overthrow of the apartheid system which would challenge the currently existing social and racial roles of its inhabitants. Amid the chaos, traditional roles would be overturned and new ones are formed as the Smales accept their servant’s offer of refuge and flee to his village in the bush. Additionally, Zoe Wicomb describes the social and sexual roles that dominate Afrikaaners in You Can’t Get Lost in Cape Town. Through a series of connected short stories, Wicomb’s narrator, Frieda Shenton, grows from childhood to womanhood in a community labeled as â€Å"colored.†These colored, people of racially mixed decent, were classified not on ethnic or cultural values, but rather based on skin color and appearance. To gain complete understanding of racial and sexual roles pre sent in the southern part of Africa, one must carefully examine both July’s People and You Can’t Get Lost in Cape Town for semblances of an old social structure as the birth of a new nation develops.      In Wicomb’s You Can’t Get Lost in Cape Town, we are presented with a young girl, Frieda, transforming into a woman in a rural African village. Frieda is faced with the realization that apartheid has ghettoized the coloreds to live in dreadful conditions. It is through the suppression of this ghetto life along with the suppression of racial and sexual stereotypes that Frieda removes herself and gains her independence. Frieda’s changing sexuality is important for her maturation into a woman. Wicomb presents a sexual hierarchy of women as viewed from a colored perspective. Men can improve their social appearance through education, but for a woman, she must get married. A necessary ingredient for a successful marriage is to be pretty as suggested by Frieda’s mother: â€Å"Poor child†¦ What can a girl do without good looks? Who’ll marry you? We’ll have to put a peg on your nose†(164). Even in Frieda’s teenag e years, she never saw herself as attractive, for she saw herself as â€Å"too plump.†This â€Å"plumpness†is a direct result from her father urging her finish all her meals, as he saw skinniness unattractive. In addition, during the train ride to school, Frieda dreamt of a fairytale in which boys were regarded as princes and her role was not that of Cinderella, but rather that of the pumpkin.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Use of Personification in An Essay on Criticism :: English Literature
The Use of Personification in An Essay on Criticism â€Å"An Essay on Criticism†was written by British writer Alexander Pope around 1709. This poem was written in heroic couplets and its purpose was to express Pope’s opinion on literature as a poet and critic. Pope is responding to the debate over whether or not poets should write â€Å"naturally†or base their work on a set of pre-determined rules as done by ancient poets. Pope’s poem can be broken down into three main points. The first section is used by Pope to give general principles of good criticism and poetry. The second section identifies the flaws a critic is prone to. The third section addresses the moral traits a good critic must have and gives examples of outstanding critics. Pope’s use of personification throughout the poem allows him to expand his ideas and secure his argument while creating a very memorable poem. His use of personification allows the poem to come to life with detail (Pope 2476). Pope begins the poem by stating it is less offensive to â€Å"tire our Patience, than mislead our Sense†(Pope 4) meaning it is much more harmful to be a bad critic than a bad poet. â€Å"‘Tis with our judgments as our watches, none/ Go just alike, yet each believes his own" (Pope 9). Here Pope uses a watch to personify judgments. Everyone may have their own opinion that they believe is right. â€Å"Most have seeds of judgment in their mind; Nature affords at least a glimm’ring light†(Pope 20). Men at one time do have â€Å"seeds†of good judgment, but Pope says that in the search wit they are defaced by false education and loose their common sense. â€Å"Some neither can for wits nor critics pass, as heavy mules are neither horse nor ass†(Pope 38). This line refers to those who never became intellectuals or good critics. They are somewhere in between, not worthy of a name. Instead they are referred to as â€Å"half-formed insects on the banks of Nile†(Pope 41). The bugs represent the critics who swarm every work of literature with their malicious criticisms. Pope recommends following nature as the first rule â€Å"By her just standard, which is still the same [†¦] One clear, unchanged, and universal light†(Pope 68). Pope here states that rules are necessary in order to criticize poetry. He compares theses rules to â€Å"unerring†nature which is believed to be the epitome of ideal order and harmony. The rules of the Ancients are useful guidelines for the true critic, for they are â€Å"Nature Methodized†(Pope 89). He believes that many recent critics have used the rules without understanding them.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
King Midas :: essays research papers
Long ago, during the time of knights and dragons, there lived a king named Midas. He was considered one of the richest men on earth, but just like the many wealthy people around, money did not bring much happiness to him. Unsatisfied, he then assumed that perhaps being the richest among the rich could be the answer to his desires for a better life. Once, our friend was sitting on his throne, contemplating the meaning of life like he always did at lonely times, when his honorable servants came rushing to him. In one of their arms carried a dwarf of an old man. Bewildered, King Midas asked with a tone of inflection in his voice, â€Å"Who is this funny-looking little man? He looks like that idiot friend of mine, Confucius!†â€Å"Master, do not be rude!†one of the servants warned. He continued, this time whispering: â€Å"This man here is Silenus. He happens to be the friend of the great god, Bacchus!†â€Å"Where did u find him?†Midas demanded to know. An encounter with the friend of god seemed nearly impossible. â€Å"We found him, unconscious, under the apple tree in our garden. Apparently he had tried to reach for the fruits when your pet dog, Chap, thought he was a thief, so he went charging at Silenus, knocking the daylights out of him,†reported the servant. Silenus lay in the arms of the young man, fast asleep. Midas then ordered the servants to bring him to a guestroom and watch over him. When Silenus woke from his deep sleep, he was all dazed, unable to recall whom he was. He had lost his memory. Midas offered the old man accommodations at his palace for as many days as he would prefer. He allowed the old man to eat as much as he wanted to. He just wanted the man to feel comfortable during his stay. The old man grew bored easily as he had found the entertainment available at the Midas Palace was not suited for old geezers like himself. As a result, the King himself got bored at Silenus. He had attempts to make friends with the friend of God, but the old man could not recall a single thing about his friend, and he prefers spending most his time eating apples under the tree. Midas decided he had to return Silenus back to Bacchus before his life becomes a bore too.
Freud’s Interpretation of Sophicles’ Oedipus Tyrannus Is Ridiculous
â€Å"Freud's interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus is ridiculous. †Discuss This essay will discuss the interpretation of Oedipus Tyrannus by Freud and whether his interpretation holds any weight in using it to aid his own theory, the Oedipus complex, or whether it was a ridiculous reading of the play itself. Freud’s theory will be explored first, before moving on to look at the interpretation itself. This will give a strong sense of how the Oedipus complex comes about in a young child and help in the discussion as to whether Oedipus may have been fulfilling this unconscious desire.The discussion will also touch upon Freud’s belief that it is his own theory that explains the reason for the play’s long-lasting success. Sigmund Freud is the father of a branch of psychology that he named psychoanalysis, as well as having a tremendous influence in how modern psychology has developed since the turn of the 20th Century. Freud was born on May 6th 1856. The first reference to Freud having used Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus to help strengthen his theory of the Oedipus complex, which is explained below, and also the first mention of the Oedipus complex altogether comes in 1900 in Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams.However, in The Interpretation of Dreams the theory is clearly only just beginning to be devised by Freud as it is not until 1910 that the term ‘Oedipus compex’ is first used. To be able to understand Freud’s interpretation of Oedipus Tyrannus it is vital to grasp what the Oedipus complex actually refers to. Before discussing the Oedipus complex it is important to discuss the earlier psychosexual development of a child, which leads into the development of the Oedipus complex. The first two stages, or the ‘pregenital’ stages, begin very early in life.The first is the oral stage, unsurprisingly, as infants first derive sexual pleasure primarily through the mouth; such as ta sting, sucking, and making sounds. This stage is followed by the anal stage, in which the infant has discovered the anus. This stage is focused on the control of the self and gives the infant the first opportunity to gain a sense of independence and achievement through learning to control the bowel and bladder. With the next stage, the phallic stage, the Oedipus complex tarts becomes apparent. It is during this time that the infant discovers the difference between a boy and girl, the boy begins to see the father as a rival for his mother’s affections, but also develops a fear of the father becoming a rival for the mother’s affections. Alongside these developments the child finds the genital area as an erogenous zone. The ‘castration complex’ can develop throughout this period and it is important to think of the male and female child as, ‘with penis’ or ‘castrated’, relatively.Freud believed that the male child saw the female child as a castrated boy and thus the result of, what seemed to be common in the turn of the century, the threat of parents telling young boys to stop playing with their genitals or they will be cut off. The young boy now believes that the father becomes a real threat to the affections for his mother. Between the age of four and five, Freud believed that the young child develops sexual feelings for his mother, and alongside this wants to have complete possession of her and thus hostile feelings develop towards the father.However, the possibility of castration that the young boy has understood to be seen in the naked girl, poses a horrific possibility to the boy. With the loss of his penis at stake, as in the young boy’s mind this is the form of retaliation the father will take to any hostile action from the child, the boy focuses his attention towards other feminine sources for sexual satisfaction. This is the Oedipus complex laid out as unimpeded development of the young boy and variations to this development through childhood is how Freud can explain ‘abnormal’ sexual behavior.For the young girl the Oedipus complex follows a different path once the difference between boy and girl has been realised. The lack of a penis is seen, through the young girl’s eyes, as the fault of her mother, because of this the girl moves away from the need to possess the mother and begins to long for the father in a similarly sexual manner and the wish for him to impregnate her. It is the resulting child that Freud imagines can ‘cure’ the girl of her ‘penis envy’ seeing the baby as a replacement for the missing organ.For Freud however the female never really surpasses this stage of penis envy. With Freud’s interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus it is the male side of the Oedipus complex that is discussed. It is obvious that Oedipus indeed performs the actions that one would attribute to the desires of the Oedipus complex being fulfilled: The murder of his father and the sexual union with his mother. Freud’s interpretation, however, seems to conveniently ignore certain aspects of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus, which upon inspection provide obstacles for Freud’s theory to navigate.In the development of his theory on the Oedipus complex, Freud undertook a great deal of self analysis and as such it is questionable as to how generalised his thoughts can be used to understand the human development. Freud had seen the play Oedipus Tyrannus and; â€Å"saw himself in a very concrete sense as Oedipus. †With this in mind Freud’s interpretation of Oedipus Tyrannus is not lessened in itself, but this does have bearings on his interpretation as proof of the Oedipus complex. Tragedy, as in all art forms, is open to interpretation no matter what the original artist intended as the meaning.For Freud, Oedipus represents the fulfilment of the early sexual desires towards the mother and the aggressive behaviour towards the father. However, that Oedipus does not know that these two people are his biological parents seems to belittle Freud’s use of Oedipus as an exemplum for his theory. Freud’s use of Oedipus is meant to show that the Oedipus complex â€Å"transcends time and place. †That Oedipus has a lack of knowledge of his true parents doesn’t seem to affect Freud in his use of Oedipus in this way. In my opinion, however, this use is severely at odds to the point that Freud attempts to make.A child, according to the Oedipus complex, that grew up with non-biological parents should have had little to no effect upon the early stages that lead to the development of the Oedipus complex, thus little to no effect upon the complex itself. Oedipus was sent away as an infant to be killed, but instead grew up with different parents. This, therefore, gives no reason to think that the idea that Oedipus sleeping with his biological mothe r and killing his biological father is the Oedipus complex realising itself within Oedipus.The interpretation by Freud seems to have used the popularity of Oedipus Tyrannus, at the time he was developing his theory, to help in popularising and explaining the Oedipus complex. Although Freud himself seems to have believed that Oedipus was, indeed, a good example of his theory: Broken down simply his argument runs, 1. There is a universal psychological conflict (Oedipus complex), as I have discovered in my clinical experience. 2. This is confirmed by a drama which has universal effectiveness. 3.Why this drama is universally effective can only be understood if my hypothesis is correct. This reference to why the drama is universally effective is Freud’s belief that the play in itself is not that challenging a concept. According to Freud it is only if his theory is correct that the ability of Oedipus Tyrannus to have had the â€Å"universal power to move†at all. This scient ific sounding argument leaves little option for Freud to be wrong, as the play has indeed enjoyed thousands of years of success.This, however, is according to Freud. Freud’s interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus seems to continually leave absolutely no room for a lack of the Oedipus complex being present. Throughout Freud seems to have missed what many people miss in Oedipus Tyrannus, Some readers of the Oedipus Rex have told me that they find its atmosphere stifling and oppressive: they miss the tragic exaltation that one gets from Antigone or the Prometheus Vinctus. They miss the courage of Oedipus, he knows of his fate and yet he carries on.His blinding represents the fumbling of humanity for the truth in the world and it is in this strength portrayed Oedipus that one can gain the tragic exaltation normally expected from a Tragedy. Freud’s interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus cannot be said to be an outright ridiculous interpretation. It is clear to see, when looking at the Oedipus complex, that Oedipus fulfils the exact fantasy of the young ‘Freudian’ boy. The Killing of his father and having a sexual relationship with his mother, however, when the interpretation is looked at closely it is obvious to see that there are clear flaws.The process of the development of the Oedipus complex cannot occur properly if one of the parents is absent from childhood, let alone both of them. Oedipus fulfils the fantasy of the young boy, but with the ‘wrong’ parents, even though they are his biological parents. The idea that the Oedipus Tyrannus portrays the idea that no matter who, where, or when we exist, the complex is inescapable even if it remains in the subconscious ‘is’ ridiculous. If this was the case then it would have been the king and queen of Corinth that were involved in this play, Oedipus’ adoptive parents.That Freud felt a great similarity between himself and Oedipus i s not ridiculous, in and of itself, it is the belief that his own self-analytical thoughts and the actions of Oedipus are actually similar that brings the interpretation into question. Oedipus acted without knowledge of his true parents, whereas Freud knew his parents and is discussing fantasy from childhood as opposed to actual action. The idea that Freud’s theory provides a reason for Oedipus Tyrannus’ success is definitely ridiculous in nature. Oedipus is the representative of the, albeit tragic, character of perseverance.He knows his fate yet carries on to find the truth, even after he has blinded himself he does not rest until he has made it to the site where he is prophesied to come to peace. Freud’s interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus has many ridiculous aspects to it, but the use to which Freud uses his interpretation does retain an aspect of credibility. Bibliography * Armstrong, R. H. Oedipus as Evidence: http://www. clas. ufl. edu/ips a/journal/articles/psyart1999/oedipus/armstr01. htm (1998) * Gay, P the Freud reader (Vintage 1995) * Storr, A. Freud, A very short introduction (Oxford Uni. Press 1989) * Dodds, E. R.On misunderstanding the Oedipus Rex Ed. E. Segal (Oxford Uni. Press 1983) * Simon, B. And Blass, R. The development and vicissitudes of Freud’s ideas on the Oedipus complex Ed. Neu, J (Cambridge Uni. Press 1991) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Gay (1995) xxxi [ 2 ]. Gay (1995) 273 [ 3 ]. Storr (1989) 33 [ 4 ]. Storr (1989) 34 [ 5 ]. Simon and Blass (1991) 170 [ 6 ]. Simon and Blass (1991)171 [ 7 ]. Oedipus as Evidence: http://www. clas. ufl. edu/ipsa/journal/articles/psyart1999/oedipus/armstr01. htm (1998) [ 8 ]. Oedipus as Evidence: http://www. clas. ufl. edu/ipsa/journal/articles/psyart1999/oedipus/armstr01. htm
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